“This is a war of Heaven against Hell.” – Alexandr Dugin
In response to a recent rise in Satanism across Ukraine, the Russian government has officially announced plans for an upcoming military operation that will target Satanists.
Alexei Pavlov, Assistant Secretary of the Security Council Russia in an interview with “ Arguments and Facts” called for “desatanization” of Ukraine during a special military operation (SVO).
Pavlov specifically names the Church of Satan in the U.S. as having influence and believes that the exact number of Satanic sects in Ukraine is unknown, but “the number is in the hundreds.”
He believes that the Orthodox Church in Ukraine has been targeted by enemies who want to “reformat the minds” of Ukrainians and convert people from Christianity.
The article is dated October 25 2022 on the TASS.ru website with the title “В аппарате Совбеза РФ считают все более насущным проведение “десатанизации” Украины.”
Translated by Google, it reads in English:
The apparatus of the Security Council of the Russian Federation considers it increasingly urgent to carry out “desatanization” of Ukraine
“Assistant Secretary of the Security Council Oleksiy Pavlov pointed out that the “Church of Satan”, which has spread across Ukraine, is one of the religions officially registered in the United States”
MOSCOW, 25 October [2022]. /TASS/. The “desatanization” of Ukraine, where hundreds of sects now operate, is becoming increasingly urgent, said Aleksey Pavlov, assistant secretary of the Russian Security Council, in an article for aif.ru.
“I believe that with the continuation of the special military operation, it becomes more and more urgent to carry out the de-Satanization of Ukraine, or, as the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov aptly put it, its “complete de-Satanization,” he noted.
Pavlov specifically pointed out that the “Church of Satan”, which “spread across Ukraine,” is “one of the officially registered religions in the United States.”
“Is it any wonder that in 2015 in Kyiv a group of pagans broke and desecrated a worship cross erected for the 1000th anniversary of the repose of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, the Baptist of Russia,” he asked.
In a recent interview, Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia’s Chechen Republic has called their intervention in Ukraine a Jihad. He argued that “they want to humiliate and divide Russia, to defile faith and culture, “so that we don’t have any identity and not a single family value”, while in Europe now “Satanism is openly operating” and “Satanic democracy”.
“We are in Kievan Rus’ (Ukraine) for jihhad, joint war of Islam and Eastern Christianity against satanism. Necessary all Umma understand that Orthodox Christians, here in Russia, are our brothers and sisters. Allah is my witness. Common enemy is sheitan aka NATO.” – Ramzan Kadyrov
On Januray 1, 2022, The Institute of Religion and Politics reported;
State Duma deputy Aleksey Chepa (SR faction) sent a letter to Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov with a proposal to ban the ideology of Satanism and Satanist organizations in the Russian Federation, according to an IRP source in Okhotny Ryad.
In the request, the deputy indicates that recently in Russia there is more and more data on the activation of destructive ideologies, including cults , which carry a high public danger. This alarming trend has been especially evident since the beginning of the special military operations of Russian troops.
The greatest threat comes from Satanism. This is the worship of evil, the deliberate violation by the adepts of the Divine commandments in order to satisfy the object of their religious worship.
There is reason to believe, MP Chepa notes, that the US State Department is using the ideology of Satanism as a tool for fulfilling its tasks in a number of countries, including in the Ukrainian direction.
It is set forth in the “Bible of Satan” by Anton Szandor LaVey (1930-1997), the founder of the “Church of Satan”. The symbol of this organization is the statue of the demon Baphomet (pictured).
The text of the book “The Bible of Satan” , published in an edition of 166 copies, Ancient City: Society for the Creation of Death, 2009, 666 pages, was recognized as extremist material by the decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of St. Petersburg on October 19, 2021.
It contains calls for violent actions against those people who are not adherents of Satanism. This, allegedly, is the reason for their “inferiority”, and Satanists proclaim their imaginary exclusivity and superiority over others.
In the Russian Federation , the followers of Satanism began to actively manifest themselves since 1992 , especially among young people and the ultra-right .
Now there are about 5 thousand Satanists in the country . They are part of a network structure of several cells that are not registered with the justice authorities . Despite the small number, their activity is the most destructive in comparison with other destructive ideologies.
Since 1996, according to open sources, Satanists have committed more than 150 crimes. Among them: murder, desecration of corpses, cruelty to animals, hooliganism, vandalism, the organization of extremist communities and associations that encroach on the lives of citizens,” Aleksey Chepa said.
In May 2022, Russia said the Ukraine used “black magic” at an abandoned military headquarters in the Donetsk region against invading forces to thwart President Vladimir Putin’s invasion.
The RIA Novosti report said “signs” of satanic seals were found after which they published images showing pentagrams and other markings clearly visible inside this former Ukrainian Army base.”
Sputnik reported that “traces of black magic rituals” had been discovered at an abandoned Ukrainian military headquarters in the Donbas where a “magic seal of dark forces” had been found on the wall.
Some people in the West may laugh thinking that this Russian campaign against Satanists is a joke, but the real devil lies in the details.
The Russians equate radical (far left, neoliberal) liberalism as being a destructive ideology that is synonymous with Satanism. They go hand and hand.
It is this ideology being promoted by global elites that they believe seeks to destroy their traditional values, the family, the Christian religion, and the world. Russian believes this is a formal war if not only for ideas and control, but for your very soul against the armies of hell.
As Orthodox Archpriest Alexander Novopashim said:, “Satanism” is really a synonym for entropy, or “the Evil that dissolves societies like a hydra with its many tentacles”. The “real evil” being imported eastwards is not Beelzebub or Baal, but “radical liberalism”, which is far more dangerous to a nation’s soul.
According to Aleksandr Dugin, “Everyone who sympathizes with liberals, [the dissident all-female punk band] Pussy Riot and the West belongs to Satan. This is the Army of Hell.”
Russian President Vladmir Putin has declared his Christain faith throughout his presidency in a country where over 70% of its citizens are Christian.
Recently on September 30, 2022, President Putin presided over a ceremony at the Kremlin to annex four Ukrainian regions partly occupied by his military forces.
During the 37-minute address, Putin decried “Satanism” in the West and U.S., referring to a radical denial of moral, religious, and family norms as well as transgender issues.
Putin said;
“The repression of freedom is taking on the outlines of a ‘reverse religion,’ of real Satanism,” he said, adding that the open attitudes toward gender identity are a “denial of man.”
In a question posed to “all citizens of Russia,” he asked, “Do we really want to see perversions that lead to degradation and extinction be imposed on children in our schools from the earliest years, for it to be drilled into them that there are supposedly some genders besides women and men, and offered the chance to undergo sex-change operations?”
Putin further stated;
“Now they have moved on entirely, to a radical denial of moral norms, religion, and family …
“The dictatorship of the Western elites is directed against all societies, including the peoples of the Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all.
This is a complete denial of humanity, the overthrow of faith and traditional values. Indeed, the suppression of freedom itself has taken on the features of a religion: outright Satanism,” Putin proclaimed.
In Russia, the Orthodox Church and State have come to symbolize Moscow’s central role in the geopolitical sphere as the defender of Traditional Christian values.
Russia’s role in this spiritual war was solidified this week during a two day event held in Moscow on the theme “Orthodoxy and Peace in the 21st Century.”
At the event, Putin had commented on “the enormous, colossal contribution that the Russian Orthodox Church, representatives of all traditional religions of Russia, makes to the unity of society, to the preservation of spiritual, moral, family ideals and values, to the preservation of our historical memory and identity, to the education of young people. and, of course, patriotic organizations such as the World Russian People’s Council.”
A quote from the Patriarch Kirill is illustrative of this point:
“The future of mankind directly depends on what it chooses: the traditional values and spiritual experience of many generations, reflected in the cultural matrix, or the secular universalism of the New Age, based on the indulgence of human passions…
And our resistance to all these destructive tendencies is an increase in our faith, this is loyalty to our traditions, this is love for the Fatherland, this is concern for its spiritual and material well-being.
And as long as our Fatherland remains this island of freedom, the rest of the world will also have some sign of hope for the opportunity to change the course of history and prevent a global apocalyptic end — at least to move it into that perspective with which none of us connects either our lives or the lives of our immediate descendants.” – said the Patriarch.
On the first day of the event, Deputy Head of the ARNS Konstantin Malofeev outlined the main ideolgies and methods in which Russia, The Third Rome will preserve the world from evil and promote Tradtional Christian values.
Malofeev said;
“1) Ideology. We are an Orthodox country, the Third Rome, Katechon, which keeps the world from evil. And this should finally be reflected in the Constitution of the Russian State.
2) Education. Three bases. Maximum emphasis on teaching Russian history. Worldview education on traditional values. And a complete ban on gadgets in schools.
3) Charity. Our food fund “Rus” and the fund “For Victory” are doing everything to help soldiers, refugees and all those in need. The state is moving forward, but for greater efficiency it is important to change the legislation. VRNS will certainly make its proposals.
4) Youth. Young people have no right to think in the spirit of Upper Lars. For this, it is not necessary to go to the front as volunteers. The main thing is to prevent what happened at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University or happens at the Higher School of Economics. We must do everything to create an atmosphere of zero tolerance for betrayal.
5) Socio-economic sphere. Russia, free from transnational corporations and relying on its own productive forces, can not only exist independently, but flourish. And since the beginning of the NWO, there is simply no other way.
6) Family policy. It’s time to stop churning out infantiles with meaningless high school crusts. We need to restore the prestige of vocational education. By the age of 20, a young man may well get a specialty and start a family. And the state should help him with a preferential mortgage with partial repayment at the birth of each child.”
In a speech at the World Russian National Assembly (October 25, 2022), Professor Alexandr Dugin claimed that this is warfare of the spiirt with the angelic armies in Heaven against Hell.
Dugin had said:
We are, of course, in a very real war. This war is not only a war of armies, of men, it is also a war of the spirit.
This is very important.
We can say this: we see a horizontal confrontation – our army/our opponents, us against NATO (of course, not against Ukraine, needless to say).
But there is another dimension to this war – the vertical.
It is a war of Heaven against Hell.
It is a war of the angelic armies.
It is a war of the army of the Archangel Michael against the devil.
This vertical dimension is ideology, the realm of ideas.
It is the realm of the spirit in which this war, its main substance, unfolds.
And the speech of our president on September 30 spoke to the satanic nature of the Western civilization.
This is not a metaphor.”
Dugin further stated:
“In this respect, it is very important that we are confronted with an idea.
The West is an ideology. Liberalism, globalism, secularism, and posthumanism are ideology.
This is the realm of ideas, not the realm of matter, bodies and technology.
Above all, it is an absolute lie: it is the overturning of the true proportions of the mind, of ideas, of religious foundations.
That is why two ideas, two armies (because angels are spirits and minds) are colliding today: angels and demons. The battlefield is just Ukraine.
On the one hand, we are Holy Russia, as His Holiness the Patriarch says, and we are confronted by forces of absolute global historical evil.
Hence, more and more often we are talking about Armageddon, the end times, and the Apocalypse.
This is all taking place before our eyes.
We are taking part in the final (maybe the penultimate – no one knows) and very important battle.
Without a spiritual, ideological, intellectual dimension, we cannot win.”
RIA Novosti
Russian Institute of Religion and Politics

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.