The Gnostic God of Amon Ra

Amon Ra (Amun or Amen Ra) is the King of Gods, Father of the Gods, Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands, Lord of Truth whose shrine is hidden, and Amun rathe Lord of Wisdom. Amon is the Abraxas and Sophia to Gnostics, and Christos (or Gnosis) to Christians. According to Plutarch, Amon is the first being and all things, and Ra is the sun-god.

Amon Ra is the power that lies within the DNA and minds of each one of us. You communicate with Amon Ra when you do not let your passions or appetite rule you, and by conquering your animal self and this world that is ruled by Satan. When we conquer ourselves and this material world in order to live in the light of a more spiritual existence based on love and truth, we begin to know ourselves and to live in truth. To live in love through the heart and truth in our minds, our spirits ascend to the greatest heights like that of Christ or Buddha, to convene, communicate, and receive ideas from the Father God, Amon Ra. (more…)

The Science of Déjà vu

Hippocampus Plato had said that déjà vu is an actual real memory of events that took place in a past life that proves the theory of reincarnation and now modern science is validating Platos’ theory. Like Plato, I also believe that déjà vu is really just the recalling of memories from within. However, I would like to expand on this by stating that it comes from within our DNA in which we then process information using our minds that then creates a chemical firing in our blood. Our brains in the hippocampus (Ammon’s Horn) area uses the DNA and chemical firing in our blood which then subsequently makes us feel a vibrational intuitive sixth sense that we can actually feel on our skin or in our blood and gives the sensation we know today as, déjà vu.

There are new studies out that are indicating that which I just stated above, is in fact true. For example, since the hippocampus is associated with memory, scientist have found that when it is removed, severe amnesia occurs. In addition, patients with Alzheimer’s who have died have been found to have a severely damaged hippocampus. Hence, this science is telling us that if we are to further investigate past lives or phenomenons such as déjà vu, that we must study the brain and in particular, the hippocampus. (more…)

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