“He who is going to be a magician will recognize that life is dependent on the work of the elements in the various planes and spheres. It is to be seen in great and in small things, in the microcosm as well as in the macrocosm, temporarily and eternally, everywhere there are powers in action.
Starting from this point of cognition, you will find that there is no death at all, in the true sense of the word, but everything goes on living, transmuting and becoming perfect according to primitive laws.
Therefore a magician is not afraid of death, for he believes the physical death to be only a transition to a subtler sphere, the astral plane, and from there to the spiritual level, and so on.
Consequently he will not believe in heaven nor in hell. The priests of the various religions stick to these fancies solely to keep their kids to the point.
Their moralizing serves only to provoke fear of the hell or the purgatory and to promise heaven to morally good people. Average people, as far as they are religiously inclined, are favorably influenced by such a point of view for, from fear of hell, they will try to be good.” ~ Franz Bardon

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
It sounds like you’re putting your money on someone else’s ideal of spirituality of true magism.
Magicians deal with prestadigation and sleigh of hand, magi deal with ‘manipulation” of the natural forces and all manner of occult and gnostic understanding, as well as proper use of the “highest science”.
There are some misunderstandings that you have expounded improperly. Magicians understand a deck of cards and sawing a woman in half.
Magi understand the microcosm as it applies to the macrocosm. This is again understanding of the law of laws. The Yin and Yang is representative of this relationship.
Now, I will lend you some understanding, in the fact that the Akashic record shows that Franz Bardon has not ascended. Subsequently, mister Bardon did not possess the true understanding that any true magi possesses.
While it is true, that there is no death. Your astral body is that which moves through the bright light.
Franz Bardon went wrong in assuming that he of anyone automatically ascend, to the “spiritual level”. If there is no heaven, than where has he gone? I know that I have related to you more than once that you cannot ascend without possessing true understanding, which is enlightenment. Without this understanding you get put back through the “grinder” for another go round. Mortals take an average of twenty two trips to find understanding.
There is both a heaven and a hell. To not have some understanding is acceptable, but to not possess any understanding makes you an apprentice at best, as you clearly do not have the “art” of magism in your bag of tricks.
Let’s look at the extent of the misunderstanding in this last bit of his statement and deconstruct it to find his misunderstanding.
What this statement implies is that these knowledge’s are “fancies” as superfluous knowledges
(“The priests of the various religions stick to these fancies solely to keep their kids to the point.”)
( Their moralizing serves only to provoke fear of the hell or the purgatory and to promise heaven to morally good people. Average people, as far as they are religiously inclined, are favorably influenced by such a point of view for, from fear of hell, they will try to be good.” )
The rest of the statement seems to tell use that this smoke and mirrors is just to keep those without any understanding in line. Keeping them cowed to allow control be intimidation.
This is just wrong and definitely more aligned to magician than Magi. Magi do not deal with such misunderstanding, to the contrary, Magi use the truths of the universe. Magi employ the knowledge of the “highest science” which would certainly be deactivated by untruths.
Clearly Bardon was a bullshitter, which is not unusual, as true Magi have no need of illusion, or sliegh of hand.
Of course, you can’t find a true magi that can pull a quarter from being your ear.
By posting Bardon’s lack of understanding, you are spreading misinformation, Mo. There is a cosmic price to pay for that, that seems like its not worth my time or labor to lay out as without understanding, it will be of no use to you.
Here is some of the understanding from Albert Pike:
So the philosophers reasoned, while the Priests, without replying to them or even smiling at their errors, wrote, in those Hieroglyphics that created all dogmas and all poetry, the Secrets of the Truth.
When Truth comes into the world, the Star of Knowledge advises the Magi of it, and they hasten to adore the Infant who creates the Future. It is by means of the Intelligence of the Hierarchy and the practice of obedience, that one obtains Initiation.
G If the Rulers have the Divine Right to govern, the true Initiate will cheerfully obey.
The Secret of the Occult Sciences is that of Nature itself, the Secret of the generation of the Angels and Worlds, that of the Omnipotence of God.
“Ye shall be like the Elohim, knowing good and evil,” had the Serpent of Genesis said, and the Tree of Knowledge became the Tree of Death.
For six thousand years the Martyrs of Knowledge toil and die at the foot of this tree, that it may again become the Tree of Life.
The Absolute sought for unsuccessfully by the insensate and found by the Sages, is the TRUTH, the REALITY, and the REASON of the universal equilibrium!
Equilibrium is the Harmony that results from the analogy of Contraries
Tradition also gives these Magi the title of “Kings;” because initiation into Magism constitutes a genuine royalty; and because the grand art of the Magi is styled by all the Adepts, “The Royal Art,” or the Holy Realm or Empire, Sanctum Regnum.
The Star which guided them is that same Blazing Star, the image whereof we find in all initiations. To the Alchemists it is the sign of the Quintessence; to the Magists, the Grand Arcanum; to the Kabalists, the Sacred Pentagram. The study of this Pentagram could not but lead the Magi to the knowledge of the New Name which was about to raise itself above all names, and cause all creatures capable of adoration to bend the knee.
Magic unites in one and the same science, whatsoever Philosophy can possess that is most certain, and Religion of the Infallible and the Eternal. It perfectly and incontestably reconciles these two terms that at first blush seem so opposed to each other; faith and reason, science and creed, authority and liberty.
It supplies the human mind with an instrument of philosophical and religious certainty, exact as the mathematics, and accounting for the infallibility of the mathematics themselves.
Pike clearly separates the priests from the magi.
Priests claim to work for the creator,
Magi work with Him.
Just as the Creator does, so too does the Magi use the “highest science”.
Are you feelin me?