“Destruction, sin, evil, in short, is all My sphere, the element I most prefer.” Mephistopheles
There is an ancient war on this earth that has been happening since the beginning of time. This battle has been fought by every man, woman, and child regardless of their race, gender, or country.
This conflict first originated within humankind’s mind and body and has played out upon the landscapes we now dwell in.
I speak of the age-old struggle for the dominion of the universal mind or what has been called the “Noosphere.”
The philosophical concept of the Noosphere was first developed in the early 20th century by the Russian mineralogist and geochemist Vladimir Vernadsky, and the French philosopher and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Noosphere is from the Greek νόος (“mind”, “reason”) and σφαῖρα (“sphere”).
Vernadsky described it as the next and highest stage of the biosphere’s development. It is a crucial factor in the evolution of humankind’s “rational activities” where the emergence of reason would be a powerful, even geological force tied to the development of science and scientific thinking.
He mostly viewed the Noosphere as a “sphere of reason,” the “realm of reason,” the “reign of reason,” and even “life’s domain ruled by reason” because being an atheist, he believed that science is grounded in truth as having the most vital universal binding force.
Like Vedansky, the Teilhard thought of the Noosphere is the sphere of thought encircling the earth that has emerged through evolution due to human consciousness. However, being a man of God, his vision was more spiritual than that of Verdansky’s.
Teilhard had stated that forces of the mind have been creating and deploying pieces of the Noosphere for ages. Now, it is finally achieving a global presence, and its varied “compartments” are fusing. Before long, a synthesis will occur. People of different nations, races, and cultures will develop consciousness and mental activity that are planetary in scope without “losing their identities.”
According to the RAND Corporation’s research paper ‘Whose Story Wins,” this Noos is a physical thinking layer;
Over the past century, various scientists in Europe, the United States, and Russia have developed a stream of thinking about the geosphere, biosphere, and Noosphere. Whether appearing singly or jointly, these three terms should be viewed as a set for understanding earth’s evolution as a planet. First to evolve was a globe-circling geosphere consisting of a geological mantle.
Next was a globe-circling physical layer, or biosphere, consisting of plant and animal life. Third, growing and developing will be a globe-circling realm of the mind, a “thinking layer” termed the Noosphere. These concepts were all in use by the 1920s, and they continue to spread today.”
Over time, I contend that these connections of Noos, AKA the mind create a physical sphere of influence that then develops into our human social order or rank. Humans who are genuinely “conscious beings” have given us philosophy, science, and the very human laws of living within the planetary Noos forming the theology of our world religions. These men and women become conduits of knowledge and reason and are held up as eternal lights to humanity.
This is why these people make the history books while the vast majority of humanity is forgotten. This rank of the mind has been followed since the beginning of human history.
For example, we can examine the various sciences and institutions in modern times that have been developed around them to find that they now can be found in almost every civilized country around the world. These scientists research and “create studies” that become the framework of a global database where this knowledge is available to other scientists to connect to and expand upon.
This research and ideas can influence other “scientific minds” to become a “network of minds” connected to one another by nothing but knowledge, ideas, and the scientific reasoning explaining them.
We can say that the Noosphere is “the sphere or planet of the mind of reason,” and we conscious beings are interconnected via the light that permeated the different hyphae (channels/website) of the internet or the Noospherenet.
When used in relation to the definition of Verdansky and Teilhard, the word sphere can be defined as any zone, layer or region enveloping or radiating from the earth or another celestial body. The Noos or mind would be the area or range over or within which the human being with his or her truths acts, exists, or has influence or significance over the world, thus influencing other beings with his Noos, thus forming a formal connection.
Therefore, it is an actual physical thing that is a part of nature, like the atmosphere and biosphere.
Today, we can say that the Noosphere has been actualized by the invention and development of the internet, AKA the world wide web or what we can call the “world public sphere.” I believe a physical sphere of mind is exactly the framework that Verdansky and Teilhard had described, but today it is not quite entirely what they had envisioned.
According to Teilhard, fully realized, the Noosphere will raise humankind to a high, new evolutionary plane, one driven by collective coordination of psychosocial and spiritual energies and by a devotion to moral and juridical principles. However, he warned, the transition may not be smooth; a global tremor and possibly an apocalypse may characterize the final fusion of the Noosphere (1964, pp. 175–181; 1965, pp. 287–290).
By this, what many philosophers fail to consider when describing the Noosphere is that human beings often behave, think, and act differently from one another, and how they use their minds differs significantly from one person to the next. I contend that these differences are primarily born within a person’s being concerning if they are, in fact, truly knowledgeable, independently thinking, and understanding individuals.
This is the Final War of Ideas: The Battle of the Neurosphere for the Noosphere.
A world where humans are not shaped by the designs we create, but by the interior design of our genetic and mental makeup, who we truly are on the inside creates the world on the so without. I contend that the world is governed by two forces or two minds at our current stage of human development, and the one who wins our central nervous systems will gain control of the internet or what we can now call the Noospherenet and reign supreme over the global Noosphere.
These two minds would be the Noos Verdansky and Teilhard had envisioned and the other the false noos (little mind or Metatron), or what we can call the Koiliasphere or Stomasphere, which operate currently in opposition with one another. One mind would like to build God’s kingdom upon earth where humans can acquire knowledge and the theological laws to live as sovereign beings.
The other is the false mind of what theologians might call the Devil that would like to keep us ignorant so that we can destroy ourselves and the world with it. Thus we remain a constant food source for his Legion of Demons or in modern lore, vampires and zombies disguised as humans.
People who often walk and talk just like us, but in scientific reality, their central nervous systems have been hijacked by fungal parasites within the gi tracts. Microorganisms are pulling the levers of their being that cause them to become unconscious automatons hell-bent on their own and everyone else’s destruction while appearing on the surface to be selfless and caring. You will know them by their lack of original thoughts, sins, and sheep-like or should we say, “mold-like” behavior.
Their thoughts, ideas, and words are not their own. They have been copied, regurgitated, and repackaged. That is just what they do. They know no better because they do not control their minds.
Before we knew of the word ontology, Aristotle had called it by the name “first philosophy” and defines it as the discipline that studies “being as being.”
Later in the 17th century, the German philosopher Jacob Lorhard had invented the Latin term ontologia as the “science of being” with his concepts dealing with the soul, bodies, or God. Over time, the various disciplines and ideas of ontological thought and often fierce debates would expand based on the particular philosopher’s chosen field and influence. Still, the basic tenants have remained the same since the days of Aristotle and Erhard.
Ontology is the study of the human being, based on a set of scientific concepts and categories such as philosophy, biology, math, theology, and metaphysics that show their properties and the relations between them.
According to Stanford, the more considerable discipline of ontology can thus be described as having four parts:
1. the study of ontological commitment, i.e. what we or others are committed to
2. the study of what there is
3. the study of the most general features of what there is, and how the things there are related to each other in the metaphysically most general ways
4. the study of meta-ontology, i.e., saying what task it is that the discipline of ontology should aim to accomplish, if any, how the questions it aims to answer should be understood, and with what methodology they can be answered
For example, my main branch of philosophical studies seeks to answer questions 1-3, such as “How humans interact with the microorganisms such as fungi that inhabit their bodies, minds, and environments and how the manner of being/how we live or our consciousness can be affected by our relations with them.”
With that said, my primary ontological studies seek to answer “what are humans and true reality made of and what the relations and influence of these things are?”
To answer these questions, I first studied biology to find out then that the human body contains trillions of microorganisms, which, all together, are called the human microbiota — outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1. As this relates to ontology, my study is how humans interact and how the nature of being human and consciousness is affected by these millions of tiny living organisms. Microorganisms that can be found in every drop of blood, all over our skin, in the nose, mouth, and especially in the human gastrointestinal tracts (gi tract/gut/stomach), which science has determined is our second brain.
Scientific interest in the gut-brain axis has gained tremendous interest, primarily due to identifying the gut microbiome as a novel key player in this communication. The gut-brain axis is defined as “a bidirectional link between the central nervous system (CNS) and the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the body. It involves direct and indirect pathways between cognitive and emotional centers in the brain with peripheral intestinal functions.”
Here is an illustration of this communication that I believe describes via the pyramid structures where the “false noos” would communicate from the bottom-up pathway, and the brain acts as a mediator or central processor for these communications.
I would like to point out that this diagram is how each mind has different functions and appears to be opposed to one another in their goals.
For example, the lower mind represented by the upright pyramid is more concerned about the individual and self-identity as our bodies, genetics, and personal histories. On the other hand, the higher mind (inverted pyramid) is more concerned with the outside world, such as the environment and social issues that concern their culture and or community.
I contend that a person who mainly operates from their lower mind is more selfish, materialistic, and most likely, more liberal. A person who primarily works from their higher mind would be more inclined to use their mind for mainly selfless activities like issues that concern their communities and cultures. They would be more socially oriented to careers serving others like a teacher, doctor, and or government employee.
When there is an imbalance of the higher and lower minds or the gut microbiome becomes parasitic as the result of poor health choices, it causes mental disorders that are telltale signs that the battle is reaching its end stages for the lower mind’s final dominion of the human vehicle.
Scientists have discovered that gut microbiome imbalance, stress, and its subsequent effects on the brain may lead to several mental disorders such as schizophrenia.
Here is a little more information about the gut-brain access and its influence upon our brain from Nuerohacker;
- The gut is our largest body surface, 100 times larger than the surface area of the skin;
- The gut has more neurons than the entire spinal cord;
- The gut contains around 80% of the body’s immune cells;
- The endocrine (i.e. hormone-producing) cells in the intestinal wall make the gut the largest endocrine organ of the body;
- The gut interacts with and receives signals from the largest microbial population of our body, about 38 trillion microbes reside in the gut and are collectively known as the gut microbiota.
The brain needs to keep tabs on the gut because there is a very complex set of environmental, neuronal, immune, hormonal, and microbial interactions taking place there. Through the brain-gut axis, the brain can monitor and regulate these interactions and respond to changes in the composition of the microbiota due to infections, antibiotics, or diet, for example.
More surprisingly, through the gut-brain axis, microbes can influence brain function, mood, and behavior.”
Humans are controlled by either the brain in their guts or the brain within their heads, which both can be considered the “false noos.” A false noos that through the gut-brain axis, many people are controlled by the microbes in the gut, giving them carte blanch access to their lives and, ultimately, their destruction to become food for the same microorganisms.
An extreme example of microbes controlling people’s minds I detail in my article, “Meth Demons: How methamphetamine addicts develop parasitic fungal infections.” In the article, I discuss how researchers have found that METH causes significant neurotoxicities to arise, increasing the risk of acquiring infectious microbes and other opportunistic infections such as systemic fungal infections. In addition, researchers found that fungi/molds like Candida overgrowths or infections in the digestive tract may disrupt the gut-brain axis and may also play a role in affecting the memory of women with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
One, I would like to call “Interior Ontological Design”, where the world and humans are not shaped by the designs we create, but by the interior design of genetic and mental makeup where who we truly are on the inside makes the world on the so without. I contend with my “Interior Ontological Design” that the world is governed by two forces or two minds at our current stage of human development.
These two minds would be the Noos that Verdansky and Teilhard had envisioned and the other the false Noos, or what I would like to call the Koiliasphere, Greek for the sphere of the stomach, which operates currently in opposition with the Noosphere.
When a person is fully conscious and healthy, we get what we call an “authentic or original being” who manages and controls both the brains in their heads and their gi tracts. They become masters of the gut-brain access and their Noosphere rather than slaves to the false noos i.e.: the microbes that truly control his mind.
When a human is in control of his Noosphere, AKA their mind and bodies, by default, they connect to other humans in this same sphere of light and truth by the very words, ideas, and philosophies that are interconnected with one another as if originating from the same source – “true Noos.” A Noos where humans originate and permeate the higher ideals contained within its philosophical, theological, and laws of “being human” have been passed down through our religious and philosophical traditions.
Hence, we can say that these are genuinely conscious and sovereign humans who can communicate and understand the global Noosphere, as Dr. Nicolas Laos delineates in his book, “The Meaning of Being Illuminati.”
In other words, they have mastered the very organisms that inhabit their bodies and defeated the Black Maji who seeks to keep them devolved ie: enslaved in the false noos to participate in the Great Work of educating their fellow humans into being – saving one soul at a time.
These ontological facts are common to every human and every mode of being. I have also found that the quality or state of having an existence and our quality of life in our Western culture depends largely upon the health of our gastrointestinal tracts,
The word being is essential when understanding the basis for my thesis for the Ontological Interior Design of Humanit when used in conjunction with humans; it means the “nature or essence of a person” or what can be called the soul, Spirit, essence, and even entity of a person.
Many of us live a separate and distinct existence where our objective concepts of reality can create philosophies and ideas of how the world works that can be diametrically opposed to one another. It is these philosophies and ideas that I theorize we can examine for their authenticity and or who they may have originated from that we can safely analyze to determine what “spirit or entity” is truly in charge of how and if we truly think, live, eat and act as autonomous or controlled beings.
The being, Spirit, or even entity, I contend, is not the same for every living person.
For example, in Christian theology, the two spirits are identified as the Holy Spirit emanating from God, and the other is the Satanic or Demonic Spirit. The people controlled by the Holy Spirit have their minds upon God, and the Satanic Spirit is only concerned only with human affairs.
As it is said in Matthew 16:23; “Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
To have merely human concerns is to follow the false noos.
The Gnostic concept of these two different spirits can be found within the Apocryphon of John describes the fate of human souls dependent upon which Spirit or Spirit controls their minds and bodies. If you tended to be a good or a bad person (mask), would determine which “spirit was in possession” of your soul, for it was your words and actions that would uncover (Apocalypto) your superficial mask to reveal your true nature.
One Spirit is the “Spirit of Life” and is described as “the Holy Spirit who is called Life, the mother of everyone {except the holy Spirit who is called the Mother of all the living}. The Spirit that is good and where our angelic qualities and or Godly natures come from. This is where our true soul is born – the essence of light or what Christians once called the “Holy Fire” and today is known universally in Christianity as the “Holy Spirit”.
The other one is bad, and this is where all sin and evil are derived. It is called the “Counterfeit spirit“.
The ancient Gnostics had said that the Archons with their leader Idalbaoth had sent to the descendants of Adam and Eve (You and I) a “counterfeit spirit (Counterfeit Daemon) which enters the souls, overgrows, hardens, closes them, weights them down, leads them astray to works of evil, and thus makes them impotent to know (gnosis).”
In Goethe’s Faust, the two spirits are represented as God, the “great splendid Spirit” and Mephistopheles, who was “the spirit of perpetual negation” who controls what we may call the “sphere of evil and sin – aka human destruction.”
Faust contrasts the two spirits or entities as God, the “great splendid Spirit… who know[s] my heart and my soul,” with Mephistopheles, “this vile companion” bent on ruin and destruction.
Mephistopheles identifies the “sphere of mind” that he manipulates and controls when he says;
“Destruction, sin, evil, in short, is all My sphere, the element I most prefer.” (1343-1344)

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Hey Moe. I could literally spend hours researching just one topic that you cover in your blog. It is clear how much effort you put into your work, seriously. I just have to say that sometimes I walk away feeling slightly confused and not sure which category I fall in. Also , I have had gut allergies like gluten and soy my whole life. I sometimes wonder if the poisoning of the our food is part of a conspiracy of carelessness or if I’m inherently evil because my gut biome is always confused. There is so much as stake here , provided that all of this information is accurate to my particular issue. One good thing I can speak on is that intermittent fasting(the right way) , healthy digestive foods, moderated intake , probiotics and exercise all seem to make things better.
Hello Nomadic,
Thanks for your comment. This science of the 2nd brain has been known since Ancient Greece. These teachings are also encoded in the Scripture. This is why the Bible talks about mental health, spiritual and physical from watching your thoughts to the prohibition of certain foods. When we let our guts dictate our lives via our appetites and lose control per se, we can become bad people who live to feed this same said appetite, whether it be food or drugs, which can lead to demonic behaviors and evil deeds feed this same addiction.