The Giver of Life: Cowry Shell

One of the ultimate quests of humankind since we have began to think and reason, was to discover the “elixir and giver of life,”Cowry shells or what is sometimes called the “Philosopher’s stone.” In my own search for this mysterious piece of the stone and magical elixir spoken about by our ancient ancestors, I have come across an immortal philosopher shell that is known as the “cowry shell.”

The mystical cowry shell is small, white and glossy, resembling the female life-giving organ that is an amulet which increases fertility, and gives life. A beautiful shell that many ancient cultures had regarded as an amulet to add vitality to life, and to prolong their lives to the point of immortality.

In ancient medical treatises these shells were often listed as one of the best medicines for many ailments, and long before we had the mighty paper dollar with the all-seeing eye emblazoned upon the backside, cowry-shells were used as money and a form of currency for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years. (more…)

An Egyptian Hymn for GMO Food

The ancient Egyptians were well aware of the importance of food in their lives. After all, they were the first gnostics and frankenfoodsalchemists. To them, the wrong kinds of food were considered filth, and an abomination.

They knew that it could destroy them and lead to an early death. A process, that they had called the “Destruction of Mankind.”

Today, we modern humans can witness the Destruction of Mankind first hand in our current world that is filled with many millions of people simply being destroyed by the food and toxic substances they ingest into their bodies. Our healthcare system is making trillions of dollars off of these very same ignorant people, who if they just changed their thinking, diets and exercised a little, they would quickly get healthy. (more…)

Wormwood as an Herbal Medicine and Parsasite Cleanse

For thousands of years our ancestors have used the plant known as wormwood, or  Artemisia herba-alba, the white wormwood, for purification, protection and medicinal purposes suchwormwood as a vermifuge also known as Anthelminticsa or antihelminthics. Vermifuges are natural and unnatural drugs that expel the worms that inhabit the human body, and that today we call parasites. This plant grows wild all over the dry steppes of the Mediterranean regions in Northern Africa (Saharan Maghreb), Western Asia (Arabian Peninsula), Western Europe, and the US.

In Old English it is spelled, wormod or wermod.ermod (A.-S.) and means a plant to keep away worms or maggots. In the Wright’s Vocabularies it states; ” It is a corruption of old Eng. wermode, A. Sax. wermod (Ger. wermuth), supposed by Dr. Prior (Names of Brit. plants) to be compounded of A. Sax. werian, to keep off (wehren), and mod or made, a maggot (A. Sax. maiu), as if “ware-maggot.” In Lee charms Wortcunning, it is said of wermod that “hyt cweljjba wyrmas” (vol. i. p. 218), where it is interpreted by Mr. Cockayne as “ware-moth.”  (more…)

The Healing Stones of Odin

The Stones of Odin had magical healing powers that the ancient Druid priests in Europe had used to help heal their people,Stone of the Gods - Odin stenness-sunset2 and cure their diseases. For this reason, they venerated these stones as gifts from God.

Ancient stories that speak of these stone’s incredible healing, and magical powers like the ones below, lead us to discover these truths that they have been telling us all along. In addition to these stories, there are also the many stone monuments that can be found almost everywhere in Europe, and other places around the world that would prove they had considered these stones sacred.

This wasn’t just any old stone, but a stone of the Gods, and what they had called in Old Germanic/Norse, “Helga Feli”,and in English, “Holy Rocks.” These ancient customs with these stones were prevalent all over Britain, Ireland, Scotland, in Scandinavia, as well as in Gaul. It seems that wherever the Phoenician (Hebrew) Druids had settled, you can be sure to find these magic holy stones.(1) (more…)

Ötzi the Ice Man and His Worms

In 1991, a now famous ancient tattooed mummy, dated from approximately 3300 B.C. known as “Ötzi the Ice Man” was OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAfound frozen in a glacier on what is now the Austria-Italy border of the Otzal alps, and this is why he was named Otzi. He is Europe’s oldest known natural human mummy ever discovered, and he also had approximately 50 tattoos making him the oldest tattooed mummy as well.

One of the little known facts about “Ötzi”, was that he suffered from worms known as threadworms (pinworms) and whipworms (Trichuris trichiura), and near his frozen body in the cave were found possible health remedies for these parasites such as the birch fungus called Piptoporus betulinus. This fungus is well-known for its laxative and anti-parasitic/worm purging properties.

This is very interesting because it falls in line with the worm research that I have been sharing with you here on Gnostic Warrior over the last two years. If we put all the worm and health facts together, we can now safely say that Ötzi the Ice Man is one of the oldest examples of humans that proves they had known about these man destroying worms for thousands of years.   (more…)

Old German Magic Spell Against Worms

Below is an old 9th century Saxon spell for health and longevity. The spell is known in Latin as the “Contra Vermes,” or in Worms norseEnglish, “Against Worms.”

It was created in order to help expel the worms (parasites) from the body, using a form of magic that uses words, intent and concentration to help a person focus on their health, and energies on killing these worms that are killing them.

This is just another example of how many of our ancient ancestors had known that worms were a serious health concern, and that an overabundance of them can wreak havoc on the human body to the point they make us sick, ill and disease ridden. Hence, as I have said before, the worm is the destroyer and creator.

Over a 1,000 years ago, the ancients devised health regimes that included special diets, bathing, and other remedies such as charms and spells to expel and kill these worms (parasites). Here is an example of one of these spells originally written in a German and Latin mixed text: (more…)

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