The eagle symbolizes a planet that was known to many of our ancestors under such names as the Lord of the Sky, King of Planets and the Sky Father. It wasn’t the star that we call the sun or the rock we call the moon that they had worshiped. No, it was actually the largest planet in our solar system, that today we simply call Jupiter. The same planet that for thousands of years has always been known as the King of Gods.
Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Freemason had written in The Secret Teachings of All Ages;
Among the Greeks and Romans, the eagle was the appointed bird of Jupiter and consequently signified the swiftly moving forces of the Demiurgus; hence it was looked upon as the mundane lord of the birds, in contradistinction to the phœnix, which was symbolic of the celestial ruler. The eagle typified the sun in its material phase and also the immutable Demiurgic law beneath which all mortal creatures must bend.
The eagle was also the Hermetic symbol of sulphur, and signified the mysterious fire of Scorpio–the most profoundly significant sign of the zodiac and the Gate of the Great Mystery. Being one of the three symbols of Scorpio, the eagle, like the Goat of Mendes, was an emblem of the theurgic art and the secret processes by which the infernal fire of the scorpion was transmuted into the spiritual light-fire of the gods.
Proclus confirms this fact; “Jupiter is the king, Jupiter himself is the original source of all things; there is one power, one god, and one great ruler over all. But we have seen that Jupiter and all the other Gods were but names for the Sun; therefore it follows that the Sun, either as emblem or as God himself, was the object of universal adoration.”
Jupiter is the Son of the Sun whose symbol is the eagle that had later morphed into a phoenix. The eagle symbolizes strength, courage, farsightedness, and immortality. It is considered to be the king of the air and the messenger of the highest Gods. Mythologically, it is connected with the Hittite King of Heaven, Egyptian God Osiris, Greek God Zeus, Roman Jove, by the Germanic tribes with Odin who shape shifted into an eagle, and with the Druids as a symbol of the Supreme God.
Since most ancient times, the symbol of the eagle has been used as the main emblem by many cultures throughout the world. It is one of the oldest symbols still in use today by the same people and countries who most likely descend from the first people who had used it thousands of years ago. These people and their descendants would originally come from the land of the ancient Sumerians, the Hittites, Greeks, Greco-Egyptians, Romans, Greco-Romans, French, Germans, Latins Russians, Americans, and many more nations that now span the globe.
We know from certain Hittite and Egyptian documents, that in the 14th century BC, Jupiter worship can be found in the treaty between Ramses II and the Hittite King, Hattusili III of Hatti, where they refer to Jupiter as “the lord of the heaven.”
The Roman emperors, who identified themselves with Jupiter, chose the eagle as their emblem. In ancient Rome, Jupiter was often connected to kings and kingship. Jupiter was served by the patrician Flamen Dialis, the highest-ranking member of the flamines. Julius and Augustus Caesar were both high priest of Jupiter. Julius Caesar had traced his ancestors to lulus Ascanius, son of Aeneas, son of Venus, daughter of Jupiter. Later, Augustus would become the first Pontifex Maximus (Pope) of the 6th age when he had conquered Egypt to then consolidate both the East and West into one empire under one new Roman calendar and one Pope.
Author Barbara G. Walker had written this in The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets;
As the royal bird of Rome, and the embodiment of deified emperors, the eagle was worshipped by Roman legionaries. Each legion had its sacred eagles, carried into battle like banners. If a legion should lose its eagles, the disgrace was unbearable; another whole expedition might be mounted to recover them.
The Roman imperial emblem was inherited by the Germanic “Holy Roman Empire” and its Kaisers, derived from Caesars. Thus the eagle became a Teutonic symbol of sovereignty.
The eagle is the symbol of Saint John the Evangelist. The Byzantine Empire uses the double headed eagle, the emblem that signifies the dominance of the Byzantine Emperors over both East and West. The double headed Eagle signifies a double imperial power, and was for the use of emperors who claim to be the successor of the Caesars of Rome ; Thus the Eagle of the Eastern Empire united with that of the West.
The double headed eagle is the emblem of the 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The Eagle appears in the 18th, 30th, 32nd and 33rd degrees, the first being an eagle of one head, and the others double headed. The 30th, 31st and 32d degrees all pertain to the double headed Eagle of Kadosh.
The Eagle is Really a Phoenix:
Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Freemason had written in his book, The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy;
“Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early writers … in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences. The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color … The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing immortality and resurrection … The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn. Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again.” [p. p. 176-77]
Author Barbara G. Walker had written about the Phoenix in The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets;
The bird-soul bom out of the cremated body entered Egyptian mythology as the Phoenix, sometimes a man, sometimes a firebird. The name was Greek, meaning “the Phoenician,” a reference to sacrificed sacred kings of Astarte at Byblos, where they were frequently burned. The cult moved to North Africa with Phoenician colonists, and was carried on at Carthage where sacred kings perished in flames to a very late date.” Their bird-souls, reborn from the flames and flying to heaven, gave rise to the myth of the Egyptian Phoenix who periodically cremated himself and rose again from his ashes. His worshippers, identified with the god through his sacraments, partook of the same power of heavenly flight. A common expression for death was “flying away.”
Manly P. Hall; The Secret Teachings of all Ages;
Mediæval Hermetists regarded the phœnix as a symbol of the accomplishment of alchemical transmutation, a process equivalent to human regeneration. The name phœnix was also given to one of the secret alchemical formula. The familiar pelican of the Rose Croix degree, feeding its young from its own breast, is in reality a phœnix, a fact which can be confirmed by an examination of the head of the bird. The ungainly lower part of the pelican’s beak is entirely missing, the head of the phœnix being far more like that of an eagle than of a pelican. In the Mysteries it was customary to refer to initiates as phœnixes or men who had been born again, for just as physical birth gives man consciousness in the physical world, so the neophyte, after nine degrees in the womb of the Mysteries, was born into a consciousness of the Spiritual world. This is the mystery of initiation to which Christ referred when he said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John iii. 3).
The phœnix is a fitting symbol of this spiritual truth.
In the past 2012 Summer Olympics we saw symbolism of the rise of the Phoenix. Is this a sign from The Powers That Be (TPTB), that we are now entering a new age?
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
A great post. Being a Scorpio Rising, I knew a lot about the Eagle but you furnished even more. I taped the Olympic Opening Ceremony because I knew it would be filled with NWO symbolism – unbelievable really. Mahalo, Moe.
Thanks Nancy and remember that a lot of this is based of biblical prophecy. John the Baptist symbol is the eagle and this is what Pope Francis had recently said;
Pope at Mass: John the Baptist a model for the Church
Pope Francis began his homily by addressing best wishes to all who bear the name John. The figure of John the Baptist, the Pope said, is not always easy to understand. “When we think of his life – he observed – we think of a prophet,” a “man who was great and then ends up as a poor man.” Who is John? The Pope said john himself explains: “I am a voice, a voice in the wilderness,” but “it is a voice without the Word, because the Word is not him, it is an Other.” Here then is the mystery of John: “He never takes over the Word,” John “is the one who indicates, who marks”. The “meaning of John’s life – he added – is to indicate another.” Pope Francis then spoke of being struck by the fact that the “Church chooses to mark John’s feast day” at a time when the days are at their longest in the year, when they “have more light.” And John really “was the man of light, he brought light, but it was not his own light, it was a reflected light.” John is “like a moon” and when Jesus began to preach, the light of John “began to decline, to set”. “Voice not Word – the Pope said – light, but not his own”
“John seems to be nothing. That is John’s vocation: he negates himself. And when we contemplate the life of this man, so great, so powerful – all believed that he was the Messiah – when we contemplate this life, how it is nullified to the point of the darkness of a prison, we behold a great mystery. We do not know what John’s last days were like. We do not know. We only know that he was killed, his head was put on a platter, as a great gift from a dancer to an adulteress. I don’t think you can lower yourself much more than this, negate yourself much more. That was the end that John met”.
Astrology is demonic.
Very interesting! my brother Moe