There are many people in the so-called truth movement who have come out recently claiming that the Jewish Holocaust in Nazi Germany is one big lie and a hoax.
Apparently the well-known Australian astrotheologist and flat earther, Santos Bonacci is in this same Holocaust denying camp. In fact, if you disagree with him as did one of his approximately 5,000 followers on Facebook this week, and I quote Santos, “you are fuckwit, dunce, moron, fucktard, useless eater, lying khazarian jew dumbfuck, and fucking piece of shit demon worshiper.”
He then finishes the one sided debate/rant with, “HAIL HITLER moron! keep sucking khazarian bankster dick, bend over real nice cos they are enjoying fucking you nice and hard and you dig it….really dig…nice and vasaline.”
Has Santos lost it? Is he on a God man trip where if you disagree with him, you are going to get a holy Australian lashing from hell? Or does Santos simply suffer from small man, Napoleon complex ? Is this the behavior of an enlightened human being or a crazed lunatic with an ego bigger than a Donald Trump on crack?

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
He is an absolute maniac . My son believes his bullshit but my son has a brain injury . So even if his pure bullshit was “truth” why does of it what he says matter . Is he helping promote the human race kindness compassion ? No he isn’t . I am so sick of listening to the stupidity that’s comes out of this man. He loves to hear himself talk period . He hasn’t shown any evidence of what he says is fact proven etc . He is dangerous to vulnerable people .
Actually i had a discussion with him regarding his veganism and his crazy judgements.
And i revealed to him that in the Bible it was written that its ok to eat meat and that the Kingdom of God was not based on what one eat, but about the joy of the Holy spirit.
Even the Bible speaks about the fact that those who those who tell you that should not eat meat is a sign of apostacy.
But it was a long story, but the more i disproved his points the worst he became to the point that he did call me a useless eater and said that i deserved to get my throat slit and be thrown on a barbeque for basically eating meat.
Well the Bible tells us these things are happening and i suggest people to watch this.
Because this type of behaviour is nothing but a result of Pantheism / Mother earth worshipping.
Environmentalism – Illuminati – Means to an End
Sad to say but based on his beliefs he is a Nazi and i guess its not a suprise that this guy has become completely demonized by the things that he is practicing.
I tried sharing a lot of information on Sacha stone being another NWO PUPPET and questioned why he would have Sacha on his show. I sent so much proof of who Sacha is, to leave no doubt whatsoever just how bad Sacha really is and him being apart of the Great reset push and how he’s apart of human trafficking ect. WELL I GOT BLOCKED 😂🤦♀️ These fools making out they are spreading the truth yet when faced with truth they BLOCK YOU. I also believe Santos side kick Daniel on synchretism Society isnt someone that should be trusted. A man who worked 8yrs on Wall Street 🤔🤔🤔
they are shills and deceivers, of course they will block anyone who threatens to expose the poison and misdirection they are mixing in with the few gratuitous truths that they speak
I thought he was a revisionist. This is hard to deny.
He is acting like a man with an anger problem and huge ego who attacks and demeans anyone who disagrees with him.
he is a grifting egomaniac without a doubt, but even a broken clock is right twice a day and he is correct on this one: the holohoax did not happen, and national socialists were trying to save the world from the neo-communist nightmare it has become today.
do you still believe in the holohoax and defend incarcerating old women for daring to have their own opinions? or have you woken up and stopped shilling?