In a letter to Thomas Jefferson, John Adams wrote on August 24, 1815, “As to the history of the Revolution, my Ideas may be peculiar, perhaps Singular. What do We mean by the Revolution? The War? That was no part of the Revolution. It was only an Effect and Consequence of it. The Revolution was in the Minds of the People, and this was effected, from 1760 to 1775, in the course of fifteen years before a drop of blood was drawn at Lexington.” (1)
In the beginning, the French, Irish, Spanish, and Native American populations of North America were separated by their respective homelands’ racial and national heritages. To unite them, the Founders had devised a secret plan – a human experiment to change the way they think and act. As Thomas Jefferson once described the Declaration of Independence as an “expression of the American mind” (2) and Thomas Paine stated years later in The Rights of Man, “the independence of America, considered merely as a separation from England, would have been a matter of but little importance.
Independence acquired broad historical significance because it was ‘accompanied by a revolution in the principles and practice of governments.” (3)
The Founders would accomplish this incredible feat by implanting new ideas of personal freedom and liberty into their consciousness. They worked diligently to create a new political system that allowed was an experiment in human freedom, letting people, for the first time, think and act freely from the European aristocratic rulership and the main proclamation written in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal.”
Author and philosopher Manly P. Hall had proposed in his book, “The Secret Destiny of America,” that there was a Great Plan put forth one thousand years before our Nation’s founding: humanistic and mystical organizations wished for the continent to be the location for an experiment in self-government and religious freedom.” This idea of an “experiment of self-government and religious freedom” was an entirely new concept to the world. (4)
Freed from the threat of hostile forces, American minds were suddenly emboldened to resist new British colonial policies because they were stimulated by a new ethos of individuality and self-government which caused them to demand more independence and expand individual rights. As Adams stated, the American Revolution was a revolution of the mind creating both intellectual and political turmoil following Great Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War. The right to political independence, separation of church and state, nationalism, and individual freedoms were the issues that boiled up in the revolutionary cauldron of Britain’s American colonies causing the people to openly and sometimes violently opposed Great Britain’s new assertions of control over their minds.
One of our country’s founders, the American anti-authoritarian political philosopher named John Locke (1632–1704) would be instrumental in instituting many of these new political philosophies. Locke’s teachings of individual freedom, unlimited opportunity to compete for material well-being, and an unprecedented limitation on the arbitrary powers of government to interfere with individual initiative were some of the most powerful ideologies ever invented.
It is these new individualistic ideologies that were an experiment in self-government and religion that I contend creates a “national state of mind”, which has brought our country to the present day. A human experiment in freedom where these revolutionary ideas intended to change the very structure of government, American Culture, and also the entire social global order of society. But it must also be emphasized that our nation’s founders had asserted that the freedom of individuals to pursue their own ends would be tempered by a “public spirit” and concern for the common good that would shape our social and government institutions. As with any experiment, it may succeed or it may fail and plans can also change as I believe has happened with our Traditional Ethos in the U.S.A. and is the main focus of this book.
The current American value system, or “American Creed” is a perverted form of ultra individuality, which we call “liberal individualism is not grounded on our traditional philosophies, values, and the true American ethos and when taken to the extreme can become irrational, evil, or Satanic, leading to tyranny and Totalitarianism. As studies have shown, these ideas of liberty, self-government, equality, and freedom from religion that has led the country to the contemporary U.S. culture which is a highly individualistic ethos. (5)
It is this fixation on individuality and liberalism that I contend is the opposite of collectivism or unity which leads to neo-liberalism in the American Culture. The word culture means the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation or people. Individualism and collectivism refer to cultural values that influence how people construe themselves and their relation to the world.
Researchers have found that “Individualists perceive themselves as stable entities, autonomous from other people and their environment, while collectivists view themselves as dynamic entities, continually defined by their social context and relationships.
A 2006 study reported that this independent mentality makes “North Americans more likely to experience socially disengaging emotions such as pride in the self, feelings of self-confidence, anger, and frustration but less likely to experience engaging emotions such as friendly feelings, respect, guilt, and shame. (Kitayama, Mesquita, & Karasawa, 2006) This would align with de Tocqueville’s argument that equality eventually generates an egoism such that Americans ‘‘look after their own needs. [They] owe no man anything and hardly expect anything from anybody. (1969:506–508) (6) Also, recent research by some of the nation’s leading historians has cast serious doubt on the assumption that individualist values were prevalent among the early Americans in the late 1700s and early 1800s. (7)
As sociologist Robert Bellah and his coauthors written in “The Good Society” to challenge Americans to take a good look at themselves;
“The Lockean ideal of the autonomous individual was, in the eighteenth century, embedded in a complex moral ecology that included family and church on the one hand and on the other a vigorous public sphere in which economic initiative, it was hoped, grew together with public spirit…The eighteenth-century idea of a public was…a discursive community capable of thinking about the public good.” (8)
The authors of the Good Society point out What prevents Americans from “taking charge” is, according to the authors, our long and abiding allegiance to “individualism” — the belief that “the good society” is one in which individuals are left free to pursue their private satisfactions independently of others, a pattern of thinking that emphasizes individual achievement and self-fulfillment. “When citizens are engaged in thinking about the whole, they find their conceptions of their interests broadened, and their commitment to the search for a common good deepens.”
The result of a citizen population working for the common good, the authors contend is “an informed and morally sensitive public active in discussing and debating issues ranging from international financing to day care, within a framework informed by a shared vision of a good society; and a citizenry capable of instituting reforms in our economic and political institutions so that they work for the common benefit of all peoples.”
However, today, in America, we have a tradition of accepting almost all individual pursuits of liberty to be valid or acceptable as long as they do not break the law without a thought of the common or public good. As a result, many activities that were once outlawed for thousands of years have been changed over the last several decades by American Liberal Judges and secret Satanists allowing even more freedom for the American citizens to pursue just about whatever the hell they want. While this may be good for allowing freedom for ideas to increase industry and commerce, I contend that it also provides for the privilege of immoral and even evil ideas to enter our culture.
It is through this New Hybrid American Ideology of unimpeded freedom and ultra individuality without the thinking for the public good or the collective. A Beast-type system that allows laws that once protected the public good to be changed to the point today where bad ideas are protected by law.
A totally new landscape of freedom from what our original Founders had envisioned where pornography, black magicians (sorcerers), devil worshippers, Satanists, murderers, serial killers, and people who claim in their own words to kill in the name of the Great Serpent – Satan are welcomed into our homes with open arms. They often become Cult heroes like Carles Manson and Richard Ramirez to a whole generation of wayward youth.
It is this fixation on complete freedom of the individual and liberalism without thinking about the public good that I contend has created the “Satanic State of Mind.”
2. From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Lee, 8 May 1825 – US National Archives
3. American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence By Pauline Maier · 2012
4. The Secret Destiny of America By Manly P. Hall
5. Ethos of independence across regions in the United States: the production-adoption model of cultural change
6. Cultural regulation of emotion: individual, relational, and structural sources
7. The Origins of American Individualism: Reconsidering the Historical Evidence 1999 – Edward Grabb, Douglas Baer and James Curtis
8. The Good Society, by Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven M. Tipton (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1991 Published in Issues in Ethics – V. 5, N. 1 Spring 1992)
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
“I am present at the sowing of the seed of the world.” – Ralph Waldo Emmerson
During his Harvard commencement speech in 1837, Ralph Waldo Emmerson (May 25, 1803 – April 27, 1882) took the podium to address the top students in the graduating class marking the capstone in a week of ceremony and tradition. In his speech, titled “The American Scholar,” Emerson commanded that our young country must develop a national intellectual life distinct from the colonial influences of the past. He condemned the academic scholarship of the time for its reliance on historical and institutional wisdom.
Emmerson argued that the scholar had become “decent, indolent, complaisant.” To become more than “a mere thinker, or, still worse, the parrot of other men’s thinking,” a scholar must begin to engage with the world for oneself.
Emmerson is a famous American author and poet who grew up in Concord, Massachusetts, famously known as the home of both Minutemen and Transcendentalists. A place where “embattled farmers” fired “the shot heard ’round the world,” starting the war for political independence on the 19th of April 1775. The place where I contend that the traditional landscape of Freemasonry and philosophy were officially changed to what was we see today in the West.
Emmerson’s “The American Scholar” would give a new voice to the movement’s individualism: envisioning an independent American intellectual culture premised not on any kind of nationalist pride—nor any particular doctrine or political system—but on a dedication to independence itself. He would later define the “American idea” he sought to promote through his work simply as “Emancipation.”
Emerson’s speech left a particular impression on two members of the Harvard community, a troublemaking undergraduate named James Russell Lowell and a recent alumnus named Oliver Wendell Holmes.
“The Puritan revolt had made us ecclesiastically and the Revolution politically independent, but we were still socially and intellectually moored to English thought,” Lowell later wrote, “till Emerson cut the cable and gave us a chance at the dangers and the glories of blue water.”
Holmes called the speech America’s “intellectual Declaration of Independence.”
The world-famous Freemason and author Emmerson first preached the doctrine of “self-reliance” and Transcendental individualism, which directly conflicted with the tenets of Masonic fraternalism. After all, Freemasonry follows an ancient tradition reaching back to Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and King Solomon’s Temple. Masons are expected to absorb these lessons dictated by our tradition and authority because, since ancient times, local lodges were governed by rules and constitutions tightly regulating the conduct of individuals.
However, Transcendentalists Freemasons like Emmerson urged Americans to free themselves from the dead hand of the past. As Emerson directed in his essay “Nature,” the transcendentalists sought freedom from the “poetry and philosophy of … tradition” and “religion by … history.”
This is where the idea of how to live much more liberally and do not honor our ancient traditions is sown like a seed by Emmerson into the American mind and Freemasonry. The Ancient Charge from the Records of Lodges of FreeMasons had stated their precepts emphatically, “A Mason is obliged by his Tenure, to obey the moral Law; and if he rightly understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist nor an irreligious Libertine.”
Masonic historian and 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Mckay had written that a stupid Atheist is, “the fool who has said in his heart there is no God,” while an “irreligious libertine” designated “the man who, with a degree, less of unbelief, denies the distinctive doctrines of revealed religion.” McKay says that “a stupid Atheist” denoted, to use the language of the Psalmist, “the fool who has said in his heart there is no God,” while an “irreligious libertine” designated the man who, with a degree less of unbelief denies the distinctive doctrines of revealed religion. (Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry)
I contend that Emerson’s ideas were also not in line with the original American Founders who believed in progress, enlightenment, and “a new order of the ages” but they also honored the ancient Greek and Roman traditions, philosophies of the religious basis of morals, and common law. Most of the Founders also came from conservative and orthodox (or “right-believing”) Christian religious traditions. For example, in the cases of John Jay, George Washington, Edward Rutledge, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Charles Carroll, and Daniel Carroll, and Thomas Fitzsimmons.
They were all baptized, listed on church rolls, and married to practicing Christians. In public statements, they invoked divine assistance. Many of them were Freemasons.
Robert P. Kraynak, professor of political science at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York, describes them as “enlightened traditionalists. Kraynak writes;
“The American Founders were unusual as eighteenth-century leaders because they were shaped by both the old world of aristocracy and the new world of democracy. They believed in progress, enlightenment, and “a new order of the ages”; but they also revered the ancient Romans, English traditions of the gentleman statesman and common law, the religious basis of morals, and practical experience.”
Kraynak stated, “The fourth element, cultural traditions, extends the idea of moral order to social practices. The American Founders believed that liberty required natural law (an objective standard of justice) and customs, habits, and manners derived from the heritage of Western civilization and English and American history.
I use the phrase “cultural traditions” as a catch-all phrase to refer to the values and beliefs handed down over centuries from several ancient sources—from classical Greek and Roman ideals of republican virtue and patriotic citizen-soldiers; from the English heritage of common law jurisprudence; from the ideal of gentlemen statesmen (possessing the gentleman’s code of honor); from Protestant Christianity and its biblical beliefs about America as a “city on a hill” charged with moral duties, such as the work ethic, the struggle against sin, and charity for the poor; and from the historical experience of local self-government in colonial assemblies and the harsh self-reliance of frontier life.
The implication is that liberty was embedded in cultural traditions that gave it higher and nobler purposes than mere self-expression or the values of a consumer-entertainment society. The American Founders assumed that such customs and traditions would provide a set of moral virtues for the exercise of responsible liberty by citizens and leaders.”
As you can see, Emerson’s demands that people free themselves from the dead hand of the past is not at all in line with the original ethos of the American founders. However, his ideas and influence would spread around America and the world.
Emmerson had many connections through his family and his Masonic membership. He was a member of the Corinthian Lodge, which played an essential role in starting the liberal revolution. He lectured there for many years, finding a very influential audience for his ideas. Quickly, his liberalist doctrines infected other people, lodges, and eventually, I contend, changing the very laws in our court systems to be pro-liberal.
“Well over 150 men passed through the Corinthian Lodge between 1797 and 1832; spiritual rebels like Thoreau can be counted on two hands. But, even more to the point, Freemasonry was the faith of the Transcendentalists’ fathers. The Rev. Ezra Ripley, member of both the Corinthian Lodge and the Royal Chapter and forceful defender of the fraternity in its time of woe, was the step-grandfather of Emerson.
His generational counterpart was the erstwhile minister and clergyman Asa Dunbar, the maternal grandfather of Thoreau. Tracing the lineage from Freemason to Transcendentalist is indeed as crucial to our intellectual history as following the path from Jonathan Edwards to Ralph Waldo Emerson.”
Emmerson was not only well connected in the states, but he also had some serious connections all over the world. In 1826, faced with poor health, Emerson moved to a warmer client in St. Augustine, Florida, where he took long walks on the beach and began writing poetry.
While in St. Augustine, he made the acquaintance of Prince Achille Murat, the nephew of the former French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who had renounced his European titles (after his father had already been overthrown) and immigrated to the United States. Murat was also a writer, and the two young men reportedly discussed religion, politics, and philosophy.
In 1833, Emerson turned his love of writing into a career as a frequent lecturer. He traveled around New England, reading his essays and speaking to audiences about his views on nature, the role of religion, and his travels. In 1838, Emerson was invited to Divinity Hall, Harvard Divinity School, to deliver the school’s graduation address, which came to be known as the “Divinity School Address“.
Emerson discounted biblical miracles and proclaimed that, while Jesus was a great man, he was not God: historical Christianity, he said, had turned Jesus into a “demigod, as the Orientals or the Greeks would describe Osiris or Apollo”.
His comments outraged the establishment and the general Protestant community. He was denounced as an atheist and a poisoner of young men’s minds. Despite the roar of critics, he made no reply, leaving others to put forward a defense. He was not invited back to speak at Harvard for another thirty years.
In 1841 Emerson published Essays, his second book, which included the famous essay “Self-Reliance.” His aunt called it a “strange medley of atheism and false independence,” but it gained favorable reviews in London and Paris. More than any of Emerson’s contributions to date, this book, and its popular reception laid the groundwork for his international fame.
At the time, Emerson made a left turn from his contemporaries’ religious and social beliefs, formulating and expressing the philosophy of transcendentalism in his 1836 essay “Nature“. In 1837, he detailed this new doctrine in a speech entitled “The American Scholar“, which Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. considered to be America’s “intellectual Declaration of Independence.”
Emerson’s family was well connected to other Liberal transcendentalists such as the family of Henry James Sr. and one of the most famous liberal justices to ever to sit in the U.S. Supreme Court, Oliver Wendell Holmes, who was appointed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was generally associated with the liberal wing of the Court on most issues as I will discuss in the next chapter.
Holmes once said that he wanted to be a man of letters like Emerson. While he was a student at Harvard, he had written various papers on philosophy and even an attack on Plato’s idealist philosophy, which he asked Emerson to read. Emerson famously replied, “If you strike at a king, you must kill him.”
In the following decades, until the modern-day, Freemasonry would suffer significantly for abandoning its founding principles based on Ancient Traditions for a more liberal and Transcendentalist Masonry. Rather than honoring tradition, following the idea of Emerson’s famous saying, “an institution” is not merely “the lengthened shadow of one man.”
No longer is a Masonic initiate subject to an extreme examination of his character by a special committee. Once admitted to a lodge, the Mason remained subject to collective discipline for immoral or criminal conduct. It was not about individualism but shared beliefs creating mutual bonds and loyalties to a more significant cause.
The new ethos was of a piece with the individualistic world of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.
Emerson was a well-paid and famous lecturer touring locations across the northern United States and in Canada. He was delivering up to 70-80 lectures a year in his prime, attracting the attention of Herman Melville, who attended his speaking engagements in New York City. In addition, he would go on walks with Nathaniel Hawthorne and captured the attention of leading theologian and intellectual Henry James Sr., father to William and Henry.
Many authors like Wallace Stevens and Robert Frost embraced and incorporated Emerson’s ideas furthering their spread.
In May 1857, he met at the Parker House Hotel in Boston with Francis Henry Underwood, Oliver Holmes Sr., and the poet and fellow Freemason, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Together they founded a magazine, The Atlantic Monthly, which was dedicated to advocating abolitionism and promoting new American ideas and voices.
In their words, they sought to advance American writing and the “American idea” “wherever the English tongue is spoken or read”—a reflection of Emerson’s desire for a national intellectual identity that could transcend the country’s institutions and borders.
In this year 2021, we can say they succeeded in spreading their Neo-Liberal ideas globally through their influence, media, and Freemasonry.
Emerson’s seed he had sown in the world well over 100 years ago is now a mighty oak tree.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
In this episode of the Gnostic Warrior Podcast, I speak with Canadian architectural historian and author, Frank Albo. Frank talks to us about Astana, the so-called “Illuminati Capital in the World.”
He is the academic inspiration behind The Hermetic Code and the author of Astana: Architecture, Myth, and Destiny.
Enter the Astana Book Challenge — Solve the Puzzle, Win the Prize – Find the hidden message in the Astana: Architecture, Myth & Destiny to win a luxury vacation to the so-called “Illuminati Capital in the World.”
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
The Ancient Charge from the Records of Lodges of FreeMasons had stated their precepts emphatically, “A Mason is obliged by his Tenure, to obey the moral Law; and if he rightly understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist nor an irreligious Libertine.”
Now the question we must all ask ourselves? Are we and or the Bros we know stupid Atheist or an irreligious Libertine? I think the true answers will shock you once you honestly analyze this question.
In this era of Modernity where the ethos of the Traditional Libertarian is being taken to the extreme Leftist Fringe by “some of those Liberals” who lack a sense of knowledge, history, reason, morals, religion, and God, it is important that Freemasons today are reminded of the history of the very Craft which they belong. For example, not many Freemasons or people for that matter today understand what an Atheistic Fool is or what the original meaning and ancient history of Liberty, Liberal, and Libertine.
As part of my ongoing work to accurately document this history down to our current era of irreligious atheism, I often come across research in order to archive and also honor the very Masonic Traditions that have helped build the world you see around you and even that Ancient Apron you don. What I have found is that it is always best to go back in history to discover what the original, traditional, and true precepts of Freemasonry were about and in doing so, you will find that some ignorant Masons have deviated from this ethos and have corrupted the Craft for selfish gain and or from pure ignorance.
Masonic historian and 33rd Degree Freemason, Albert Mckay had written that a stupid Atheist is, “the fool who has said in his heart there is no God,” while an “irreligious libertine” designated “the man who, with a degree, less of unbelief, denies the distinctive doctrines of revealed religion.” McKay says that this meaning of the expression connects itself with the succeeding paragraph of the Charge:
“In the present usage of language it signifies a profligate and licentious person, but originally it meant a freethinker or Deist. Derived from the Latin “libertinus,” a man that was once a bondsman but who has been made free, it was metaphorically used to designate one who had been released, or who had released himself from the bonds of religious belief and become in matters of faith a doubter or denier.
Hence “a stupid Atheist” denoted, to use the language of the Psalmist, “the fool who has said in his heart there is no God,” while an “irreligious libertine” designated the man who, with a degree less of unbelief denies the distinctive doctrines of revealed religion. And this meaning of the expression connects itself very appropriately with the succeeding paragraph of the Charge.”
McKay continues, “But though in ancient times, Masons were charged in every country to be of the religion of that country or nation, whatever it was, yet it is now thought more expedient only to oblige them to that religion in which all men agree, leaving their particular opinions to themselves.”
“The expression “irreligious libertine,” alluding, as it does, to a scoffer at religious truths, is eminently suggestive of the religious character of our Institution, which, founded as it is on the great doctrines of religion, cannot be properly appreciated by anyone who doubts or denies their truth,” he concluded.
To find its original meaning we can look to the Scripture where the Pharisees say: “With the dead is liberty (from the Psalms), when one is dead he is freed from precepts.”
What does it mean in Layman terms that a “person is considered dead” if he has been “freed from precepts.”
The meaning of precept is “a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought” and every Freemasnoic and religious institution has specific rules (Dogmas) their members must follow to keep order, consistency, and uphold the very Traditional values underlying the same said Fraternity. The success of this Ancient system is the very God-given precepts that have been at the core of Freemasonry since its inception and have been preserved by Traditional Masons of every era.
If I were to categorize the two different types of Freemasons today, I would say that the vast majority of current initiates are who we can call a “stupid Atheist or an irreligious Libertine ie: a vile Liberal.”
As it has been wisely stated long ago;
“The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful,” and the modern version of this Scriptual passage is: “The mind of the rash will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will speak clearly and fluently. No longer will a fool be called noble, nor a scoundrel said to be important. For a fool speaks foolishness; his mind plots iniquity. He practices ungodliness and speaks falsely about the LORD; he leaves the hungry empty and deprives the thirsty of drink.” (Isaiah 32:5)
With that said, I have found that there are many active Masons today who are committing acts of vileness by deviating from these Ancient Traditions because they are not active in their own Great Work by acquiring the appropriate knowledge of Masonic philosophies, history, religion, and The Grand Architect of the Universe. They seem to ignorantly think that going to some meetings, completing a few degrees, and donning the Apron and Sash for a Facebook or selfies photo-op makes them de-facto Freemasons when this is simply not the case.
Let me prophetically add for my true fellow Brothers around the world that we appear to be entering a world where the wheat is being separated from the chaff by default of behavior according to the spirit running their central nervous systems. I’m not sorry to break it to some of you Selfie Masons of Modernity who often get initiated to be cool and or do not practice what they learn during their initiations.
What this type of behavior makes you is a Speculative Freemason ie: a Fake Freemason who is what could be called by Real Masons a “Defacto Stupid Atheistic irreligious Libertine.”
Did you know that our Brethren to the North ie: Russian Freemasons do not allow ignorant and irreligious libertines to join their order?
In fact, they let all potential candidates know that if you are a stupid and selfish person who is ignorant of the facts I speak of, you simply cannot and will not be admitted into their Lodge. You may also find it interesting like I did that having such a filter on ignorant and Godless prospects like the Russian Masons severely limits the number of people who will apply for membership which creates a much smaller body of who I would call “operative Freemasons” in the modern sense and weeds out the “speculative irreligious libertine Atheists” like an efficient weed eater just by telling the Truth. Imagine that?
For example, we get the word Liberal from an old Roman God names Liber.
MacKay had said; “Libertas. Latin. Liberty. A significant word in the Red Cross degree. It refers to the “liberty of passage” gained by the returning Jews over their opponents at the river Euphrates, as described in the Scottish Rite degree of Knight of the East, where the old French rituals have “liberte du passer.”
In the minds of Ancient Operative Masons, Traditional Freemasonry was no different but Modern Freemasonry operates on a Speculative nature meaning when one “speculates” which means that these Masons often “form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence” and “invest their time in only the Masonic ventures in the hope of selfish gain.”
A stupid atheistic irreligious masonic libertine imposter and a liar who deceives himself and his own kin for temporary material wealth and societal status.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Located on the Eastern side of the island Crete in Greece near the port of Saint Nicholas (Agios Nikolaos or Aghios Nikolaos), is the quaint city Elounda (Greek: Ελούντα, romanized: Elúnda, Elunda, Elunta) situated around a beautiful deep blue lake that is a hundred feet deep, and more than a quarter of a mile diameter in what looks like the crater of an old volcano. Not many people know that it was once known as one of Greece’s strongest and most famous ancient towns.
Full of ruins of great age, this is a place where Biblical prophets and the first eminent Freemasons such as Dadleus once walked amongst the old stones now mixed in with modern villas, attractions, and quaint eateries that are some of the most esteemed in all of Greece. The importance of this city is relayed to us in Greek mythology with the story of Tyros or Tyro who was the Goddess-mother of the Tyrians (Tyrrhenians or Tyrsenians) whose father was named Cretheus (Crete) along with Sidero (Sidon), and Eolus, who are credited as the founders of cities in Hellas.
Buried beneath the modern town and mythology, you will find that this location as a hidden history and like many other Cretan cities, it has been known by a plethora of names over the last two thousand years. I have found that it was known as the ancient city of Goulas but was also spelled Olous, Oloundas, and Eloundas. These names reconcile with the mythology of Tyros. Digging further, I discovered that this same city may have also been called Lyctus, Lyttos, or Lato depending on the writer and time.
These cities were said by many historians to have a wooden statue of Britomartis carved by the famous Knossian Mason, Daedalus. The best authorities on the wooden statue of Britomartis are Strabo and Pausanias. Strabo, in his Geography, said, “Lyktos (Lyctus) [in Krete] . . . the seaport is Kherronesos (Cherronesus), as it is called, where is the temple of Britomartis.” Pausanias, in the Description of Greece, mentions a wooden statue of Britomartis at OIus in Crete, along with a wooden Athena at Knossos.
The history I speak of can be found all over the ancient peaks of Elounda are ancient walls built of massive stones of the past, some well-preserved, others crumbling into the dust of time, as the feral olive trees of Abraham and countless wildflowers dot the landscape. The biblical and Masonic history of this town along with its association with Lato and Tyre as it is mentioned by many authors as “the great city of Goulas (Lato), dated to the prehistoric period and a massive stone entrance likened to the Lion Gate at Mycenae.” (1)
The people of Goulas (Olous, Oloundas, Eloundas) are sometimes referred to in literature as the Olotians or Oloutians and there was also a sanctuary here to Zeus where an inscription was found showing a decree inviting Knossos to arbitrate between Lato and Olous was set up”, and also a decree in honor of a physician from the island of Kasos, who had helped the Olontians in time of plague.
The English admiral who worked for the Royal Navy, Thomas Abel Brimage Spratt (11 May 1811 – 12 March 1888), associates Goulas with Lato who was in league with Pergamon in his work “, Travels in Crete”, published in 1865, Spratt said that he located the remains of the ancient city on the hill of Goulas, but wrongly identified them as the remains of Olous or Oleros. The archaeologists F. Halbherr, L. Mariani and A. Taramelli, visited the site and identified it as ancient Lato. As one of the hundred cities of Crete, Lato had eventually formed a league with Rhodes, Teos, and King Eumenes of Pergamon and participated in the League of the Cretan cities who all shared the same laws.
One of these names you will notice as being some of the 7 churches such as I have written before like the ancient Cretan city of Pergamon (Pergamum) which is first mentioned in history by Xenophon, and it becomes the center of importance when a Cretan King and friend of the Romans named Attalus (B.C. 241-197), and his son Eumenes (B.C. 196-159) had ruled over the city, schools, and church there. Pliny had called it, “longe clarissimum Asiae Pergamum.” Also, the place wrote about by Saint John in the Book of Revelation as the original uncorrupted church of Christ and one of the seven churches that later became the seat of Antichrist or Throne of Satan.
According to the Annual of the British School at Athens, “It may safely be said that of no prehistoric city on Hellenic soil are such extensive remains extant above ground as of the Cretan Goulas. The walls, indeed, are not so massive as those of Tiryns, there is no single monument to fix the attention like the Lions’ Gate at Mycenae, nor has excavation as yet done anything to add to what meets the eye on the surface of the earth. But for the mass of primeval ruins, the still-standing remains of individual dwelling-houses, the number of distinct quarters within the walls and the area they occupy, Goulas is without a rival. Its site, moreover, with its twin citadel peaks—the northern one looking down over a thousand feet sheer to the valley below—is more commanding than that of any sister city.” (2)
The American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 2; Volume 9 describes the excavations at Lato (Olous, Goulas, Oulas) in 1899-1900 where they found the temple of Zeus “at the north end a broad flight of steps led to the prytaneum, consisting of an inner room with a bench and altar, and an outer chamber which probably contained the sacred fire.” Researchers also discovered an important Biblical inscription is a treaty of the third century, between Gortyna and Lato, providing for a cessation of hostilities and the legal settlement of future disputes.
The author details his own observations of the massive Limestone Masonry found here was created with extraordinary difficulty resembling the Sixth or Mycenaean City of Troy. He had written;
“My own observations of the site of Goulas have been the result of three successive visits in 1894 and the two following years, and on each occasion, I was able to spend several days in exploring this almost inexhaustible maze of ruins. The principal discovery made by me on my first visit was the existence, in addition to the citadel height to the north mentioned by Spratt, of a second Akropolis to the South of the intervening hollow, and on the summit the remains of a very interesting building with a megaton recalling some of those of the Sixth or Mycenaean City of Troy.
In my next visit (1895), I was accompanied by Mr. J. L. Myres, and in the general plan opposite p. 194, which gives the first detailed view of Goulas as a whole, he has embodied the result of our joint labors. It must here be said that, from the vast masses of limestone blocks which encumber the ground, the tangled growth of brush-wood in their crevices, and the steepness of part of the site, the planning and measurement of the remains is a work of extraordinary difficulty, nor can anything more than approximate accuracy be claimed for the general result”
The coins that have been unearthed here are known as the “Coins of Olous” which were said to have been struck towards the latter part of the fourth century B.C., showing the head of Britomartis (Artemis) and on the reverse, a Freemasonic Square with what appears to be the letter G in the middle which is the oldest representation of Masonry on a coin that I could find anywhere.
Other coins found here show Britomartis with her hair in the classic Hellenic fillet, bay-wreath, necklace and quiver, and as their reverse of the coin is Zeus enthroned with an eagle on his right hand, a scepter in his left (fig. 537)” and silver coins of Antiochos viii Grypos, king of Syria, dated between 12 I and 96 B.C., showing Zeus standing within a laurel-wreath holding a long scepter in his left hand, an eight-rayed star, in his right; and on or over his head is the crescent moon.
To go along with this fabulous history, more recently in October 2019, according to the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports, archaeologists have discovered a treasure trove of artifacts dating back thousands of years near the Port of Saint Nicholas. (8) Here is a photo from of the submerged structures in the Vathi bay of the Kolokytha peninsula (photo: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)
Άποψη των βυθισμένων δομών στον όρμο Βαθύ της χερσονήσου της Κολοκύθας
The online Greek publication, Tornos News recently reported that a treasure trove of submerged building complexes as well as ancient quarries, chiseled bollards, a loading platform, ships’ ballast, anchors, accidental rejects and signs of a Byzantine shipwreck were discovered by an underwater research team from the Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities and a team of geophysicists from the Laboratory of Satellite Remote Sensing of the Institute of Mediterranean Studies.
Archaeologists also found a submerged ancient city and the foundations of two fortification towers.
The research, carried out last October in much of Elounda Bay, involved volunteer divers and scientists of other specialties. This is the third research season in the five-year project of the two bodies launched in 2017 and supported by the Municipality of Agios Nikolaos. (4)
All these new findings seem to support the history of this ancient city whether it be true history, Biblical, and mythology that I have put forth in this essay.
Cleaning part of the wall of ancient Oloundas (photo: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)
1. Cretan Quests: British Explorers, Excavators and Historians Page 12 – Davina Huxley, British School at Athens – 2000
2. The Annual of the British School at Athens By British School at Athens
3. The American Journal of Archaeology, Volume 2; Volume 9
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
“A great master of his craft, Ervin von Steinbach; but not he alone, For many generations labored with him, Children that came to see these saints in stone, As day by day out of the blocks they rose, Grew old and died, and still the work went on, And on and on and is not yet completed.” Henry Longfellow
All over the world you will find that many ancient peoples had tried to communicate and document their worlds permanently etching and carving their history into the immortal stones of the landscapes they had inhabited. It was as if they were leavig these marks as testaments of their will to serve God and to create a kingdom of heaven on earth for us, their descendants.
Over time, various cultures such as the Ancient Egyptians had developed their own methods of documenting their lives, laws, and histories in the form of magical writing known only to them called hieroglyphs. This style became the precursor to ideographs and a more magical type of writing that only the initiated could read and understand with the Phoenician/Hebrew alphabet and soon thereafter the Greek, Latin, and English writing systems were created.
Since the most ancient times, it was the stonemasons who had developed a symbolical system of immortally marking their work in stone as a means for both identification of the tribe and or craftsman, communication, and also the identification of their Masonic guild. The oldest sets of symbols to come out of this Freemasonic system which has remained virtually unchanged for thousands of years and can be found all over the world are known as “Mason Marks.”
It is from these Masons and the Marks they left behind that I contend that we derive the modern-day Masonic Lodge, corporation, and also the corporate logo. I will detail these facts in another future essay.
In order to research who were the first people to incorporate these Mason Marks and document this history, it is important that we search back in time to locate the first people and or Tribe who may have developed and contributed to their distribution all over the world.
What I have discovered is that this Masonic symbology had originated on the Ancient Holy Island of Crete who along with the Greek Athenians I contend were the true progenitors of the Ancient Charges of Operative Freemasons. Masons such as one of the first immortal Masons, Daedelus of Crete who I had written about previously in my essay, “Hiram’s First Masons: The Cunning Daedalus Invented the Masonic Working Tools.”
The Great Work of Daedelus has been known for well over 2,000 years as being credited with inventing the Masonic Working Tools used in the various degrees of Masonry such as the plumb-line and the axe, most of the tools used in carpentry, and of glue and he is also known as world-famous Cretan Labyrinth, according to the statements of Diodorus Siculus and Pliny. Homer had said that the statue of the daughter of Minos, King of Crete, Ariadne at Knossos was made by Daedalus.
33rd Degree Freemason, Albert Mackey had said the genealogy of Daedelus was from the old Athenian race of kings. Mackey had written in An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences;
“A famous artist and mechanician, whose genealogy is traced in the Greek myths as having sprung from the old Athenian race of kings, the Erechtheidae. He is said to have executed the Cretan labyrinth, the reservoir near Megaris in Sicily, the Temple of Apollo at Capua, and the celebrated altar sculptured with lions on the Libyan coast.
He is said to be the inventor of a number of the “Working Tools” used in the various degrees of Masonry such as the compasses and square, the plumb-line and the axe, most of the tools used in carpentry, and of glue. Of him is told the fable of his flying safely over the AEgean by means of wings made by himself. His nephew, Perdix, is the reputed inventor of the third Great Light in Masonry, the Compasses, which are dedicated to the Craft. (page 945)”
In studying this history and the Athenian Kings who Daedelus had descended, I have found that a city of Crete once anciently called Tenos, which was sacred to Poseidon, and now The Holy Village of Ayios Nikolaos (Saint Nicholas) was a political community said to be created by King Theseus who is documented as the founder-king of Athens.
Before I get into the mythology, I wanted to share a little archaeology with you showing the evidence of these first Freemasons with a coin dated from Olous, Crete dated circa 300-270 BC showing the head of Artemis Britomartis and on the reverse is a Masonic square. The coins that have been unearthed here are known as the “Coins of Olous” this coin with a Freemasonic Square with what looks like the letter G in the middle which is the oldest representation of Masonry on a coin that I could find anywhere.
To corroborate Mackey’s claims about Daedelus’ relation to royalty with actual archeological science, you will find a divine place on Crete that was once known as “The Plateau of St Nicholas” and is more commonly called “The Plateau of Isopata”. It is from this location where you will obtain a most spectacular “royal view” of the city of Knossos and the Harbor below and also the Royal Tomb of Isopata that is said to date back approximately 3,500 hundred years and also where the famous 3,500-year-old sarcophagus of Hagia Triada was discovered.
The symbols, Mason Marks, divine biblical history and the importance of Crete and Athens to true Masons are a testament to these facts spanning 3,000 years to in the building of the new world and in bringing wisdom to the world in an attempt to civilize of humankind.
For example, the symbols of these Masons have been found all over Crete in the Minoan palaces at Knossos, Malia, and Phaestos, which were listed and enumerated by author S. Hood in his publication, “Mason’s Marks in the Palaces,” in “The Function of the Minoan Palaces: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 10-16 June 1984).
Searching the internet for more information, I discovered there were more than 220 mason’s marks at Phaistos mostly connected to the First Palace that was reported by Luigi Pernier in 1935 and Hood in 1987, who reported 750 mason marks at Knossos and 130 at Mallia that were dated to 1900-1700 BC. making them the oldest that I could locate anywhere in the world.
These are the main Mason Marks and symbols found all throughout the palaces of Knossos, Phaistos, and Mallia found in the book, Cretan Pictographs and Prae-Phoenician Script which the meaning were largely unknown at the time of this book.
The meanings of the symbols in Cretan Pictographs and Prae-Phoenician Script are largely unknown or were at the time of this book.
Here is a later interpretation of the meaning of the symbols (S. Hood Oxford, 1994).
The oldest and most important symbols used by these Masons you will find are used all over the globe in almost all their building projects such as the Doubled Headed Axe of the Goddess Cult;
8 Pointed Star of Jupiter, Cross of Jerusalem, and the Swastika to name a few plus various other symbols and derivates thereof carved onto the pillars at Knossos.
“Incised signs on base blocks of Early Palace walls, Knossos” (Evans 1921)
Here is the beautiful stonework that can be found in the west court of the Phaistos Palace mason’s marks found in the book of Luigi Pernier (Pernier 1935)
In the museum at Malia, there have on display some of these ancient Mason Marks that were found there and at the other palaces on Crete.
These same Mason Marks first created on Crete can be found in many important stone buildings and Christian Cathedrals all throughout the world such as Melrose Abbey.
The Mediaeval Masons’ Marks that can be found all over the sone building structure in Herefordshire like the Templar Church of Garway also known as St Michael’s Church in the Herefordshire village of Garway
Interestingly as time would move forward, the Mason Marks of particular Freemasons that reside mainly in France, and Germany by the Cathedrals that the German Princes had built in which they had refined these symbols down to what appears to be a few core symbols being that of the Cross of Jerusalem, Star of Jupiter, Tau Cross, and the Russian Cross, as a secret inheritance to these Rites of their Greco-Roman Masonic Building Ancestors.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.