How a Revolution of the Mind Created Modern Neoliberalism and Satanism

How a Revolution of the Mind Created Modern Neoliberalism and Satanism

In a letter to Thomas Jefferson, John Adams wrote on August 24, 1815, “As to the history of the Revolution, my Ideas may be peculiar, perhaps Singular. What do We mean by the Revolution? The War? That was no part of the Revolution. It was only an Effect and Consequence of it. The Revolution was in the Minds of the People, and this was effected, from 1760 to 1775, in the course of fifteen years before a drop of blood was drawn at Lexington.” (1)

In the beginning, the French, Irish, Spanish, and Native American populations of North America were separated by their respective homelands’ racial and national heritages. To unite them, the Founders had devised a secret plan – a human experiment to change the way they think and act. As Thomas Jefferson once described the Declaration of Independence as an “expression of the American mind” (2) and Thomas Paine stated years later in The Rights of Man, “the independence of America, considered merely as a separation from England, would have been a matter of but little importance.
Independence acquired broad historical significance because it was ‘accompanied by a revolution in the principles and practice of governments.” (3)

The Founders would accomplish this incredible feat by implanting new ideas of personal freedom and liberty into their consciousness. They worked diligently to create a new political system that allowed was an experiment in human freedom, letting people, for the first time, think and act freely from the European aristocratic rulership and the main proclamation written in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal.”

Author and philosopher Manly P. Hall had proposed in his book, “The Secret Destiny of America,” that there was a Great Plan put forth one thousand years before our Nation’s founding: humanistic and mystical organizations wished for the continent to be the location for an experiment in self-government and religious freedom.” This idea of an “experiment of self-government and religious freedom” was an entirely new concept to the world. (4)

Freed from the threat of hostile forces, American minds were suddenly emboldened to resist new British colonial policies because they were stimulated by a new ethos of individuality and self-government which caused them to demand more independence and expand individual rights. As Adams stated, the American Revolution was a revolution of the mind creating both intellectual and political turmoil following Great Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War. The right to political independence, separation of church and state, nationalism, and individual freedoms were the issues that boiled up in the revolutionary cauldron of Britain’s American colonies causing the people to openly and sometimes violently opposed Great Britain’s new assertions of control over their minds.

One of our country’s founders, the American anti-authoritarian political philosopher named John Locke (1632–1704) would be instrumental in instituting many of these new political philosophies. Locke’s teachings of individual freedom, unlimited opportunity to compete for material well-being, and an unprecedented limitation on the arbitrary powers of government to interfere with individual initiative were some of the most powerful ideologies ever invented.

It is these new individualistic ideologies that were an experiment in self-government and religion that I contend creates a “national state of mind”, which has brought our country to the present day. A human experiment in freedom where these revolutionary ideas intended to change the very structure of government, American Culture, and also the entire social global order of society. But it must also be emphasized that our nation’s founders had asserted that the freedom of individuals to pursue their own ends would be tempered by a “public spirit” and concern for the common good that would shape our social and government institutions. As with any experiment, it may succeed or it may fail and plans can also change as I believe has happened with our Traditional Ethos in the U.S.A. and is the main focus of this book.

The current American value system, or “American Creed” is a perverted form of ultra individuality, which we call “liberal individualism is not grounded on our traditional philosophies, values, and the true American ethos and when taken to the extreme can become irrational, evil, or Satanic, leading to tyranny and Totalitarianism. As studies have shown, these ideas of liberty, self-government, equality, and freedom from religion that has led the country to the contemporary U.S. culture which is a highly individualistic ethos. (5)

It is this fixation on individuality and liberalism that I contend is the opposite of collectivism or unity which leads to neo-liberalism in the American Culture. The word culture means the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation or people. Individualism and collectivism refer to cultural values that influence how people construe themselves and their relation to the world.

Researchers have found that “Individualists perceive themselves as stable entities, autonomous from other people and their environment, while collectivists view themselves as dynamic entities, continually defined by their social context and relationships.

A 2006 study reported that this independent mentality makes “North Americans more likely to experience socially disengaging emotions such as pride in the self, feelings of self-confidence, anger, and frustration but less likely to experience engaging emotions such as friendly feelings, respect, guilt, and shame. (Kitayama, Mesquita, & Karasawa, 2006) This would align with de Tocqueville’s argument that equality eventually generates an egoism such that Americans ‘‘look after their own needs. [They] owe no man anything and hardly expect anything from anybody. (1969:506–508) (6) Also, recent research by some of the nation’s leading historians has cast serious doubt on the assumption that individualist values were prevalent among the early Americans in the late 1700s and early 1800s. (7)

As sociologist Robert Bellah and his coauthors written in “The Good Society” to challenge Americans to take a good look at themselves;

“The Lockean ideal of the autonomous individual was, in the eighteenth century, embedded in a complex moral ecology that included family and church on the one hand and on the other a vigorous public sphere in which economic initiative, it was hoped, grew together with public spirit…The eighteenth-century idea of a public was…a discursive community capable of thinking about the public good.” (8)

The authors of the Good Society point out What prevents Americans from “taking charge” is, according to the authors, our long and abiding allegiance to “individualism” — the belief that “the good society” is one in which individuals are left free to pursue their private satisfactions independently of others, a pattern of thinking that emphasizes individual achievement and self-fulfillment. “When citizens are engaged in thinking about the whole, they find their conceptions of their interests broadened, and their commitment to the search for a common good deepens.”

The result of a citizen population working for the common good, the authors contend is “an informed and morally sensitive public active in discussing and debating issues ranging from international financing to day care, within a framework informed by a shared vision of a good society; and a citizenry capable of instituting reforms in our economic and political institutions so that they work for the common benefit of all peoples.”

However, today, in America, we have a tradition of accepting almost all individual pursuits of liberty to be valid or acceptable as long as they do not break the law without a thought of the common or public good. As a result, many activities that were once outlawed for thousands of years have been changed over the last several decades by American Liberal Judges and secret Satanists allowing even more freedom for the American citizens to pursue just about whatever the hell they want. While this may be good for allowing freedom for ideas to increase industry and commerce, I contend that it also provides for the privilege of immoral and even evil ideas to enter our culture.

It is through this New Hybrid American Ideology of unimpeded freedom and ultra individuality without the thinking for the public good or the collective. A Beast-type system that allows laws that once protected the public good to be changed to the point today where bad ideas are protected by law.

A totally new landscape of freedom from what our original Founders had envisioned where pornography, black magicians (sorcerers), devil worshippers, Satanists, murderers, serial killers, and people who claim in their own words to kill in the name of the Great Serpent – Satan are welcomed into our homes with open arms. They often become Cult heroes like Carles Manson and Richard Ramirez to a whole generation of wayward youth.

It is this fixation on complete freedom of the individual and liberalism without thinking about the public good that I contend has created the “Satanic State of Mind.”


1. US Library of Congress

2. From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Lee, 8 May 1825 – US National Archives

3. American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence By Pauline Maier · 2012

4. The Secret Destiny of America By Manly P. Hall

5. Ethos of independence across regions in the United States: the production-adoption model of cultural change

6. Cultural regulation of emotion: individual, relational, and structural sources

7. The Origins of American Individualism: Reconsidering the Historical Evidence 1999 – Edward Grabb, Douglas Baer and James Curtis

8. The Good Society, by Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven M. Tipton (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1991 Published in Issues in Ethics – V. 5, N. 1 Spring 1992)

The History of Neoliberalism & Satanism w/ Carl Rashke

The History of Neoliberalism & Satanism w/ Carl Rashke

In this episode of the Gnostic Warrior Podcast, I have the honor of interviewing American philosopher and theologian Carl A. Raschke. Raschke is a Past Chair and Professor of Religious Studies Department at the University of Denver, specializing in continental philosophy, the philosophy of religion, and the theory of religion.

He is an internationally known writer and academic, who has authored twenty books and hundreds of articles on topics ranging from neoliberalism, postmodernism to popular religion and culture to technology and society.

Please watch the video podcast below on Youtube or listen/download the audio podcast.

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Carl’s most recent books include Neoliberalism and Political Theology: From Kant to Identity Politics (Edinburgh University Press, 2019), Postmodern Theology: A Biopic (Cascade Books, 2017), Critical Theology: An Agenda for an Age of Global Crisis (IVP Academic, 2016), and Force of God: Political Theology and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy (Columbia University Press, 2015).

He is also Senior Editor for the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory and Senior Consulting Editor for The New Polis. From 2016-2018 he served as managing editor for Political Theology Today (currently Political Theology Network).

Join Carl for discussions on philosophy at

To find out more about Carl Rashke and his great work, please visit his website.

Or by email – [email protected]

Carl on Satanism;

There was a whole PR campaign to try to sanitize what was happening, and I was the target of a lot of these groups because I had the kind of intellectual authority. Satanism was not my thing. I knew a lot about it. I’d heard a lot about it on the ground, the narrative that let’s call the PR campaign, which is pushed by, I would say, less than reputable academics who were just kind of in it to protect themselves and protect their research clients.

I’m not saying there was necessarily a thing corrupt about it, though. There have been rumors that occasionally there were, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s kind of like the tobacco industry, you know, tried to tell you, you know, in the early days, you know, tobacco is not as harmful as they’re saying. So what they did was they got the road authorities together, and they created this narrative.

That Satanism was a panic, you know, based on the idea of a moral panic, that term was posed by a guy. I can’t remember his name, but it was called satanic panic. It came out in the nineties. It was a sociological term that basically tried to look at the whole phenomenon as if it were just a bunch of spooked out people who didn’t really understand what was going on, who were panicking.

I mean, that’s totally false because the thing emerged kind of organically and slowly the go back to Satanism mean. There is no such thing as Satanism per se. Just like there is no such thing as Christianity per se, but that’s, that was always the argument. You’re talking about Peter Gilmore, by the way, when you mentioned the church of Satan, did you?

I had a kind of debate with him on the TV back in the early nineties. There have been all sorts of schisms and arguments, and everybody was calling themselves Satanists.

Etiology there that there must be this pure thing, purity you call Satanism, which you know, is being slandered and abused and blah, blah, blah. And you know, so the whole thing was just, you know, literally a shit show. Uh, and, uh, I got caught up in the middle of that and the book I didn’t expect that I was just trying to honestly write from, uh, the notes and the interviews and the stuff I read, you know?

And you had everything from Anton. The Church of Satan, I was told by Anton Lavey’s daughter, Carla, who I met at a time, that he actually had a copy of the book and liked it. I don’t know if that’s true, but then there was Michael Aquino, who I guess is dead now. Supposedly nobody knows if he’s dead. Maybe he’s ascended going on to some new dimension or so forth, but he had the Temple of Set, and he was at war with, OR I should say, not war literally.

Moe: Adversarial.

Carl: Yeah. And you know, there were all these underground movements around the world are trying to claim that they’re there the true Satanism. But what I was trying to show in the book was just sort of the history of all these things. The moving parts of this and components and the McMartin case were weird because I never really got into the ritual abuse thing. As far as I know, you know, that’s still a mystery. I have my theories about what was going on with that whole thing. I don’t believe that it was simply known to a therapist who we’re putting things in people’s heads to me in that sense.

According to cognitive psychology and neuropsychology, that’s not possible the way it’s being claimed, but something was going on there and that became kind of the focus you had. Entrepreneurs, spiritual entrepreneurs, uh, out there, many of them, you know, we’re hucksters preachers.

They tried to use my authority and said, no way, you’re going to do that. They would say this is the great satanic, great satanic scare. You know, like the subtitle of the book was, How Satanism is ravaging our communities, this word, I didn’t choose that title.

I didn’t want that title, the publisher insisted on it, and of course, they got the blowback they did. They said, oh, well, it’s not our fault. I was trying to be. You know, somewhat guarded about all this. I was trying to show that it doesn’t matter who’s selling certificates to be a Satanist and whether they’re bad people or not.

Obviously, there were a lot of funny things going on that I’ve heard about, but who knows. I was concerned about how this ideology was spreading and being used by people like the night stalker or this guy Constanta, Amanda Morris. They would say, well, he’s not a Satanist.

That’s practicing poly me. Well, yes. I mean, Satanism, academically, is a kind of broader term. That means you’re into various forms of black cultism or black magic.

Carl on Neoliberalism

That was what I call the darker side. A kind of land virus. What was essentially a cultural transformation was going on, which led to this idea, encapsulated in a best-selling book in the seventies called Looking Out for Number One. You know, the me generation, and that became sort of the founding ethos of what we call neoliberalism.

Now, what I do in my book on neo-liberalism political theology, I try to show how this was not about religious conservatives but about religion. Primarily Progressive’s who essentially got on the whole social justice bandwagon, primarily in the early part of this millennium, but the Obama administration accelerated and so forth.

It’s we get the term virtue signaling. It’s all about me, but it’s me. Masquerading has this idea of we, but it’s not by doing anything concrete that will change the world. It’s all about building your own kind of personal human capital. I cited a lot of academics. This is totally different book than “Painted Black.” What most academic research is citing other theorists.

It’s like, you can recreate this kind of virtual world, this world of goodness. What it’s really about, essentially, is gaining power under the pretense that you’re saving the world or saving the planet or helping others. And in fact, you’re not doing a damn thing.

Neoliberalism, as we understand, it began out of the Jeffersonian ideal, but like all systems of emancipation, they become corrupted.

Like what happened in Soviet Russia with those who, you know, first get emancipated. It’s like, they don’t want anybody else to be emancipated. So now I went to college. My father was the first of his generation to get a college education. He got a bachelor’s degree. He barely got it now to make sure that his children got more of an education. He did it because he saw it not as a way of getting a job, but as a ticket to virtue to make sure that his kids could carry on the moral legacy.

Unfortunately, he died before I got into graduate school, and it’s probably because of that I did end up going to graduate school becoming who I became. But I’ve always carried that with it, particularly the idea of a liberal arts education. You become a true citizen. With the political responsibilities, somebody like Jefferson who said, which is a religious obligation, which goes back to the question I’m looking into right now, sovereignty, you know, if you have virtue.

And that’s what we don’t understand. If you have virtue, you don’t have to worry about whether you own a gun or not. I mean, people own guns, you more guns at 50 years ago than they own. Now, we have a few people who have a lot of guns, the less people own guns, and there’s a whole. Kind of a toxic debate going on in our society, but you know, people used to own guns.

They didn’t kill each other because the more, the moral that’s called the moral substance of our democracy, as you know, going out the window. So much of that has to do with what I would call libertarian excesses that led to the neoliberal regimes and criminal rules.

And then we see where it gets corrupted because it goes back to Jefferson’s idea of libertarianism and the leaf and the people, but they had to have virtue today. Everybody’s I don’t think you could call Jefferson libertarian. Libertarian is a modern word.

Libertarian means basically someone who focuses on Liberty without the virtue.

The Satanic Ritual Murders of Richard Ramirez

The Satanic Ritual Murders of Richard Ramirez

There will be undoubtedly more crimes in the sense that the Satanic Bible tells you to take no more shit. – Anton LaVey

After he crept into their Diamond Bar home at night fatally shooting her husband in the head as he slept, Richard Ramirez forced his wife, Sakina Abowath to “Swear on Satan” before he raped her.

In San Francisco, Bay Area, he killed an accountant named Peter Pan and raped his wife Barbara, ate everything in the fridge, threw up on the kitchen floor and masturbated on the living room floor — and then scribed an upside-down (inverted) pentagram written with lipstick on the wall and on the leg of a victim – the symbol of Satanists onto the wall.

It wasn’t until Ramirez left these Satanic pentagrams as his calling card that investigators drew the connection to Satanic worship.

In the following years, he would leave more of these pentagrams behind, and would also tell his victims to “swear to Satan” instead of God.

Ramirez not only killed adults in cold blood, but he also didn’t spare the children who he came across, often raping, torturing, and killing them as well.

During the first stages of his Satanic killing spree, several young children were forcibly taken from their beds while they slept, sexually assaulted, and then left for dead like little 9 year old Mei Leung. Yes, he was one of the sickest and most depraved criminals to ever walk the planet.

Soon thereafter, one of the 6-year-old victims who survived would be crucial in identifying Ramirez that lead to his capture.

It was evil crimes like in the name of Satan that would make Richard Ramirez go down in history as one of the most ruthless and notorious serial killers, the so-called Night Stalker. Ramirez was introduced to Satanism through the Satanic Bible and even visited the author and Church of Satan’s founder, Anton LaVey at his infamous Black House in San Francisco. Ramirez was on some sort of anti-Christian pilgrimage from Los Angeles to meet his hero, LaVey.

Richard Ramirez just wanted to “shake the hand of the great Dr. LaVey,” said Lavey’s grandson, Stanton Lavey who was a young child and eyewitness to the event. Because of shady people like Ramirez coming by the Black House House unannounced, Lavey and his wife installed a security fence, video cameras and employed full-time security guards.

Stanton Lavey had written on;

“By 1983, business and life had slowed down quite a bit for my grandfather. And that’s when Richard Ramirez, the so-called Night Stalker, started coming to the Black House on some sort of anti-Christian pilgrimage to meet my grandfather.

The house had become the subject of a lot of vandalism and frequent trespassing, so my grandfather had a high fence with razor wire installed. Wooden slats were slid between the folds of the fence for more privacy — we could see who was outside without being seen ourselves. I was 5 when the 23-year-old Ramirez made his presence known to us,” Stanton said.

“He’d come up to San Francisco from Los Angeles, to “shake the hand of the great Dr. LaVey.” Tony, the house security guard, my grandfather’s driver and my occasional babysitter, confronted Ramirez after he noticed someone standing on the sidewalk and staring at the house.

The stranger told Tony that his name was Richie and he just wanted to meet “Dr. LaVey,” and would take only a minute of his time. Tony told him to scram. Ramirez then started walking in slow circles around the block, pausing whenever he reached our fence.

After this had gone on for a couple of hours, Tony went back outside to get rid of him, bringing a pistol with him in case Ramirez tried anything. But Ramirez was around the corner and halfway down the block by the time Tony reached the gate.

Some hours passed and everyone forgot about him. But then he was back. This time my grandfather went outside, tucking one of his many handguns in the pocket of his long black trench coat. As he approached Ramirez, he asked, “What are you doing out here?”

“I just wanted to meet you, Dr. LaVey,” Ramirez said nervously, and stuck out his hand. My grandfather ignored it, Stanton said.

“Well, now you have, so now you can go, I don’t take unexpected visitors. Next time make an appointment.”

Ramirez said, “Thank you for everything you’re doing for us Satanists,” as my grandfather walked back up the steps, he said.

Stanton concluded, “What my grandfather actually said was that Ramirez seemed like a kook. He would usually add that Satanism doesn’t condone murder of any kind. This was my childhood. I don’t know if it’s more or less amazing that I turned out fine, but I did.”

It was a good thing that Anton Lavey had turned away the kook Richard Ramirez because shortly after that, he would make headlines worldwide after being captured for the brutal sexual assaults and murders of several men, women, and children.

People who he had claimed were killed in the name of Satan.

Writing in his autobiography years later, Anton LaVey had written about how accusations of murder in the name of Satan do not concern him. But, Lavey said, “There will be undoubtedly more crimes in the sense that the Satanic Bibles tells you to “take no more shit.”

You see, even hardcore Satanists and High Priests like Anton LaVey knew that within the ranks of his religion, there were people who were abused, angry, crazy, and some were criminals on the fringe. But, on the other hand, people like Ramirez, who were not only magnetized to his teachings in the Satanic Bible, saw them as the new Bible of their wayward generation in a world of hypocritical Christians and as a testament to their alternative and sometimes evil lifestyle.

True crime author Philip Carlo spoke to Ramirez about the crimes and Satanism in numerous interviews.

CARLO: Speaking of spirituality, let’s talk about Satanism. There’s been a lot in the press, Richard, about your devotion to and your affiliation with Satan. Can you tell a bit about what Satan means to you?

RAMIREZ: What Satan means to me…Satan is a stabilizing force in my life. It gives me a reason to be; it gives me…an excuse to rationalize. There is a part of me that believes he really does exist. I have my doubts, but we all do, about many things.

CARLO: When did you first turn away from—as I know you were brought up a—and turn to Satan?

RAMIREZ: From 1970—well, throughout my childhood and up to the time I was eighteen years old, I believed in God. Seventeen, eighteen years old. Then, for two or three years, I became sort of like an—I didn’t believe in anything.

When I reached the age of twenty, twenty-one thereabouts, I met a guy in jail and, uh…he told me about Satan and I picked it up from there. I read books and I studied and I examined who I was and what my feelings were.

Also, my actions. Just like the Hezbollah and different terrorist religious organizations around the—it is a driving force that motivates them to do things and they believe in it whole-heartedly. It had the same effect on my life.

CARLO: In other words, their spirituality was what was the driving force in their life, and Satan became, in a sense, your spirituality and the driving force behind you.


CARLO: Richard, do you believe that Satan helps people to be able to do things they wouldn’t normally do? For instance, in Matamoras, Mexico, Adolfo Constanzo killed many people and he was committing human sacrifices to protect the drug cartel down there from the police, and he feverently believed that Satan would protect him and so therefore made human sacrifices. Do you feel that kind of reasoning has any place—

RAMIREZ:— place in Satanism?

CARLO: Yeah.

RAMIREZ: I don’t know the structure of Hell itself, or demons or demonology, but I do know where you tamper with witchcraft, when you tamper with Satanism, be it voodoo—

CARLO: —Santeria—

RAMIREZ: Yeah, any type of sacrifices or contacting the spirits, you’re dealing with things that are very delicate—and dangerous. I myself am no warlock, I’m not a wizard. I’m not one of these types of individuals that knows his witchcraft from A to Z.

But, I have read of instances where people end up getting killed and arrested for tampering with the wrong demons and not using the right types of…uh…the right process of sacrifices and the right types of rituals. You have to know what you’re doing. Everything from ropes to chalices—

CARLO: Everything has to be done right.

RAMIREZ: Exactly. From what I know, certain symbols—like Pentagrams—are supposed to protect you from the demons themselves.

CARLO: Yeah. You were seen in court once with a Pentagram inside your hand and you held it up and showed it to the press and the audience. Why did you do that? Did you feel that it would protect you, or were you just making a statement that you were in alliance with the Devil?

RAMIREZ: Yes, it was a statement that I was in alliance with…the evil that is inherent in human nature.”

Carlo also says that after Ramirez was caught, Anton Lavey’s daughter, Zeena LaVey, had visited him in jail, making him an honorary member of the Church of Satan, and told him they were praying for him.

After Richard Ramirez was apprehended, Lavey’s daughter, Zeena LaVey, went to the jail to visit Richard wearing a long, skin-tight Black dress over her intense hourglass figure and had bright Blood-Red lipstick on her full lips and long fingernails.

She was with her then-boyfriend, a tall man named Nicholas Shreck, who had cut off his left ear as a token of his devotion to Satan. Nicholas also wore all Black and sported an ankle-length Black leather coat.

Zeena told Richard that her Father and the Church sent their blessings and were praying to Satan for him. They were making him an honorary member of the Church. That made Richard’s spirits soar. He held LaVey in high esteem, and Zeena’s visit made him feel the forces of Darkness were being marshaled behind him. (The Night Stalker: The Life and Crimes of Richard Ramirez by Philip Carlo)

DISCLAIMER: You must understand that Richard Ramirez and most other ritualistic murderers had committed these killings independently. Even though he was a Satanist who visited Anton Lavey and had allegedly read the Satanic Bible, I contend that he was not part of “an organized Satanic cult.” Nor do I believe did the Church of Satan order these murders.

I contend that Richard Ramirez was influenced by the writings of Lavey and his daughter, Zeena, who visited him in jail after the murders. It was more of a Church of Satan’s endorsement of his murders for black magic marketing purposes and cultural shock value which the CoS has never been shy to capitalize upon.


When the Ramirez murders first started,  legal authorities had called them part of a “Satanic Cult,” and these were “Satanic murders.” At the time, some Police investigators came out into the media and claimed that these brutal killers were taking part in “Satanic and ritualistic killings.” A person who not only kills people but takes it to a whole new cruel and spiritual level by sacrificing innocent victims in an ancient horrid rite.

I would understand this fact much more apparent when I was older and researched the occult to become truly knowledgeable. I found a quote that would always ring true regarding symbols was the famous words by the Chinese philosopher Confucious who once said Signs and Symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.

I remember what stood out in my mind to this very day is what the police called the Satanic symbols Ramioriez used as his calling card written in the victim’s blood on the walls or on the bodies that he left behind. It’s truly the script that many Hollywood horror movies are based upon but this was real life.

Heinous acts of violence done in such a brutal way put these killers on a whole new level of brutality that most people cannot even understand, let alone imagine that any person can be so evil.

This religious fear and serial killers like Richard Ramirez, who openly profess they are Satanists as they ritually sacrifice people in horrific murders is what leads to the “Satanic Panic.” This is why when the words Satan and serial killer are used together, it strikes fear deep into the hearts of most reasonable people and especially devout Christians who are taught to fear and fight Satan.

This is where the true Satanic Panic originated, spreading from here in the early 1980s.

Unfortunately, when referring to the Satanic Panic, some Satanists will instead focus on other alleged crimes, such as the McMartin preschool debacle, where there were never convictions to deflect attention away from the real Satanic crimes.

But please DO NOT believe them.

It has been well documented, like the crimes of Richard Ramirez and many other murderers who have done so in the name of Satan and or under the influence of demonic worship.

Now that I have gone over the facts regarding Richard Ramirezes’ ties to Satanism and Satanic symbolism let’s quickly go over the short history of his murder spree and capture.

Growing up in the early 1980s in Orange County, California, I can clearly remember when my innocent sun-bleached summer of little league baseball, surfing, and fun was suddenly interrupted with news of a Satanic serial killer on the loose.

A cold-blooded murderer who terrorized local communities with a string of home invasion robberies, rapes, and murders.

As some of you know or could imagine, there is nothing that strikes more fear in someone than a killer on the loose near your home who breaks into people’s houses when they sleep to terrorize, rape, torture, and brutally kill them.

The demon’s name was Richard Ramirez, and he would go down in history to be known as the Night Stalker. As you can see from the picture above left shortly after his arrest, his face had morphed into a demonic creature of sorts.

A man portrayed in the media as making some of his victims pray to Satan before he ruthlessly butchered them and would flash the upside-down (inverted) Satanic pentagrams on his hand in court.

The Night Stalker was a name that in itself sends chills down the sweaty neck of any reasonable person on a hot summer’s night.

Ramirez, then 25 at the time of his arrest, hew was initially charged in Los Angeles County with 14 counts of murder, five attempted murders, 19 burglaries, six robberies, seven rapes, five acts of forced oral copulation, seven of sodomy, three lewd acts with children and two kidnappings.

You probably know how vicious his crimes were — but the true-crime series delves deeply into how bloody and gory they really were. He had a pattern — he killed the man in the house, sexually assaulted a woman, and always made sure he could see the fear in his victim’s eyes. For example, in the early days of his crimes, he knocked on the car hood of Maria Hernandez so she would see him before the attack, and he yanked Tsai-Lian “Veronica” Yu out of her car as opposed to shooting her through the window.

In Whittier, he cut out Maxine Zazzara’s eyes and took them with him. Investigators identified him as an “enraged killer” because of how viciously his victims had been killed: in one case, the victim, Patty Higgins, was slashed and stabbed in the throat. Another victim, Florence “Nettie” Lang, 81, was beaten to death with a hammer.

In a docuseries on the Ramirez murders, detective Frank Salerno says, “he got comfortable after killing someone — he would take the time to have a snack. That’s a pretty sick individual.” Indeed, he would help himself with food and drinks in the kitchen after his crime.

When he continued his killing spree in San Francisco, Bay Area police said in the docuseries that he killed an accountant named Peter Pan and raped his wife Barbara, ate everything in the fridge, threw up on the kitchen floor, and masturbated on the living room floor — and then wrote a satanic symbol on the wall.

After Ramirez was caught, he had flaunted his allegiance to Satan like when he flashed an upside-down pentagram on his hand, he proudly proclaimed in the courtroom, “HAIL SATAN.”

In one of his few interviews, speaking from prison to 3TV reporter Mike Wattkiss, Richard Ramirez said he had studied Satanism. But when asked if he was a “devil worshipper,” he said, “No comment”.

When he was questioned if he was evil, Ramirez said;

“We are all evil. Aren’t we not?” He then said, ‘Yes, I am evil. Not 100% but I am evil.”

In another interview from Death Row after his conviction, Ramirez said he believed in a malevolent being and that he has felt its power.

This force that Ramirez speaks of is what many Satanists who understand what they are doing aspire to become one with. A dark force that they feed upon is the “Satanic force” or what Christians call the Devil and is evil.

Author, Marquis H.K. had corresponded with Ramirez for over 10 years before he was put to death to write a book called, “Letters From The Night Stalker: A Decade of Correspondence with Richard Ramirez.” Marquis H.K. had written that Ramirez believed the was the power of Satan himself.

“In the summer of 1985, the city of Los Angeles was held in a grip of terror by an elusive killer. He came at night entering through unlocked doors and windows, targeting houses at random, blending in with the shadows, as silent and deadly as cyanide gas. Brutalizing and robbing his victims, forcing them to swear to Satan, driven by heavy metal music and narcotics and what he believed was the power of Satan himself. It seemed no one was safe from who the press dubbed “The Night Stalker.”

It is important you understand that a common theme among criminals, especially serial murderers, is that they were severely abused as children, just like Richard Ramirez, who was forced to endure and witness horrible trauma. For example, when he was young, his father had abused him and had once tied him to a cross as punishment in the backyard.

According to author Philip Carlo’s book, ‘The Night Stalker: The Life and Crimes of Richard Ramirez’, Richard was scared of his father. Carlo claims Richard’s dad had been beaten as a child by both his father and grandfather. Despite vowing not to abuse his five children the same way he was, things did turn violent when his kids got into trouble.

When he was 13 years old, his cousin Miguel ‘Mike’ Ramirez murdered his wife by shooting her in the face at point-blank range with a 38-revolver. It was the first time Richard had ever witnessed a killing of a human being. His cousin Mike warned him never to talk to anyone about what he saw, which Richard didn’t. After the murder, they back to the apartment to clean up the blood and evidence.

The sight of a human being murdered and cleaning the blood was like a mystical experience to the young Ramirez. He said: “That day I went back to that apartment, it was like some kind of mystical experience. You could smell the dried blood. I looked at the place where Jessie had fallen and died, and I got this kind of tingly feeling.”

Maybe this is why after he was caught, Ramirez posed the question of whether serial killers were born or bred?

The book, The Night Stalker Killer: Life of Serial Killer Richard Ramirez, By Jack Smith, describes his troubled upbringing and his exposure to violence at an early age. Smith helps us understand what might lead someone like Ramirez to brutally rape and kill his victims with such hate in cold blood after an abused childhood and later using drugs, satanic worship, and violence.

The perfect recipe for a human to become a Killer Hell-bent on causing mayhem to the Satanic world that abused and created him demon.

In the end, an alert and brave 13-year-old boy named James Romero would witness Richard Ramirez attempting to break into his Orange County home. No even knowing it was a serial killer and his life in danger, he avoided being his next victim and took down the license plate of the Toyota station wagon that Ramirez was driving and called 911.

An all-points bulletin went out on the car and he was captured shortly thereafter when he attempted to carjack a woman in Los Angeles. Neighbors who thought he was just a car jacker, chased him, beat him down, and kept him until the police arrived.

Orange County Sheriff Officer Jim Kaiser was the person who drove Ramirez to the station after he was arrested on August 31, 1985. Upon arriving, an officer opened the patrol car door and Ramirez stepped out immediately vomiting a “green” vomit in the parking lot that he had likened to the horror movie The Exorcist.

Speaking to news reporters, he said, “It was green, like The Exorcist. This guy is really evil.”

Kaiser tightened Ramirez’s handcuffs over and over again.

“I didn’t know what he was capable of,” Officer Kaiser said. “I looked straight in the eye of absolute evil. He had cold, black eyes. He was the ultimate manifestation of absolute evil.”

Before he was sentenced to death row, Richard Ramirez proclaimed to the court: “I am beyond good and evil. I will be avenged. Lucifer dwells in us all. That’s it.

Before Ramirez, 53, died of natural causes in Marin General Hospital, he was seen moving around in his hospital bed — with a shocking green hue to his skin. A witness told the New York Post that he looked like the Jolly Green Giant in the end.

The cause of death was chronic liver failure.

“He was the color green,” said the source. “He looked like a green highlighter pen. He was sitting up in his bed doing stretches.”

Mind of the Flesh: How sarka in the bible is related to a bodily organ called the interstitium

Mind of the Flesh: How sarka in the bible is related to a bodily organ called the interstitium

In the Scripture, we are introduced to a powerful part of the human body and also a force or spirit that works through the flesh. What is called “sarka.” A form of Christian dualism that teaches us there are two spirits controlling humankind’s destiny.

The Spiritual is called the Mind from the Holy Spirit and the Sarka is the Mind of the Flesh and they appear to work against one another. The Mind is from the Holy Spirit is good and allows us to connect to God while the other is the Mind of the Flesh, which is the Law of Sin and causes us to lose self-control and to be bad.

Sarka is variously described as a bodily organ related to our flesh or the soft tissue that acts as a supernatural conduit that can shape and mold us via our thoughts and actions, often resulting in sin, disease, death, and even our genetics.

Think of it as the actual machine under your skin controlling your destiny by pronouncing judgments upon you via your actions. The real you. The skin on the outside with your good looks, lovely eyes, and hair, that’s just part of your ego – a temporary facade. One in which the very machine lurking below your exterior veneer can command its kill switch upon your very being, causing illness, cancer, and death for your transgressions/sins.

The scripture informs us that it is related to the human body, 2 Cor. 7:5; flesh, human nature, human frame, Jn. 1:13, 14; 1 Pet. 4:1; 1 Jn. 4:2; kindred, Rom. 11:14; lineage, Rom. 1:3; 9:3; flesh, humanity, human beings, Mt. 24:22; Lk. 3:6; Jn. 17:2; the circumstances of the body, material condition, 1 Cor. 5:5; 7:28; materiality, material circumstance, as opposed to the spiritual, Phil. 3:3, 4.

We read in Matthew 26:41, “Stay alert and pray lest you enter a time of trial. The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh (sarx) is weak.” Then we learn that there is something called “the one” who feeds upon John’s flesh (sarka) and drinks his blood dwells within him and John in him. Through our flesh, we serve the law of sin but with our minds via the Holy Spirit, we serve God.

In John 6:54, we are told, “The one who feeds on my flesh (sarka) and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day, and John 6:55, “for my flesh (sarx) is real food and my blood is real drink or in John 6:56;

“The one who eats my flesh (sarka) and drinks my blood dwells in me, and I in him.”

This sarka is not only part of our flesh, it also has the ability to control our minds so we are hostile towards God and we lose self-control. 

We read in Romans 8:7, “because the mind set on the flesh (sarkos) is hostile to God; it does not submit to the law of God; in fact, it cannot and in Romans 8:8, “Those controlled by the flesh (sarki) cannot please God.”

These are the people who commit various moral and legal crimes, which Paul calls the ‘works of the sarkos’.

“Now the works of the sarkos are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Gal 5:19-21)

It also has the ability to punish us and deem us for the destruction of our flesh by giving us to Satan as we read in Corinthians 5:5, “hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh (sarkos), so that the spirit may be saved on the Day of the Lord.”

Later we learn that this sarka and the Holy Spirit will become one flesh and this is a good thing for all humankind.

Meaning the duality that we face and fight against will no longer be.

As it relates to sarka, it is my belief that it is not our skin, but a special organ that is part of our flesh called the interstitium.

It is through this organ that I believe our flesh and bodies interact with the outer or material world. Hence, it is what I contend as the scientific explanation of Sarka of the Scripture.

The interstitium is the connective tissue containing various bodily chemical and fluid-filled spaces existing between the skin and the body organs, including every part of our body such as the organs, brain, muscles and the circulatory system.

That means that the interstitium covers the whole body from head to toe which lies right below the skin’s surface; lining the digestive tract, lungs, and urinary systems; and surrounding muscles, according to a study published today on March 27, 2020, in the journal Scientific Reports.

Interstitial tissue is composed of cells, and what is called cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF) – water and electrolytes, ground substance, and fibrillary elements. (Figure 2-1)

It has been called an anatomical “highway” that provides a route for cell signal-carrying and may potentially explain everything from tumor growth to how cells move within our bodies.

The ‘ground substance’ of the extracellular matrix is an amorphous gelatinous material of the cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF). It fills the spaces between fibers and cells consisting of large molecules called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) which link together to form even larger molecules called proteoglycans. Glycosaminoglycans are native components of the extracellular matrix that drive cell behavior and control the cell’s microenvironment. 

I contend this microenvironment works through the Sarka ie the interstitium to function as a barrier from attackers via the outside world and the very microorganisms that live symbiotically on our skin and within our blood. When we are properly balanced in homeostasis, it protects against external aggressions, including colonization and infection by these organisms that can turn into pathogens ie our undertakers.

This is accomplished through the degradation of glycosaminoglycans which appears to be very important for fungi to become pathogenic and also increase skin adhesion such as the genus, Candida Albicans.

They became pathogenic when we become unhealthy ie, sin, due to our thoughts, actions, and environment. Then, by default, our natural barrier is weakened, and by an act of judgment from God or the laws of nature, they are allowed to punish us, sinners, with illness, disease, and death.

This is why I believe that antifungal drugs are largely unsuccessful in treating these various illnesses and diseases. To treat a person who has not changed their ways of being and the very actions that caused their illness or disease are temporary band-aids because the very microorganisms that caused the pathogenesis are still present both within the patient’s body and also on the exterior.

The use of antifungal agents may temporarily sever this connection and fungal adhesion, but like flies in search of rotting meat or a pile of feces, the fungi will naturally find their way back to decomposing that which they have been tasked by nature to do. This causes long-term antifungal resistance.

In regards to the central nervous system and brain via cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF) homeostasis and neuronal regulation with the help of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which helps with the circulation of metabolic products, hormones, and neurotransmitters. It helps maintain the homeostatic balance of the central nervous system, protecting the brain against mechanical injuries, preventing direct contact of the brain with the extracellular region.

The extracellular matrix region is the space external to the outermost structure of a host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite.

Researchers have found that various chronic diseases that deal with the interstitium AKA our flesh and our blood and the “Prince of the Power of the Air” such as interstitial lung disease and diabetes. For example, scientists are finding that interstitium could act as a superhighway signal or code carrier for cancers and other diseases to travel throughout the body, according to research published on March 31, 2018, in Communications Biology.

The study suggested that the interstitium carries cancer codes and other disease factors that travel throughout its tissue through the natural movements of the body like the pulsing of our blood, the pumping of our heart, and even the rhythmic squeezing that moves food through the digestive tract, and the flexing of muscles.

This explanation of the interstitium would align with the Scriptural Sarka in several passages as will many of the scientific explanations of this mysterious organ.

To examine the interstitium’s connectivity, Neil Theise, a liver pathologist at New York University Grossman School of Medicine, and colleagues injected tattoo ink into three human skin samples and five colon biopsies from colon cancer patients. In every case, the pigment traveled through many layers of skin or colon tissue. The team also saw evidence that various tumor types had traveled along the interstitium to different tissue layers in the samples from people with cancer.

“Our experiments suggest that interstitial spaces are continuous, creating a potential superhighway through the body, distinct from blood and lymphatic vessels, though which cells and molecules circulate,” says lead study author Odise Cenaj, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Pathology at NYU Langone Health.

“This finding may have significant implications for how the body signals to itself across long distances to maintain health, as well as for the spread of certain cancers,” he said.

Before I finish this essay, I would like to ask you a couple of questions.

Did you know the noun ‘sarcasm’ is derived from the Greek noun σάρξ, which is transliterated as sarka (sarx, sarki, sarca, sarkinos, etc.) and means to rip the flesh off a person?

When you are sarcastic towards someone, you mock their insecurities and sins and make fun of their ego with a sneering or cutting remark. However, the ego of a person is all part of the flesh or, more appropriately, the mind of the flesh. Hence, you expose their true selves by attacking, AKA ripping their fleshly or egotistical shortfalls.

While today, in the West, we have a common saying, “sticks and stones can’t break our bones,” but even the ancient Greeks understood sarcastic words that attack our ego is akin to someone ripping off our flesh and exposing our frailties that are often caused by our sins.

Sins that cause illnesses, cancer, and even death.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020. Hundreds of millions of people have diabetes and in 2019, diabetes was the direct cause of 1.5 million deaths.

Alcohol is associated with 2.8 million deaths each year worldwide. Globally, one in three people drink alcohol (equivalent to 2.4 billion people), and 2.2% of women and 6.8% of men die from alcohol-related health problems each year. Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year. More than 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.

Traveling through our flesh via the biblical sarka, or what today we may call the interstitium, our microscopic legislators issue their judgments upon humanity for all of our sins.

Whether we drink alcohol in excess, thus ruing our livers, smoke too much bad Western tobacco to contract cancer, maintain unhealthy diets, and get diabetes. When we abuse anything, our ancestors would have called sins – gluttony and lack of self-control.

The sins bring illness, disease, and death, as we see now with a global epidemic in 2021.

Scripturally speaking, I believe these are natural law legal pronouncements under God for what Paul had called the ‘works of the sarkos’.

As John said so pointedly well over 2,000 years ago, “The one who eats my flesh (sarka) and drinks my blood dwells in me, and I in him.”

Perhaps today if John were alive he might add, “The one who rots my flesh (sarka), causing cancer, diabetes, and death, rots my blood dwells in me, and I in him.”

In the video below, Gil Hedley, Ph.D. demonstrates with on-camera dissection of the interstitium, which he calls “perifascia.”

How Sinners and Satanists Find Redemption

How Sinners and Satanists Find Redemption

Being a sinner or what some people would simply call a juvenile delinquent for most of my early life, the darkness of my acts has always shrouded my ability to see the light and goodness in the world. This inability to see the good made me hate that which I didn’t understand.

Figure emerges from the comos

The English word sin means to “miss the mark.” 

It is derived from the Biblical Greek New Testament ἁμαρτία hamartia “sin”, missing the mark (failure or error) which is derived from the Hebrew hata – “sin”. A word that originates in archery and literally refers to missing the “gold” at the “center of a target,” but hitting the target – i.e. “to miss the mark”

So when we sin, humans are missing the mark. We are not getting the whole point of life which is to treat people how we want to be treated, to be blessed, and to love and live a good life.

Looking back on those years, I can honestly say that I was missing the mark and my sins caused me to have broken relationships and multiple trips to jail and prison. Obviously, the drugs, parties, music, violence, and girls were just part of the scene that constituted my sins.

Sins that almost killed me on multiple occasions and have killed countless peers.

But even in my darkest hours, I dreamed about the light and breaking the chains that bound me to my evil ways. I often thought, what does it take to make things right and what steps must I take to stop sinning in order to begin the road of redemption to recover my lost and tattered soul.

To many people outside of religion, a supernatural conversion of a bad person or even a former criminal or Satanist is ludicrous. Some people would even say that recent converts to the Faith are mentally deranged. However, my research into the subject and my own journey into the Valley of the Shadows of Darkness ie Hell, and back to the Light ie Heaven has shown me that there is something metaphysical happening when a person truly makes a conscious decision to change their evil ways.

A modern example of a high-profile famous person who has done this Great Work of Justification in redeeming his soul is Brian “Head” Welch from Bakersfield, California who plays bass in the iconic Nu Metal Rock Band, Korn. From finding God and quitting Korn, to going solo and then back to rejoining Korn, this man has traveled the dark labyrinths of Hell back to the Light of God to bring testimony to as many people as possible.

Like Brian Welch, I had a similar journey but less public and with a lot less money. My research into his story and his path over the last decade proved to me that he walks the talk. He is a shining example of someone famous who has redeemed his soul. A man who appears to be humble while still playing in the band Korn and testifying of his conversion. In a future article, I will speak more about his story and hope to interview him for a new book I’m writing.

So how does a real-life sinner like Brian Welch or myself make a miraculous conversion? How do we stop doing drugs, sex, and a debauched lifestyle to become a good man who no longer does those things ie sins, and give his life to a higher power ie God?

As the Scripture informs us, sinners can go from darkness to light to be saved from death to life via the Christian concept of Justification.

The Fathers of the Church, both Greek, and Latin, unanimously teach that justification effects the forgiveness of sins. Justification is described in the Bible not only as a remission of sins, but likewise as the beginning of a new life, a renewal of the Spirit, a new creation, a regeneration, a supernatural likeness of God, etc.

The concept of Justification renews the sinner inwardly and makes of him a new person.

This remission event first occurs in a person’s mind when they truly imagine and want to stop their sinful or bad ways. Then through their thoughts and actions, they do the work that is necessary to, for example, stay clean from drugs or stop watching porn to help with their sex addictions. 

This new mindset to live clean followed by real-life action put to Death or Crucify the old Ego or old self/creature and the figurative rebirth of a new person occurs. Like Christ, we can rise to live again from our Tombs. This is the whole point of these Christian teachings.

They have sloughed off sin and become just and holy in the sight of God. Cfr.2 Cor. V, 17: “If then any be in Christ a new creature, the old things are passed away, behold all things are made new.”

As we read in John: “We know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren; he that loveth not, abideth in death. (1 John III, 14)” In Colossians: “And you, when you were dead in your sins, … he hath quickened together with him, forgiving you all offenses, (Col. II, 13),” and Ephesians. V, 8: “For you were heretofore darkness, but now light in the Lord.”  

The word “justification” also occurs in two other meanings in the Bible. Ps. CXVIII, 8 and 26 for the “law”: “I will keep thy justifications;”  and “Teach me thy justifications.” Apoc. XXII, 11 and other passages it signifies “growth in interior holiness,” which theologians call Justificatio secunda.

The earliest Church Father to write about this concept comes to us from Clement of Rome: The Letter of the Church of Rome to the Church of Corinth (Clement’s First Letter) who was familiar with St. Paul’s Epistles, and he certainly believed and taught that we are justified by faith and also via self-control, being humble and this is not in word only, it is “justified by deeds.”

Clement had written:

And we, therefore…are not justified of ourselves or by our wisdom or insight or religious devotion or the holy deeds we have done from the heart, but by that faith by which almighty God has justified all men from the very beginning (ch. 32:4).

We should clothe ourselves with concord, being humble, self-controlled, far removed from all gossiping and slandering, and justified by our deeds, not by words (ch. 30:3).

These quotes by Clement really hit home for me.

I always hated gossip and myself when I partook in it. Self-control is something I have battled with since being a little chubby kid who was picked on by my peers or to my alcohol and drug addictions. Today, the art of self-control plays a big part in all that I do.

I have never been a man who thought by Faith only we are redeemed or saved. To me, these people who walk by Faith only are hypocrites who do not walk the talk. They give Christianity a bad name. The very people Godless Atheists and Satanists poke fun at all day long.

The Eastern Father St. Justin Martyr (AD 100-165) makes it clear that it is not those who “merely profess” Christ on their lips, but by the values of their actions through those who “do the works” the Saviour commanded that will be saved:

Those who are found not living as he taught should know that they are not really Christians, even if his teachings are on their lips, for he said that not those who merely profess but those who also do the works will be saved (cf. Matt. 13:42, 43; 7:15,16,19)” (The First Apology of Justin, ch.16).

Each man goes to everlasting punishment or salvation according to the value of his actions (The First Apology of Justin, ch. 7).

Ignatius of Antioch (AD 35-107), Apostolic Father from the East, informs us that along with baptism, faith, and charity, our works will be our deposits to receive what is our due:

“Let your baptism be ever your shield, your faith a helmet, your charity a spear, your patience a panoply. Let your works be deposits, so that you may receive the sum that is due you” (Letter to St. Polycarp, 6).

Most Christians fail to understand that when you are “dead in your sins” and when you move from being a sinner who lives in darkness to the Light of the Lord, it is a form of Baptism by Fire.

A self-initiation in which you consciously make the decision to stop living a selfish life by the mind of the flesh and to no longer be ruled by your material things, money, and the world. This does not mean that you no longer have a need for material necessities such as money, a house, and or a car, but they no longer define who you are and or take precedence over the most important things in life like family, love, and our spiritual life such as God.

When a person has genuinely made this decision to stop consciously sinning by living in Mind of the Flesh, and their thoughts and actions validate this fact, it is called Justification that their sins be forgiven. They now walk in the Light of the Lord ie Spiritus Principalis ie, the directing or Governing Spirit of God as Jesus had done.

Unfortunately, many people deceive themselves and continue to sin, so you must understand that this cannot be done in words only. They miss the mark.

There is also the misconception that our sins are caused by one man and also have been forgiven by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Having faith and just merely believing this will cause you to be saved. As we read in Romans,  “by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners” (Romans 5:19), and to overcome this alienation from God by sin, Jesus died on the cross, thereby reconciling us to our Creator, insisting that “when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son” (Romans 5:10).

But this interpretation is wrong because if we are to examine the Greek and Hebrew Scripture, we would find that

The Scripture is emphatic that Forgiveness is imparted via penance from God. NOT by Jesus dying on the cross, a preacher, or some outside authority. It comes from both within and God, which is Natural Law.

Another Eastern Father, Basil the Great (AD 329-379), tells us of being “acceptable to God” through obeying the gospel, purging sins, and being active in good works:

He who would obey the gospel must first be purged of all defilement of the flesh and the spirit that so he may be acceptable to God in the good works of holiness (The Morals, 2, 1).

Basil believed that simply renouncing sins was not enough for salvation; rather, an act of penance was necessary as well:

Mere renouncement of sin is not sufficient for the salvation of penitents, but fruits worthy of penance are also required of them (The Morals, 1, 3).

The people who are saved ie break free via the values of their actions are Redeemed, which is the Christian concept of Redemption.

The word Redemption comes from the Latin redemptio which is originally rendered from the Hebrew kopher and Greek lytron which, in the Old Testament, redemption (Hebrew ge’ulah) referred to the ransom price of slaves (Exodus 21:8). In the New Testament, it is designated as the “great price” (1 Corinthians 6:20) which the Redeemer paid for our liberation.

Greek Fathers, like St. Athanasius (De incarnatione, in P.G., XXV, 105), St. Cyril of Alexandria (Contra Julianum in P.G., LXXV, 925) and St. John Damascene (De fide orthodoxa, in P. G, XCIV, 983), emphasized that Redemption is a remedy for original sin as almost to make it appear the sole and necessary means of rehabilitation.

In this regard, Gregory of Nyssa introduced the concept of Satan and souls on a fishing hook.  Just as in fishing, Satan clamped down on this hook (i.e. Christ), and found a surprise.  This surprise was the claims of all the souls taken from the devil.

This concept of redemption has been extended to the law for example of human chattel or slaves: an Israelite slave, an Israelite captive, and the firstborn son, pidyon haben, (Hebrewפדיון הבן‎) or redemption of the first-born son. Firstborn’ derived from Jacob, who are God’s slaves forever, but are currently held captive, even while residing in the modern state of Israel.

Redemption is extended from the person to material possessions like real estate for foreclosed properties. Before a bank can cease or take back the property from a delinquent owner, they are given a Right of redemption, which is a right to reclaim the foreclosed property.

The right of redemption to transform individual persons one mind, heart, and soul at a time.

Through Justification, they have been saved from the jaws of Leviathon, the Devil, or the earth’s biosphere which controls the mind of the flesh.

Their souls Redeemed by thoughts, words, and actions.

Thus the ransom has been paid.

Proof that they are no longer his slaves.

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