The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality – Angel Millar

The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality – Angel Millar

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The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality

Angel Millar

Angel Millar

My guest today on the Gnostic Warrior Podcast is author, Martial artist, and Freemason, Angel Millar.

Angel discusses his new book, The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality. A book for anybody interested in the history of the various initiatic systems.

Angel tells us how the figures of the craftsman, the warrior, and the magician were known to every ancient culture on earth.

He explains the general purpose of initiation and how does it relate to an individual’s path in life. Angel also discusses how Masonic symbolism is used during the process of initiation and the development of the initiate and also he delves into the history of many other esoteric and spiritual systems.

Angel Millar is also the author of Freemasonry: Foundation of the Western Esoteric Tradition (2014) and Freemasonry: A History (2005). His writing has also been published in The Journal of Indo-European Studies, Quest magazine, and Philalethes: The Journal of Masonic Research, among others.

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Shamanic Qabalah and The Great Work – Daniel Moler

Shamanic Qabalah and The Great Work – Daniel Moler

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Shamanic Qabalah & the Great Work

Daniel Moler

Daniel Moler

In this episode of the Gnostic Warrior Podcast, I have the honor of interviewing writer, artist, and sanctioned teacher in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, Daniel Moler.

Daniel shares his eclectic journey along a fascinating path of disovery that has taken him to learns the ways of the the anient Peruvian Shamans where he was initiated to later became a sanctioned teacher in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. A tradtional practice using a mesa, or personalized altar and sometimes the Peruvian healing Cactus to offer prayers for oneself and the earth, and to receive insights and guidance.

We talk about his article – Machine Elves 101, or Why Terence McKenna Matters – how the McKenna Brothers are important pioneers who have opened portals of understanding. As Mckenna said, “There are forces friendly to our struggle to birth ourselves as an intelligent species.”

Daniel also discusses his modern journey as a Shaman that later took him to the mystical road of the Qabalah and his book, Shamanic Qabalah: A Mystical Path to Uniting the Tree of Life and the Great Work.

He has published numerous books around the world, both fiction and nonfiction works around the world in magazines, journals, gaming modules, and online, including:, Positive Health Magazine, Cannabis Culture, The Tattooed Buddha, Sacred Hoop, and A Journal of Contemporary Shamanism.

Click here to visit Daniel’s Website 

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Enoch’s Secret Masonic Builders Crafting the World – R.J. von Bruening

Enoch’s Secret Masonic Builders Crafting the World – R.J. von Bruening

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Enoch's Secret Masonic Builders Crafting the World

R.J. von Bruening

R.J. von Bruening

In this episode of the Gnostic Warrior Radio Show and Podcast I have the pleasure of interviewing an expert on the Book of Enoch and author, R.J. von Bruening who takes us on a fascinating journey into the mystical esoteric symbolism buried within the ancient pages of the Book of Enoch.

Since ancient times, the Scribes have always had their hands in the creation and managing of an empire and the secrets of a mysterious esoteric religion that has been operating its lights within the shadows of humanity.

R.J. also explains how their secret societies and teachings have been encoded into symbolism for millennia. Learn how that about the before and during the collapse of the Roman Empire when the Roman College Artificers began retreating to the city of Como in Northern Italy and how they became known as the Comacine Masters.

Author R.J. von-Bruening is a passionate researcher of the recondite knowledge of the occultic arts, specializing in the mystical esoteric symbolism and its relationship to the Book of Enoch, the Bible, and ancient mythology. He has appeared on numerous Podcasts and Radio shows covering such topics as esoteric symbolism, ancient mysteries, mythology, secret societies, conspiracy theories, and the paranormal.

R.J. von Bruening books on Amazon:

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Spiritual Defense Against the Coronavirus with ex-Navy SEAL – Michael Jaco

Spiritual Defense Against the Coronavirus with ex-Navy SEAL – Michael Jaco

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Spiritual Defense Against the Coronavirus

Michael Jaco

Michael Jaco

In this special episode of the Gnostic Warrior, my guest is ex-Navy SEAL, philosopher, author, and the founder and Unleashing Intuition Secrets – Michael Jaco. Today we talk about the coronavirus and what you should do to keep mentally and spiritually strong during these dark times.

Jaco is a 35 year veteran Navy SEAL Team 6 Assault Team Operator, CIA security operative, master instructor and he has extensive training and knowledge of bioweapon warfare. You will find his insights and our discussion well worth your time.

the author of “The Awakening of a Warrior: Past Lives of a Navy SEAL Remembered,” and “The Intuitive Warrior.”

Deep withinside all of us lies the ability to be phenomenal at whatever we choose to do. Discover how to tap into this secret and unleash it at will from someone who has done it and can teach it to anyone.

Michael Jaco’s website:

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The Meaning of Being Illuminati – Dr. Nicolas Laos

The Meaning of Being Illuminati – Dr. Nicolas Laos

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The Meaning of Being Illuminati

Dr. Nicolas Laos

Dr. Nicolas Laos

My special guest today is philosopher, Freemason (regularly installed Heirophant-of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis Misraim), author, and the founder and World Grand Master of the Scholalary and Political Order Ur Illuminati (SPOUI).

An International Illuminati movement based on the ancient traditions of the Bavarian Illuminati that is in league with other Illuminati sects such as one of Italy’s most respected Freemasons, Dr. Guiliano Di Bernardo who is the Grand Master of the Dignity Order.

The Ur-Illuminati is an exclusive global Fraternity based on the Third-Way Esotericism and Noopolitics: Beyond the White and Black Brotherhoods. This is NOT an Order which an initiate can add to their other ones; it is an end to esotericism and noopolitics.

Dr. Nicolas Laos is a native of Athens, Greece and is an internationally published and respected author of numerous books on philosophy, ontology, metaphysics, Freemasonry,  Noopolitics, and his latest book, The Meaning of Being Illuminati which is the world’s first scholarly research on the true history and inner-workings of the Real Illuminati.

Dr. Nicolas Laos’ website:

Would you like to know the truth about the Illuminati without the conspiratorial nonsense and how you can possibly become a member of this exclusive global Fraternity based on the Third-Way Esotericism and Noopolitics known officially as the “Scholarly and Political Order of the Illuminati (SPOUI)”?

Please order and read the Dr. Laos’ book, The Meaning of Being Illuminati from Amazon at the link below. After you read the book and if you are still interested in joining this international Illuminati order, please contact Moe at this link and explain who you are and why you would be a good candidate to serve the SPOUI



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Stephan A. Schwartz: Secret Agents of Personal and Social Transformation

Stephan A. Schwartz: Secret Agents of Personal and Social Transformation

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Secret Agents of Personal and Social Transformation

Stephan A. Schwartz

Stephan A. Schwartz

My special guest today is the Godfather of Consciousness and Remote Viewing, Stephan A. Schwartz. 

Many of us know that something is seriously wrong with the world and then we must do something to save us from what seems to be a disastrous future. Whether it is the ongoing chaos of terrorism and wars or the poisoning of the biosphere with manmade CO2 and subsequent global warming.

Yet, a lot of us think that we cannot change things on our own so we look to other people, groups and sources for the solutions we seek.

Stephan A. Schwartz tells us that history proves that this is not true. In fact, some of the greatest changes and events have been brought into the world by the path of one person who acts as The Agent of Personal and Social Transformation. He speaks to the Gnostic choir when he explains that in order to change our world, we MUST first change ourselves and work on ourselves.

By doing so, YOU be the change that you want to see in the world!

Donate to Moe on Patreon:

Stephan’s website:

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