It was Plato (428 – 348 BC) who first said the world was built from triangles. In his book Timaeus, he states that there are four elements that make everything, but these elements are in turn made up of triangles.
Plato wrote;
“In accordance with the requirements for the construction of the body of the universe, the Craftsman begins by fashioning each of the four kinds “to be as perfect and excellent as possible…”
Speaking on the four elements, Plato stated, “the most excellent four bodies that can come into being” (53e). He believed that the elements were all made of triangles and constructed in such a way as to explain how the transmutation of elements was possible.”
All matter, which would be the earth, air, fire, and water is made up of particles (“primary bodies”) composed of elementary right triangles making the geometrical solids: a tetrahedron cube, octahedron and icosahedron.
Fire would be represented by the Tetrahedron (4-sided solid) and Air by the Octahedron (8-sided solid). The Icosahedron (20-sided solid) would represent water and earth by the cube (6-sided solid).
But what did he mean when he made these claims over 2,300 years ago?
To understand what Plato had meant, we need to look back to around the time he lived and what problems and knowledge base the Ancient Greek philosophers were most concerned with.
When we do so, we find that one of their main branches of the study was metaphysics, which is a science that deals with the first principles (elements) or the hidden causes of things in our world to help define reality and our understanding of it. Metaphysical studies generally include concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.
Two of Platos’ greatest contributions to metaphysics were his development of the Platonic Solids, which he maintained were the basis for the whole universe and his theory of abstract and eternal Forms (see Plato’s metaphysics and epistemology).
His other was the Platonic Triad of higher Forms, which is often presented as Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, or Good and also the number One, the Intellect, and Soul. In his dialog with Philebus, Plato presents this triad also as Beauty, Truth, and Measure (metriotes) or Symmetry (symmetria).
In this article I will attempt to show that Plato’s ontological ideas of these Higher Forms and how the world was truly built from triangles can be proven by contemporary science and mathematics.
In these two concepts, I believe we can find the hidden element of first cause to show how the world is truly made of triangles.
As I explained in my previous article, The Symbology and History of the Triangle △, perhaps no other ancient symbol in the world is more important and has been considered to be sacred from its earliest associations with mathematics, philosophy, and religion.
Since time immemorial, it has been used to represent deity and the active principle in the form of fire that pervades all nature and life as we know it.
When I read about the history of the triangle and its importance to ancient philosophers such as Pythagoras and Plato, it makes me want to further research these concepts. This search I believe, has led me to evidence that shows how the world is built of triangles and why this geometrical shape is the most revered of all in almost every nation and religion on earth.
At its core, geometry is the form of all forms, i.e., physical reality.
All things that manifest in the physical realm are composed of shapes, angles, and points. Through geometrical relationships between these manifestations, they communicate and connect to each other on a deeper metaphysical level.
A type of unseen fabric or transparent web that is woven into the universe that connects all things.
Plato’s Fire
The Light, Active Principle, Deity, and God
As I kept up my research, the question about why did our ancestors believe that the triangle represents deity or God, the light and active principle in nature, was still at the top of my mind.
In my search to identify this light and define how the world was built from triangles, I discovered phosphorus to be the main active principle, or light within this unseen fabric that I theorize connects all things and forms via Plato’s World of Ideas or the Noosphere.
What Christians would call heaven and the Freemasons call the active principle in nature, the light and our ancestors had used to represent deity and God.
It is the element known as phosphorus that naturally forms triangles, and I believe this represents the “fire (tetrahedron)” Plato was speaking of.
After all, the word phosphorus is derived from the Greek ‘phosphoros’, meaning bringer of light.
I believe that Plato’s Triad or Higher Forms which equate to Beauty, Truth, Symmetry, the One, the Soul and the Good can all be proven by modern science to be phosphorus and its alchemical derivatives.
For example, we now know that any three phosphorus atoms form an equilateral triangle (one face of the tetrahedron).
In the diagram below, we see the structure of the various allotropes of phosphorus, which show its tetrahedral shape.
(A) Side view of BP (B) Side view of blue phosphorus (C) Gaseous form of phosphorus (named diphosphorus-P 2 ). (D) Unit cell of white phosphorus (P 4 ). (E) Side view of violet phosphorus. (F) Side view of red phosphorus.
If you study phosphorus, you will find that it interacts and binds with air, water and carbon, which I theorize creates more triangles that lead to forming new shapes or Platonic solids.
For example, when phosphorus reacts with oxygen, it forms phosphate. This is how it is formed in the human body via its tetrahedronal structure, which I believe we can call “Plato’s Fire.”
There exist in these atoms and particles what is called the Van Der Waals forces of attraction . As it relates to the Platonic solids, we know that fire (phosphorus) is made of tetrahedrons and that the earth is composed of cubes. A particle of air (oxygen) is an octahedron and a particle of water is an icosahedron.
The tetrahedron has 3 triangles connecting at each vertex, resulting in 4 total triangles, while the octahedron has 4 triangles connecting at each vertex (8 total triangles), and the icosahedron has 5 triangles connecting at each vertex (20 total triangles).
How the human body and DNA are made of triangles
Next to calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body. It is a main component of bones, teeth, the brain, semen, DNA, and RNA.
It also helps your nerves and muscles do their jobs. In the form of phospholipids, phosphorus is a component of cell membrane structure and of the body’s key energy source, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Many proteins and sugars in the body are phosphorylated.
“All energy production and storage are dependent on phosphorylated compounds, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate. Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), which are responsible for the storage and transmission of genetic information, are long chains of phosphate-containing molecules. A number of enzymes, hormones, and cell-signaling molecules depend on phosphorylation for their activation.”
Hence, phosphorus is not only the gasoline or energy that enlivens and enlightens humans; i.e. the active principle in nature, it is also part of our genetic code and the code of God (deity) that acts as an information storage device.
The immortal fire and master programmer in the form of metaphysical triangles that fuels and programs humanity then, now and into the future.
Let me explain…
Phosphorus is essential to the growth of living organisms and usually appears in the form of phosphate.
Phosphorus is also an important structural element in DNA and RNA, which both have a sugar-phosphate backbone (PO4) that works as a kind of “super glue.”
Here is an image of PO4’s tetrahedral structure.
DNA consists of two strands that wind around each other like a twisted ladder. Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups, which provide structural support to the molecule.
“Phosphate backbones link the chemical building blocks of DNA, the nucleotides, together in a very, very stable way, and so that it is very difficult to break those bonds and takes specific enzymes to do it.
The other remarkable thing about phosphate backbones is the energy for producing the DNA polymer comes from the phosphate itself. So when DNA is synthesized, there is an ATP, an energy molecule, that’s part of the phosphate backbone that is used to link the DNA together.”
Bound to oxygen in all biological systems, including humans, phosphorus is found as phosphate (PO43-). Phosphate is an electrically charged particle that contains the mineral phosphorus. It is also called Phosphate ion or Orthophosphate.
When you study the structure of phosphate (PO43-), you will find that it has the shape of a tetrahedron (plural: tetrahedra or tetrahedrons), also known as a triangular pyramid.
This triangular phosphate makes up the backbone of our DNA.
As you can see, once these phosphate bonds are created, they are difficult to break and this becomes the backbone of our energy production and is also used to link DNA together.
This may be the reason why people who are of the same and or similar DNA, i.e. family and Tribes (DNA Haplogroups) tend to associate and bond with one another better than people of differing DNA.
It is my belief that all forms are connected both physically and metaphysically, and ideas through history form permanent bonds to the past, present, and future.
Through phosphorus and our DNA, the triangle of life and the world.
Hence, our DNA, which holds our genetic history and also our genetic traits, is a type of natural and ancient computer hard drive and program that became our operating systems.
That now brings us to the place of enlightenment.
As it relates to Plato’s World of Ideas or the Noosphere, we can now theorize that phosphorus in our brains may play an important role in helping to realize this sphere of human ideas.
For example, physicist Roger Penrose, of the University of Oxford, and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff, of the University of Arizona have claimed that the brain acts as a quantum computer.
Penorse claimed that protein structures called “microtubules” played a role in human consciousness by exploiting quantum effects.
Over the past several decades, scientists using quantum physics have found that information can be stored on the quantum spin of a single phosphorus electron, and with this technology, they are building quantum computers.
It is known as the Kane quantum computer that was invented by Bruce Kane in 1998. It is a scalable quantum computer based on an array of individual phosphorus donor atoms embedded in a pure silicon lattice.
Scientists have been using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and MRS imaging (MRSI) to observe quantum properties of phosphorus nuclear spins in the brain.
In a study titled, Quantum Cognition: The possibility of processing with nuclear spins in the brain, by Matthew Fisher from University of California at Santa Barbara, he found that phosphorus in the form of calcium phosphate clusters with chemical formula Ca9(PO4)6 is the unique biological element with a nuclear spin that can serve as a quantum processor, memory storage device and the phosphate ion is the only possible qubit-transporter.
Fishers identified the “Posner molecule”, Ca9(PO4)6, as the unique molecule that can protect the neural qubits on very long times and thereby serve as a (working) quantum-memory. A central requirement for quantum-processing is quantum entanglement.
Fisher’s notion of quantum processing in the brain broadly fits into this emerging field of quantum biology. Call it quantum neuroscience. He has developed a complicated hypotheses, incorporating nuclear and quantum physics, organic chemistry, neuroscience and biology.
Based on this information, I believe our brains emit or spin these phosphoric electrons and ions that charge the atmosphere with information around us and the world creating the World of Ideas or the Noosphere.
A physical thinking layer of light.
This concept can also be used to explain why in Christian art, a halo or layer of light would often be seen around a Saint or Jesus and to also explain the concept of the astral body or etheric body.
What Christians call being Baptized by the Heavenly Fire that is also known as the Light, Holy Fire, and Holy Spirit.
To become illuminated or enlightened.
After all, phosphorus has been identified as the main ingredient for the first life on Earth, which some scientists speculate was seeded by meteorites or lightening strikes.
Research has proven that phosphorus is not just part of our DNA and the food we eat, it is a triangular element that can be found in the air through lightening and in space via comets.
“Astronomers spotted a bright infant star shooting powerful jets of energy that created cavities in the gas and dust cocoon from which it formed. Different types of molecules in the cloud, including two simple phosphorus-bearing ones — phosphorus monoxide and phosphorus mononitride — were detected along the cavities’ walls, researchers report in the February Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Ultraviolet radiation from the newborn star helped form these molecules, the team suspects.”
In 1986, researchers found lightning can create schreibersite and may have been the source of phosphorus for early life. Schreibersite is generally a rare iron nickel phosphide mineral, (Fe,Ni)3P, though common in iron-nickel meteorites.
A phosphide is any of a class of chemical compounds in which phosphorus is combined with a metal.
Now, let me introduce you to black phosphorus (BP), also known as phosphorene, which has attracted recent scientific attention due to its unique triangular structure and properties. It has been shown to have exceptional optical, magnetic, mechanical properties, electrical conductivity and electron-transfer capacity.
Recent studies have shown that black phosphorus is made of triangles. Here are two images from a 2017 study showing the microscopic triangle as being the building blocks of black phosphorus.
Black phosphorus is the most stable allotrope of all phosphorus types. It has a layered structure that comes in two forms – alpha black phosphorus and beta black phosphorus.
What I found that was very interesting was how beta black phosphorus can conduct electricity while alpha black phosphorus doesn’t conduct electricity.
Today, we can all witness triangles everywhere with our interconnected world of buildings, cities and the internet (world wide web) where we can connect with one another all around the globe as we share knowledge (gnosis) and store information like never before.
A feat that could have never been accomplished without humans, geometry, and triangles.
We find the properties of triangles help create the design and function of all electronics, which includes the generation and transmission of the electrical energy that powers them. Our TV, videos, and the virtual world in which we live part of our lives online are also composed of triangles.
They can be found in the compression algorithms of the trillions of images via JPEG and MPEG files and the CGI characters we see in film and on TV that permeate our inter-connected world wide web today.
All made with an incredibly fine mesh of triangles, as this makes it easier to digitally compress, store and manipulate data (Maglo et al., 2012) , while preserving relevant surface characteristics. Such data reduction improves storage requirements, transmission capacities, and rendering performance.
Surface approximation uses triangular meshes to generate, process, analyze, and visualize a large amount of 3D data, which plays an an important role in several application fields, such as computer-aided design, computer graphics, remote sensing, computer vision, robotics, architecture, and manufacturing.
What fascinates me about the triangle as it relates to modern technology and computers is that the human mind has also been compared to a quantum computer.
My theory is that as technology uses triangles to function, compute, sense, store data, and transfer data, so do humans.
With that said, Plato’s Fire as it relates to knowledge, the World of Ideas, technology, and the Noosphere are made of what I believe to be “phophorus triangles (tetrahedrons).”
The elements of nature, the cosmos and humans contain phosphorus triangles that are the building “bricks” and “super glue” that holds reality together.
And why the ancient symbol of the triangle has been used for deity, God, and the active principle of fire in all nature, humans, and the universe for many cultures.
In the quote below, Rosicrucian master, Max Heindel discusses the importance of the alchemical element known as phosphorus to the initiate. He says that phosphorus is peculiar to the brain alone and that idiots have very little phosphorus; shrewd thinkers have much; and in the animal world, the degree of consciousness and intelligence is in proportion to the amount of phosphorus contained in the brain.
As I have written in previous articles, phosphorus is the Alpha and Omega of the Scripture and the Greek word for the Latin archangel known as Lucifer who is the light bearer. We also know of phosphorus in the mysteries as the philosophers stone, which is the most important alchemical element for the lovers of wisdom. (more…)
It is the light bearer that brings light. God said, “Let there be light,” and there was phosphorus.
In many of my articles, I have spoken about phosphorus. A chemical element present in all life and that is the Alpha and Omega of all nature. A light energy that is a chemical making our very own DNA fire.
A new study by a team of scientists from the University of South Florida revealed that meteorites had carried phosphorus to earth, which may have led to creating the earliest life forms that came to Earth.
(Source University of South Florida) – Scientists may not know for certain whether life exists in outer space, but new research from a team of scientists led by a University of South Florida astrobiologist now shows that one key element that produced life on Earth was carried here on meteorites. (more…)
In the human body, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the primary energy currency for humans cells and also all living organisms from fungi to bacteria to plants and animals. Understanding the intricate role of ATP in cellular processes is crucial for comprehending the intricate mechanisms that drive life at a microscopic level.
ATP is classified as a nucleic acid and is composed of three fundamental components: adenine, a nitrogenous base; a five-carbon ribose sugar; and a triphosphate chain containing three phosphate groups.
The phosphate groups in ATP, known as alpha, beta, and gamma from closest to farthest from the ribose sugar, are linked by high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds.
Its structure, with high-energy phosphate bonds, allows for the storage and release of energy, which is the driving force behind the functionality of ATP. Upon the cleavage of these bonds, a surge of energy is released, propelling a myriad of cellular functions essential for the sustenance of living organisms.
When these bonds are broken, the release of energy fuels a myriad of cellular functions, enabling processes such as muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, and biosynthesis to occur efficiently.
Phosphates are complex compounds fundamental to all cells and help form and repair our DNA and RNA. Phosphate is an anion composed of phosphorous (P) and oxygen (O) atoms.
Phosphorous is an element whereas phosphate is an anion.
An anion is an ion with negative charge, meaning it has more electrons than protons.
It is important that we understand that all life on earth shares the elemental energy source of phosphorous. It is derived from Ancient Greek φωσφόρος (phōsphóros, “the bearer of light”), from φῶς (phôs, “light”) + φέρω (phérō, “to bear, carry”). In Latin, it is known as lucifer and is encoded in Scripture in the Book of Issah as “fallen from heavan.”
When a cell requires energy to carry out essential processes such as muscle contraction, active transport of molecules across membranes, or synthesis of macromolecules, it initiates the breakdown of ATP. Enzymes within the cell catalyze the hydrolysis of ATP by breaking the bond between the terminal phosphate group and the rest of the molecule.
This process results in the formation of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi), along with the release of energy that was stored in the phosphoanhydride bond. The energy released powers the specific cellular activity that required it, allowing cells to perform tasks vital for their survival and function.
ATP is also known as a purine, which means it is one of two chemical compounds that cells use to make the building blocks of DNA and RNA. They are found in mainly in meat and meat products and are broken down by the body to form uric acid, which is passed in the urine.
Purines such as ATP and adenosine play a central role in the energy metabolism of all life forms. They are released from neurons and glial cells which produce widespread effects on multiple organ systems by binding to purinergic receptors located on the cell surface.
ATP is essential for various cellular processes, including brain function, muscle contraction, biosynthesis, and active transport processes in cells. Active transport involves the movement of molecules or ions against their concentration gradient, requiring energy input. It acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter in motor neurons of the spinal cord, as well as sensory and autonomic ganglia.
Through the cleavage of these phosphoanhydride bonds, ATP releases the energy needed to drive processes such as muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission, protein synthesis, and various biochemical reactions within cells. This energy transfer mechanism not only sustains basic cellular functions but also enables organisms to grow, reproduce, and respond to environmental stimuli.
When this system is altered or is not getting and or recycyling an adequate amount of ATP through diet and excercise, then these processes become corrupt causing orgamisms such as humans to stop growing and able to respond adequately to environmental stimuli.
I contend that you physical and mental capacities enter into an automanous or sleep like state.
ATP is created when we eat food. Especially meat and dairy products.
When food is consumed, it undergoes digestion by our microbiome, i.e.: fungi and bacteria which we feed to break down our food into vitamins and ATP energy.
Without this community of microbes that lives symbiotically within and around us, we would not be able to break down the food we eat. Hence, we would simply not exist.
My contention is that this relationship can be compared to a master and slave being that we are slaves and they are our masters.
This is why they can become paraistic when we do not give these microbes the nutrients they require. As if there is an automantonus kill switch withit our cells that turns on when we digress againts these natursal laws. Instead of eating the good food we supply them with, they will eat us and the science proves this.
Let me explain how this happens…
ATP synthesis is the process by which ATP is produced, typically occurring in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells through cellular respiration by our microbiome. During this process, energy is generated and stored in the form of ATP, ready to be used for various cellular functions.
With that said, it is not you and I who create this energy, but the fungi and bacteria within our guts.
This microbial energy is created by what scientists call, “ATP synthase.”
This means our microbiome rotates in a clockwise manner (like hydroelectric turbines) in response to eating food causing proton flow coupled with ATP synthesis to catalyze the conversion of Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to ATP.
Here is a computer animation of this process that occurs within a “healthy human gastrointestinal tract.”
This quote from a team of scientists from Germany and Japan to summarize their study of ATP synthase:
“ATP synthase is an iconic intelligently designed molecular machine because of its rotary engine and its universal distribution. Similar forms of these rotating machines, one-tenth the size of the famous bacterial flagellum, are found in all animal cells, plant cells, bacteria, and archaea.
The precision machine raises a huge challenge to all origin-of-life theories: how could a working cell arise without these irreducibly complex molecular machines?
They are vital to every organism on earth.
I heard a biologist at JPL say that if they stopped working, we would be dead before we hit the floor.
For eukaryotic ATP synthase, there is a rotor and stator in the FO domain that turns a “crankshaft” to operate the F1 domain. In the F1 domain, three pairs of catalytic units combine ADP (adenosine diphosphate) with phosphate to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the universal energy currency for most cellular processes.
A main purpose of the food we eat is to create a flow of ions to operate these machines.
ATP synthase is the last machine in a series of complexes in our mitochondria whose collective function is to donate electrons to various intermediates so that protons can be extracted. Protons accumulate between the mitochondrial membranes and flow into ATP synthases.
The machines are lined up in pairs along the folds of the mitochondria (cristae) to take advantage of the proton motive force. That flow of protons turns the FO domains like waterwheels, generating three ATP per revolution in the F1 domains, as shown in the animation.”
ADP can be converted back to ATP through a process called phosphorylation, in which a phosphate group is added back to the molecule using energy from other cellular processes such as respiration or photosynthesis.
Phosphorylation is the process by which protons move through the ATP synthase releasing energy that causes the rotor and rod of the ATP synthase to rotate. The mechanical energy from this rotation is converted into chemical energy as phosphate is added to ADP to form ATP.
The release of one or two phosphate groups from ATP, a process called dephosphorylation, releases energy, i.e., the removal of a phosphate group from an organic compound changing ATP to ADP.
Respiration is the act of respiring, which is the process by which a living organism or cell takes (inhales) oxygen from the air or water and exhales it. Photosynthesis is the process by which animals and plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.
This is exactly why today many health practitioners and coaches highly recommend people breathe properly to get proper oxygen intake and go out into the sun as often as possible.
The main purpose is to keep our cells oscillating/rotating in a clockwise manner with the clock of the earth (circadian rhythms) through environmental cues and managing bodily processes by consciously being aware and controlling them to a certain degree.
It is interesting to note that our microbiome creates and is in control of these natural rotations or oscillations in our gastrointestinal tracts.
I contend that this rotation does not only occur within our GI tracts, but also around our bodies as a type of signaling molecule for these same said microbes.
Scientisists call this the “purine signaling pathway.”
A purine is an aromatic ring of atoms composed of carbon and nitrogen. The main purinergic receptors are adenosine, ATP and UTP and purines include adenine and guanine, which participate in DNA and RNA formation
Purines are aromatic which means they have an aroma or smell.
This is why the human microbiome, comprising trillions of microorganisms residing in our gut, skin, and other body surfaces, plays a crucial role in not only maintaining our overall health and well-being, but also the way we smell and our bodily wastes smell.
This smell, I theorize, has a certain wavelength that signals or magnetizes these microorganisms to either live symbiotically within and around us or to command them to parasite/eat.
This is why when our ATP intake is low, fungal overgrowth will start to occur within our bodies.
This “purine signal” I theorize acts like a magnet or computer program that sends out wavelengths based on its energy production or lack thereof. Since fungi do not have eyes, ears and a nose, these wavelengths serve as biological commands in our environments for these microorganisms such as the fungi Candida and Aspergillus to either live mutually or symbiotically or for this relationship to become parasitic.
As within, so without and as without, so within.
According to a recent study:
The skin is colonized by a diverse microbiota. Many cutaneous organisms produce molecules that regulate colonization by other microorganisms and modify their intrinsic biology and behavior. The community of commensal species can act synergistically to alter local immune reactivity for mutual benefits of the commensals and the host without leading to pathology.
As part of a dynamic equilibrium between proinflammatory and immunoregulatory signals, extracellular adenosine (ADO) triphosphate (eATP) produced by commensal flora plays an important role in the regulation of immune detection, immune response, and ultimately a balance between host and commensal organisms such as Candida albicans (Mascanfroni et al., 2015).
The term “glia,” originating from the Greek word for “glue” because it is our glia cells that act as a type of super glue or more appropriately a carbon film like matrix that create an interface with oustide stimuli and organisms.
Glial cells play pivotal roles in the intricate functioning of the brain. Beyond their traditional perception as mere “glue” cells, glial cells play a crucial role in modulating the speed and efficiency of nerve signal transmission in maintaining the brain’s homeostasis and functionality.
One of the key functions of glial cells is their role in regulating the ionic environment surrounding nerve cells. By maintaining precise levels of ions such as potassium and calcium, glial cells create an optimal milieu for efficient signal propagation. This fine-tuned control helps ensure the rapid and accurate transmission of electrical impulses along neural circuits, ultimately contributing to the proper functioning of the brain.
Moreover, glial cells contribute significantly to the speed and efficiency of nerve signal transmission playing a crucial role in modulating synaptic activity by regulating the uptake of neurotransmitters. This function allows for precise control of neuronal communication, impacting various cognitive processes and behaviors.
Astrocytes, a prominent subtype of glial cells, play a crucial role in synaptogenesis and synaptic pruning, processes essential for refining neuronal connectivity and optimizing neural circuitry. By regulating neurotransmitter levels and providing metabolic support to neurons, astrocytes fine-tune synaptic transmission and facilitate efficient neuronal communication.
In 1994, researchers conducted experiments where they stimulated astrocytes in a dish, observing nearby neurons preparing to send signals in response. Building upon this, in 1997, Volterra and his team observed rat astrocytes responding to neurons with oscillating waves of the signaling molecule calcium.
Over the span of 2000 to 2012, more than 100 papers were published supporting the notion of astrocytes communicating via synapses.
While neurons are commonly depicted as trees with branching dendrites, astrocytes resemble a fungus, creating a dense network that covers the brain and facilitates information exchange among its components.
Neurofilament staining of human astrocytes
This intricate web of astrocytes appears to play a role in influencing neuronal activity. Further research unveiled fascinating insights into astrocytes’ impact on brain function.
For instance, in 2016, Kira Poskanzer’s work at the University of California, San Francisco revealed that mouse astrocytes can induce neighboring neurons into a rhythmic sleep state, highlighting the dynamic interplay between astrocytes and neurons in shaping brain activity.
According to UCLA:
Astrocytes have been implicated in a range of neurological and psychiatric disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, stroke, traumatic brain injury and autism. Certain aspect of astrocyte function helps neural repair whereas astrocyte dysfunction exacerbates diseases. Scientists are only beginning to understand what roles astrocytes play in each type of brain disorder.”
Astrocytes are adept at controlling the concentration of ions in the extracellular space, which is essential for maintaining the resting membrane potential of neurons. By regulating the levels of ions, glial cells help in preventing excessive neuronal excitability or inhibition, thus contributing to the stability of neural signaling.
The discovery of astrocytes in 1865 marked a turning point, leading scientists to delve deeper into the world of glial cells and uncover a vast array of functions that go beyond mere structural support. From regulating the ionic environment surrounding nerve cells to influencing nerve signal transmission speed, controlling neurotransmitter uptake, and aiding in neural development through scaffold provision, glial cells have proven to be indispensable players in the neural orchestra.
This newfound understanding challenges the traditional notion of glial cells as passive bystanders and underscores their active and crucial involvement in brain physiology.
Our microbiome influences our digestion, metabolism, immune system, and even mental health. It aids in the breakdown of food, the synthesis of essential nutrients, and the protection against harmful pathogens.
These tiny inhabitants consist of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that form a complex ecosystem within and AROUND us.
This intricate network of microbes communicates with our cells and influences gene expression, demonstrating its profound impact on our physiology.
This symbiotic and sometimes parasitic relationship between our microbiome and energy production pathways underscores the interconnectedness of our body’s systems and the profound impact it can have on our overall well-being.
Meaning exercise and movement, which causes our cells to respire and going the sun are important for this process to work correctly.
Regulation and Recycling of ATP in Living Organisms
Regulation and recycling of ATP in living organisms are vital processes that ensure the continuous availability of energy necessary for cellular activities. The intricate balance of ATP levels within cells is tightly regulated to meet the dynamic energy demands of various biological processes.
Cells possess sophisticated mechanisms to maintain optimal ATP levels. One crucial aspect of ATP regulation involves the enzymes responsible for ATP synthesis and degradation. ATP synthase, a key enzyme in cellular respiration, facilitates the production of ATP from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) during the process of oxidative phosphorylation.
Conversely, ATPases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Pi, releasing energy that fuels cellular processes. ATP Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction where a phosphate bond that has been stored within ATP is broken by water after splitting these bonds, for example in muscles, by producing work in the form of mechanical energy.
When it comes to ATP production, understanding the differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration pathways is crucial.
Aerobic respiration is the process that occurs in the presence of oxygen and is highly efficient, producing a large amount of ATP from glucose molecules. This process takes place in the mitochondria of cells and involves a series of complex reactions, including the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.
On the other hand, anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence of oxygen and is less efficient compared to aerobic respiration. One common example of anaerobic respiration is fermentation, where glucose is partially broken down to produce ATP and byproducts such as lactic acid or ethanol fermentation. I
While anaerobic respiration can provide a quick burst of energy, it is not sustainable for long periods due to the accumulation of lactic acid which can lead to muscle fatigue.
ATP’s function is entirely reliant on the availability of ADP. Without an adequate supply, ATP synthase ceases to function correctly, causing it to dysfunction and decreased ATP production.
Meaning, at the cellular level, your cells start to stop spinning and producing energy.
In fact, it can start spinning counter clockwise.
This then rewires energy metabolism and causes enhanced glycolysis and inflammatory processes, which are a common feature of many age‐associated diseases, including Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy, ALS, diabetes and cancer.
This is called microbiota dysbiosis, which refers to an imbalance in the composition and function of the microbial communities that reside in our gut.
The meaning of the compound word dysbiosis is from the Greek dys which means bad and biosis, the way of life.
Dysbiosis has been linked to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), depression, anxiety, and autism spectrum disorders.
Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) sense microbial stimuli through a number of different mechanisms that regulate IEC gene transcription and inflammatory responses.
It plays an important role in the digestion of food, absorption of nutrients, and protection of the human body from microbial infections, and others.
The intestinal epithelium is a highly dynamic tissue that provides both physical and chemical barriers to protect the intestinal mucosa and peripheral organs from commensal microbes or invading pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to forming a barrier, IECs also detect a myriad of signals from intestinal microbes, allowing fine tuning of IEC proliferation and homeostatic functions
It is the interface between us and them.
A deficiency in ATP synthase, believed to be triggered by mutations in the mtDNA genes for ATP subunits, contributes to various genetic mitochondrial diseases. Moreover, a range of conditions, including Alzheimer’s, muscular dystrophy, ALS, diabetes, and cancer, can induce secondary mitochondrial dysfunction.
Unfortunately, there are currently no known treatments for either secondary ATP deficiency or genetic mitochondrial diseases. However, researchers at the University of Colorado (CU) have been delving into the symbiotic relationship between gut bacteria and the human body, potentially uncovering a breakthrough for addressing ATP synthase deficiency.
They have devised a method to circumvent this limitation by leveraging fast-growing filamentous fungi, Neurospora crassa.
Neurospora crassa is a type of red bread mold of the genus of Ascomycete. The name, meaning ‘nerve spore’ in Greek, refers to resemblance to brain axons.
Neurospora research has found this fungi to be especially useful for studies of photobiology, circadian rhythms, population biology, morphogenesis, mitochondrial import, DNA repair and recombination, DNA methylation, and other epigenetic processes (Borkovich et al. 2004).
The Scripture tells us that the saved people of Israel had the sign of the Tau marked upon the forehead. In Revelation, the tau is called “the seal of our God on the foreheads of his servants.” (Rev 7,2-4).
It was said to be for the guidance of the angelic executors of God’s commands – a mark or sign of favorable distinction.
These angels are said to be the executors of God‘s wrath and also to deliver people (Lot) from danger (Gen., xviii-xix Ex., xii-xiv). As St. Paul says, “Sit at My right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet? Are not the angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent to minister for them, who shall receive the inheritance of salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14).
The word ministering means learning of and attending to others’ needs or to help or care for (someone or something). As if these angels or spirits were with us at all times or were sewn into the fabric of our being and bodies from the day we were created.
St. Basil, (Hom. on Ps. xliii), said our guardian angels can act upon our senses (I, Q. cxi, a. 4) and upon our imaginations (ibid., a. 3). But not upon our wills, except “per modum suadentis”, viz. by working on our intellect, and thus upon our will, through the senses and the imagination. (I, Q. cvi, a. 2; and cxi, a. 2).
The Church Fathers, Tertullian, Origen, Cyprian, and Jerome, said that this was the Early Christian custom of repeatedly tracing the sign of the Tau cross on their own foreheads to symbolize the value of the human mind.
As I will attempt to explain in this essay, these descriptions remind me of our immune system and our microbiota and make up 97% of our DNA. What our ancestors may have called ministering spirits or angels that inhabit and control our gastrointestinal tracts, blood, and brain thus having a direct influence upon our senses, i.e., our thoughts, behaviors, actions, and health.
Like the angels of the Bible, modern science has proven that they help influence and can control the human mind and in doing so, the destiny of mankind.
Today, this description I put forth would make much more sense than Biblical explanations to atheistic scientists and their comrades in academia and the general public.
Meaning that if you truly research Scripture with an open mind, no pun intended to those of you who have been marked for destruction, you will see that it is truly an ancient science, history, and magic book written in allegory to conceal (occult), while also revealing these secrets of human kind.
Now, let me explain how I believe the teachings of the tau and salvation may be related to religion, esotericism, human biology, neuroscience, and the quality of life.
The Prophet Ezekiel speaks of the tau as the mark distinguishing those who were to be saved, on account of their sorrow for their sins, from those who, as idolaters, were to be slain.
“Go through the city, walk through Jerusalem and Mark Tau upon the foreheads of the men that sigh, and mourn for all the abominations that are committed in the midst thereof.
To the others, I heard the Lord say: “Pass through the city after him and strike! Do not look on them with pity nor show any mercy! Old men, youths and maidens, women and children, wipe them out! But do not touch any marked with the ‘Tau’ on the forehead. Begin at my sanctuary.” (Ezekiel 9:4-5).
It’s as if the people of Jerusalem were divided into two camps based on their mental health.
According to the Jewish Encyclopedia:
The cross as a Christian symbol or “seal” came into use at least as early as the second century (see “Apost. Const.” iii. 17; Epistle of Barnabas, xi.-xii.; Justin, “Apologia,” i. 55-60; “Dial. cum Tryph.” 85-97); and the marking of a cross upon the forehead and the chest was regarded as a talisman against the powers of demons (Tertullian, “De Corona,” iii.; Cyprian, “Testimonies,” xi. 21-22; Lactantius, “Divinæ Institutiones,” iv. 27, and elsewhere).
Christians used to swear by the power of the cross (Apocalypse of Mary, viii., in James, “Texts and Studies,” iii. 118).
Tertullian says, “Frontem crucis signaculo terimus” (De Cor. mil. iii), i.e. “We Christians wear out our foreheads with the sign of the cross.” He said, “The Greek letter and our Latin letter T are the true form of the cross, which, according to the Prophet, will be imprinted on our foreheads in the true Jerusalem.” (Contra Marc., III, xxii)
The original meaning of Tau (Taw or Tav) in Hebrew means “mark,” which was the 22nd letter of the alphabet and later became to represent the letter T in Greek.
The mark was how God’s angelic executors were able to find, save or destroy people based on how they thought, spoke, lived and acted.
“For he hath given his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” (Psalm 90:11)
On one side, you had people who were said to be truly sorry for their sins and who were adamantly opposed to the culture of sin, idolatry, and abominations.
They were said to be marked by the Lord with the tau to be saved.
Meaning, these people were chosen by God to be saved by the mark of the Tau seemed to have control and power over their own bodies and minds.
A type of spiritual mark or metaphysical representation that acted as a sign for the people chosen by God to be saved because they were not controlled by the supernatural or infernal forces of Satan or the Devil.
These people who had the mark were also adamantly opposed to sin and evil acts committed by their fellow countrymen.
On the other side of the camp were the damned.
These were people who accepted and encouraged the sins of Soddom and in doing so, bore the mark of the theta upon their foreheads.
They were under the direct control of Satan or the Devil. A type of beast that was no longer human.
Who our ancestors may have called a demon or possessed by the devil.
Today, we can say they simply lost their minds. Schizzoid…
In doing so, they were marked by ministering spirits for destruction and death.
I find these ancient Biblical stories interesting because as it relates to modern times, we find what is called the tau protein that can be found mainly in the neurons of the central nervous system (CNS) and in the brain’s frontal lobe (under the forehead).
It is associated with the mark of the tau on the forehead of the early Christians as an indication of a sound or strong mind and as I will show, human consciousness.
This proves that the tau is involved in the creative processes and in preserving the health of the brain, and also the destroying powers as I will show.
The tau is a phosphoprotein that contains phosphorus (other than in an associated nucleic acid or phospholipid) critical for mental health, memory, cellular function and to facilitate habituation (a form of non-associative learning).
Tau is phosphorylated in a normal healthy brain, and it becomes hyperphosphorylated in Dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases.
The phosphorylation process plays a key role in metabolism and immune response.It plays a critical role in the regulation of just about everything that determines our health and life span via our cell cycles, growth, and apoptosis.
A protein being phosphorylated is like drinking an energy drink before a workout – it prepares a molecule for some specialized task
It is what I believe is the “energy beacon” or antenna that fungi/molds use as a signaling pathway within the host that can regulate or corrupt protein activity altering the expression of many genes at the cellular level.
Cells also secrete various proteins that become part of the extracellular matrix or are involved in intercellular communication.
Phosphorylation is the process by which protons move through the ATP synthase releasing energy that causes the rotor and rod of the ATP synthase to rotate. The mechanical energy from this rotation is converted into chemical energy as phosphate is added to ADP to form ATP.
The release of one or two phosphate groups from ATP, a process called dephosphorylation, releases energy, i.e., the removal of a phosphate group from an organic compound changing ATP to ADP.
The word phosphorus is derived from the Greek ‘phosphoros’, meaning bringer of light.
In Latin, phosphorus is known as lucifer, meaning the light bringer.
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” – Isaiah 14:12
It also helps your nerves and muscles do their jobs. In the form of phospholipids, phosphorus is a component of cell membrane structure and of the body’s key energy source, adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
The tau protein helps make sure your brain operates properly giving your cells all the nutrients they need and for the stabilization of their oscillations for overall mental fitness. It is a microtubule-associated protein (MAP; Weingarten et al., 1975; Witman et al., 1976)
Physicist Roger Penrose, of the University of Oxford, claimed that the brain acts as a quantum computer and protein structures called “microtubules” played a role in human consciousness by exploiting quantum effects.
This may explain why when the tau protein is corrupted creating mental pathologies by something or process, which leads to people losing their minds, memories and consciousness. After all, quantam effect is the effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the other.
Since the health and regulation of tau is critical for brain function, this may explain why tau pathology or taupathies lead to cognitive impairment, mental illness and diseases like dementia and Alzheimers.
As if there is a underlying or hidden cause that creates the effects of these mental illnesses and diseases and the tau is a key marker of these conditions.
The metaphysical and biological mark of those who are not to be saved – the damned.
Hence, “Pass through the city after him and strike! Do not look on them with pity nor show any mercy! Old men, youths and maidens, women and children, wipe them out! But do not touch any marked with the ‘Tau’ on the forehead. Begin at my sanctuary.” (Ezekiel 9:4-5).
The mark I contend may have been the tau protein hat acts like a cellular signal or magnet of sorts for the angelic executors of God’s commands to destroy the mentally ill and some who are so sick they act like what our ancestors may have called evil demons.
This story gets even more interesting as it relates to the science of the human mind and human behavior.
Scripture tells us that Jesus, a 33-year-old wise man from the land of Judea (Idumea, Crete) was brought to Golgatha, also known as the “Place of a Skull” and crucified upon a Tau cross with two others, one on each side, with Jesus in the middle.
Miraculously, after the crucifixion upon the tau cross, Jesus is resurrected.
The original Phoenician (Hebrew) meaning of resurrect or resurrection is ‘raising up, rising up’ or ‘to cause to stand or rise up; to raise from sleep or from the dead.
To resurrect is for man to be ‘raised up’ to live in the spiritual realms or what is called to be “born again or ‘born from above’ – spiritually regenerated (John 3: 3-5).
Man is “raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places (spiritual realms) in Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 2: 1,5-6 & Colossians 2:12-13)
We can say that man is now conscious and aware from his former ignorant state of being medically brain dead and controlled by sin – “the soul who sins will die” (Ezekiel 18:20).
“The wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), which is the repayment you receive from being your own ‘god’.
Hence, although physically alive, you can be spiritually ‘dead’. (1 Timothy 5: 6; Revelation 3: 1)
The death of Jesus is not the end of his life or a state of non-existence, but the separation of the mind from the Light or what Christians call “Source of Life – God the Father.”
The resurrection of Jesus from a metaphysical sleep like state or from being unenlightened to become Righteous which is to be enlightened by the power of Almighty God – His Father.
As if he was formerly in a sleep like state under the sway of the Devil, which would be a sentence of mental illness and disease that would equate to death.
This is why in Ancient Christian iconography, Jesus with a halo is often depicted in a cloud of light pointing towards the heavens with his Right hand.
In his left hand he holds the tau cross as he stands upon the Devil who he has conquered, but still is alive as he clutches a human skull.
Jesus Christ is called the substitute Adam or the ‘last Adam’ who tasted death and overcame death on our behalf. He went to Hell to experience eternal death on our behalf. (Hebrews 2:9; 1 Corinthians 15:45-47)
The Spirit of God raised Him from the grave triumphant over all the powers of darkness that had sought to hold Him in their grip. (Psalm 22: 6-8,14-18)
The resurrection of the righteous, based on their union with God through Christ. (in John 5:28, 29)
The resurrection symbolizes the awakening and enlightenment of consciousness that occurs when someone stops abusing themselves and others or what Christian called “sinning.”
This is when a person like Jesus truly uses their senses and brain to think and process information. To use logic and reason rather than just emotionally react to or regurgitate knowledge.
A person that the Hebrews would have called Behimah or Behemoths and the Greeks would have called automatons. In Scripture, they are referred to as Beasts, so called men whose number is 666 to represent the carbon matter in which their mind dwells and is controlled.
For, “If Jesus Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. .. are still in your sins!” (1 Corinthians 15:14 and 17b)
The ancient tau would signify a metaphysical seal or sign in a person’s head that would indicate they were servants (lights) of God as in the case of the “resurected Jesus.”
In John 19:17, we read, “Carrying His own cross, He went out to The Place of the Skull, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha “at the place where Jesus was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no-one had ever been laid” (John 19:41).
Saint Mark (xiv, 32) calls it chorion, a “a place” or “estate”; St. John (xviii, 1) speaks of it as kepos, a “garden” or “orchard”. In the East, a field shaded by numerous fruit trees and surrounded by a wall of loose stone or a quickset hedge forms the el bostan, the garden. (Catholic Encyclopedia 1913)
The word chorion from the Greek χωρος (choros) means a uniquely designated land: anything from a garden to an estate, a country or territory or even a whole realm (such as the realm of the dead).
The Galatians of the Bible descended from the Gaul, and in Paul’s famous complaint about the foolish Galatians who had let themselves get bewitched (GALATIANS 3:1), he also appears to state that the Gaul had reached Christ-awareness, but lost it.
Tau is found in the nucleus of neurons. Tau pathology is the main cause of many neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s, which are caused by the accumulation of abnormal tau protein in the brain referred to as tauopathies.
Within these people’s brains are neurofibrillary tangles or what are called intracellular aggregates of tau protein filaments) and amyloid plaques (extracellular aggregates of amyloid beta-peptides). Researchers have suggested that tau can be involved in rRNA-coding DNA transcription and rRNA processing.
This gets fascinating because the Tau cross is historically associated with Saint Anthony of Egypt and became known as Saint Anthony’s cross, as the fungal disease called ergotism, and later was known as Saint Anthony’s fire.
It was known as Holy Fire (Ignis Sacer) or st-Antony’s Fire in the Middle Ages, because of the burning sensations resulting in the body rotting or decaying, i.e., gangrene of limbs.
Ergot made people mentally ill by causing them to appear agitated, hallucinate, convulse and just appear as if they were crazy or demon possessed.
If the fungal disease was left untreated, blood flow to an infected person’s extremities, resulting in the later stages with gangrene causing fingers, toes, hands and feet to drop off the body.
This reminds me of what we call today diabetes.
A disease that causes your limbs to rot and decay to the point they need to be amputated.
This condition may be the source of “dancing epidemics.” Dancing epidemics (also known as dancing plagues or tarantism) occurred between the 14th and 17th centuries CE. Various medieval chronicles described groups of people engaging in this behavior sometimes for months on end.
These dances appeared to be involuntary and were possibly the result of ergot poisoning, vengeful spirits, supernatural fears, the bite of a tarantula or scorpion and the distress of poverty and hardship of everyday life combined with the occurrences of natural disasters.
In honor of St. Anthony’s life and struggles, the Order of Hospitallers of St. Anthony was established in 1100 CE at Grenoble, France. There a center was created to care for people who were afflicted with ergotism.
The walls of the hospital were painted in red to mimic the burning sensations experienced by those suffering from the illness.
The monks wore black robes adorned with a blue cross.