A common theme you will find in Philip K. Dick’s writings is the concept of people who do not act human due to their behaviors and how they treat other people.
He claimed that a person who lacks the ethics, empathy, and sincerity that are seen as defining humanity can be considered an android, which he says is “a metaphor for people who are physiologically human but psychologically behaving in a non-human way.”
“The android, by definition, is not human,” Dick wrote. “He is an imitation, a copy of an original. And he must be treated as such.”
The difference between people and androids doesn’t lie in their biological characteristics, but rather in their actions and behaviors. Any person who is compassionate toward others can be called a person; those who lack empathy aren’t human but something else altogether.
Dick says this is especially true if that person has been programmed by their parents or society to live in such a way that they lack empathy towards others.
He called these people manufactured human beings who were much like androids. They can be considered to be “manlike” because they are often made in their image and resemble human beings.
“Androids,” Dick wrote, “are manufactured beings almost identical to real human beings.
He said the android was “a thing somehow generated to deceive us in a cruel way, to cause us to think it to be one of ourselves.”
Dick was also infamous for his claims that many people’s lives were controlled by external forces. That we live in a type of computer simulation.
A theme he used to describe this world was “The Black Iron Prison” of the “Empire (Roman) that never ended.”
In many of his books, androids can have biological and mechanical parts to make them indistinguishable from humans. They can be genetically modified clones of humans (as in Clans of the Alphane Moon).
“An android'” Dick said, “doesn´t care what happens to another android. That´s some of the indications we are looking for.” (Dick 2007, 88).
When a person does not care about how other people feel and just does whatever they want, they are said to lack empathy and sympathy. They can be even diagnosed as sociopathic and even psychopathic if their behavior gets worse.
According to the Oxford Dictionary and the Oxford Advanced Learner´s Dictionary, empathy derived from the Greek term “empatheia” and means “the ability to understand another person´s feelings, experience, etc.”
People who lack empathy have the inability to put oneself in the position of someone else or simply do not care. This is the opposite of the Christian ethos of treating others how you want to be treated or the Freemasonic concept of Brotherly Love.
Dick was interested in artificial intelligence from an early age: he studied philosophy at Berkeley and wrote his first novel — Solar Lottery — while still in his 20s.
The book features a robot who looks like Elvis Presley and is able to sing like him too — which makes it clear that Dick knew about AI long before computers were powerful enough to create anything like it (or even before anyone had thought of making one).
Among the examples of androids in the modern world, Dick sees the unethical and immoral behavior of the German Nazi’s and the police state in which he predicts a future where we would all live in a surveillance society.
Dick had researched the behavior of the Nazis and their treacherous murder campaigns of millions of people. He read how often many of these Germans who became Nazi’s were highly intelligent but emotionally “so defective that the word human could not properly be applied” to them.
This led Dick to a study of “the problem of differentiating the authentic human being from the reflex machine I call an android.”
Dick’s 1956 story “The Android and the Human” is a classic that tells the story of an android that is programed to behave like a human being, but cannot feel empathy or compassion for other humans. This behavior leads to the scientists who created the androids to question what makes us human.
In a lecture on “The Android and the Human” in 1972, Dick discussed the difference between an android and a human. He said;
“I strongly suspect that we will discover in the 21st century that what makes us human is not our physical bodies or our biological processes but rather our minds — our minds in whatever shapes they take — and if we can find ways to communicate with other intelligences we may find that they are not all physical at all.”
Dick said, “…an android means, as I said, to allow oneself to become a means, or to be pounded down, manipulated, made into a means without one’s consent—the results are the same. But you cannot turn a human into an android if that human is going to break laws every chance he gets.”
Androidization requires obedience.
And, most of all, predictability. It is precisely when a given person’s response to any given situation can be predicted with scientific accuracy that the gates are open for the wholesale production of the android life form,” he says.
Dick says, “Some meaningful comparison exists between human and mechanical behavior as the external world becomes more animate, we may find that we—the so-called humans— are becoming.. .inanimate in the sense that we are led, directed by built-in tropisms, rather than leading. So we and our elaborately evolving computers may meet each other half way.”
In his novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”, he explores what it means to be human through the eyes of Rick Deckard (the main character) who hunts down rogue androids that are trying to blend into society without being detected.
In his novel “A Scanner Darkly”, he takes this idea further by exploring how people can become addicted to drugs and how they lose their humanity as they continue to use them over time.
The term android was used before Dick to describe a robot that looks like a human being.
The word was first coined by John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) in his book “A System of Logic” (1843). He said:
“Let us conceive a machine as nearly resembling a human being as possible in outward shape and motion, but constructed of metal and possessed of no other faculties than those which would enable it to walk, handle materials and perform particular operations.”
Later it was used by playwriter, Karel Capek (1890-1938) who is credited with inventing the word “robot” in his play “R.U.R.” (1920).
The Ancient Greeks gave us the first concept of an android or human like creature they called Beast (thēríon) and ‘αὐτῷ (autō),’ meaning “He, she, it, they, them” and use of the “third person, and of the other persons.”
So when we read Beast, we understand that this represents a person, and I contend it is from the Greek word ‘αὐτῷ (autō), where we get the word automatic and the adjective to describe a person who acts like a robot as an “automaton.”
The word “automaton” is the Latinization of the Greek αὐτόματον, automaton, meaning “acting of one’s own will”. The Hellenistic world’s automata were intended as tools, toys, religious spectacles, or prototypes for demonstrating basic scientific principles.
A person who is an automaton acts like a Beast because they would be similar to the meaning, which is “a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.”
These philosophical teachings of the Greeks became part of our Bibles. For example, in the New Testament, the Greek Beast (thēríon) and ‘αὐτῷ (autō) is derived from the Hebrew word behamah, which means “human-animal” or, more appropriately, a “stupid or ignorant person”.
These people who he called androids would act fake and appear to be good humans. But they were wearing what he called a “Devil’s mask.”
Dick wrote;
“My theme for years in my writing has been, “The devil has a metal face.” Perhaps this should be amended now.
What I glimpsed and then wrote about was in fact not a face; it was a mask over a face. And the true face is the reverse of the mask.
Of course it would be. You do not place fierce cold metal over fierce cold metal. You place it over soft flesh, as the harmless moth adorns itself artfully to terrorize others with ocelli.
This is a defensive measure, and if it works, the predator returns to his lair grumbling, “I saw the most frightening creature in the sky — wild grimaces and flappings, stingers and poisons.”
His kin are impressed. The magic works.
I had supposed that only bad people wore frightening masks, but you can see now that I fell for the magic of the mask, its dreadful frightening magic, its illusion. I brought the deception and fled.
I wish know to apologize for preaching that deception to you as something genuine: I’ve had you all sitting around the campfire with our eyes wide with alarm as I tell tales of the hideous monsters I encountered; my voyage of discovery ended in terrifying visions which I dutifully carried home with me as I fled back to safety.
Safety from what? From something which, when the need was gone for concealment, smiled and revealed its harmlessness.
Now I do not intend to abandon my dichotomy between what I call “human” and what I call “android,” the latter being a cruel and cheap mockery of the former for base ends. But I had been going on surface appearances; to distinguish the categories more cunning is required.
For if a gentle, harmless life conceals itself behind a frightening war-mask, then it is likely that behind gentle and loving masks there can conceal itself a vicious slayer of men’s souls.
In neither case can we go on surface appearance; we must penetrate to the heart of each, to the heart of the subject.
Probably everything in the universe serves a good end — I mean, it serves the universe’s goals.
But intrinsic portions or subsystems can be takers of life. We must deal with them as such, without reference to their role in the total structure.
In the era Philip K. Dick had lived, there was widespread panic in the U.S. about artificial intelligence and computers taking over our lives and the world.
His books and stories that also became movies like Total Recall seemed to fuel fear rather than abate it.
Dick often described himself as being paranoid.
The Sepher Yezirah, a Cabbalist text, “The Book of Creation,” which is almost 2,000 years old, tells us:
“God has also set the one over agaist the other; the good against the evil, and the evil against the good; the good proceeds from the good, and the evil from the evil; the good purifies the bad, and the bad the good; the good is preserved for the good, and the evil for the bad ones.”
Underlying the two game-players there is God, who is neither and both.
The effect of the game is that both players become purified. Thus, the ancient Hebrew monotheism, so superior to our own view.
We are creatures in a game with our affinities and aversions predetermined for us — not by blind chance but by patient, foresighted engramming systems which we dimly see.
Were we to see them clearly, we would abolish the game. Evidently that would not serve anyone’s interests.
We must trust these tropisms, and anyhow we have no choice — not until the tropisms lift. And under certain circumstances they can and do.
And at that point, much is clear which previously was occluded from us, intentionally.”
Among the examples of androids in the modern world, Dick sees the unethical and immoral behavior of the German Nazi’s and the police state in which he predicts a future where we would all live in a surveillance society.
A future that today many of us are living in as a fact.
Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) is one of the most celebrated science fiction writers of the 21st century.
He published 44 novels and 121 short stories in his lifetime and his books have been adapted into video games, television shows, and films including Total Recall, Minority Report, Blade Runner, The Man in the High Castle, and A Scanner Darkly.
Dick was an American who has been described as a Gnostic, a countercultural figure, a philosopher — and at the same time, he’s been called crazy and a drug addict. For example, he admitted that almost every book he wrote was done under the influence of amphetamines (Meth or Speed).
But as with many of the world’s greatest thinkers, a touch of madness and personal life issues are no reason to throw this authentic baby out with the dirty bathwater.
As was the case with Phillip K. Dick (PKD).
Dick once described all his novels as books that “try to pierce the veil of what is only apparently real to find out what is really real.”
And that is exactly what he did, which I believe has made him one of the greatest modern Gnostic thinkers of our time.
One of Dick’s most famous Gnostic theories was that of the Black Iron Prison (BIP), which he described as an invisible complex life form (organism) that was a criminal virus and was self perpetuating.
Its human representatives were the Roman Empire, which he claims never ended, they just went underground.
According to Dick, the Black Iron Prison was not just a living parasitical organism that could commandeer our minds and bodies to make us its puppets, it also had also managed to weave its filamental web into a totalitarian world government ruled by an elite consisting of powerful corporations and individuals who have enslaved most of humanity for thousands of years.
Think of the Black Iron Prison as a synonymous term to the Matrix to describe our world and the hidden realities which govern it as it exists today.
Dick shares through his many novels and his own personal story about being a prisoner trapped within it.
In 1974, while Dick was recovering from the after-effects of prescription drugs for the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth, he received a home delivery of his meds from a beautiful young woman.
When he opened the door, he was awestruck by the dark-haired girl’s beauty, and was especially fascinated by her golden necklace with fish-shaped design.
He asked her what it meant, and as she was leaving, she replied: “This is a sign used by the early Christians.”
Dick called the symbol the “vesicle pisces”.
After the mysterious woman had departed, Dick began experiencing strange hallucinations.
Dick said that the sunlight reflected off the gold pendant, forming a “pink beam” of light that mesmerized him as if it imparted some special wisdom and clairvoyance, and he also believed it to be intelligent. On another occasion, he claimed that the pink beam gave him information that his infant son was ill. He rushed his son to the hospital, where the illness was confirmed by a doctor.
Dick spoke of it as a revelatory event that made him sane. He told Charles Platt:
“I experienced an invasion of my mind by a transcendentally rational mind, as if I had been insane all my life and suddenly I had become sane.”
Carl Jung’s Influence on Dick
Dick said that his thinking and much of his work was heavily influenced by the writings of fellow Gnostic, Carl Jung. It was his thirst for this secret knowledge that had drawn him to Jung’s writings.
“I was reading Jung in the forties when the only book of his in the U.S. was, Modern Man In Search Of A Soul,” [1933] he wrote Patricia Warrick in 1980. “I bought one later book and tried to translate it. I went to the library at U. C. Berkeley and read their translations.
They had translated only the introduction… a few mimeographed pages. Pat, I felt such a hunger for knowledge,” Dick wrote. (pp. 202-203)
His former wife, Anne R. Dick, wrote in the Search for Philip K. Dick;
“About this time [1961] I started reading some of Carl Jung’s writings. Dorothy Hudner had been deeply influenced by Jung’s works, and when she heard about my interest she sent us one of the beautiful Bollingen editions. Both Phil and I read it and soon acquired and read the whole set….Phil studied Jung’s volumes Alchemy Symbols of Transformation in the Mass.
He was interested in Jung’s idea that a new world religion would soon arise, a religion based upon a quarternity instead of a trinity. The fourth force will be, Jung said, the force now regarded as demonic.
This statement had a big influence on Phil.” (p. 60)
@ 103:40 Dick talks about Jung….
The Black Iron Prison’s Most Wanted Crusader
For Phillip K. Dick, the Roman Empire was not only real and still alive, he was a wanted man by its enforcers who wished to silence him.
In a 1977 interview, he claimed that he was followed by the police and that the US government had broken into his home, stealing his work. Dick said;
“As far as my reputation in the United States, I don’t expect ever to have any reputation in the United States except, well, the police once told me that I was a crusader, and they had no use for crusaders.
But unfortunately they didn’t tell me what I was crusading for. I was afraid to ask,
“But what was I a crusader for?”
And they told me that if I did not get out of the county I would be shot in the back, or worse, some night. And I merely took their advice. I left the United States and went to Canada for a while.
But I never found out what I was crusading for. It may have had something to do with my writing. It may have had something to do with my lifestyle, or a combination of both.
But I was too afraid of the police to ask what it was that I was doing.”
Dick stated, “It is impossible to tell how much of our fears were justified. I mean, there were illegal entries, my house was broken into, my files were blown open, my papers were stolen.
We never found out who did it. My attorney said it was the government.
There was no doubt that it was the government. But what they were looking for, I don’t know.
What they thought I was doing, I don’t know. I don’t even know if it was the government. But there were many such illegal entries.” He said.
Later in the interview, Dick claims that CIA and FBI agents were watching his every move – surveiling his home and opening his mail. He said that he even saw his own CIA and FBI files proving so;
“In March of ’74 the CIA operation CHAOS, which was to harass, disrupt and keep surveillance on American dissidents was officially abandoned. So the kind of paranoia which Michel Demuth noted, which was real, was based on the fact that we were harassed, we were under surveillance.
We really were.
There was no doubt about it whatsoever. I’ve seen my CIA file. I’ve seen my FBI file under The Freedom Of Information Act. I was legally allowed to see both files.
The CIA opened my mail. The FBI had a file on me. I’ve seen both,” Dick said.
“I no longer have the sense of the police activity. It depends a little on what you mean by paranoia.
If you mean a psychotic conviction that you are being persecuted, which is not in accord with reality, I don’t think I had that. But, boy, I sure thought the cops were watching everything I did.
And I was correct. I was tipped off by the criminal underground that my house was being watched.
The license plate numbers of every car that stopped in front of my house was taken. And these were not part of my imagination, these were actual events.
Anyone who visited me, their license plate number was written down by the people next door. And I was told that the house was being watched, and eventually that my house would be hit, my files would be opened, my papers would be taken, and so it came to pass.
As I said in the Rolling Stone article on me, when I came home and found my house consisting of nothing but rubble, ruins, chaos, broken windows, smashed doorknobs, blown open files, I said, “Thank God, I’m not crazy. I have real enemies.”
It’s a tremendous relief to discover that somebody really is after me.”
In his book The Penultimate Truth, Dick describes a society in which the Empire rules over time until they control all aspects of human life – from birth to death.
In this world, life has become meaningless and people are confined to small rooms where they spend their lives watching a screen that shows them images of the past, so that they can have at least some illusion of freedom.
In Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, for example, he describes an Earth where many people have emigrated to Mars, leaving behind an overpopulated planet full of poverty and crime.
Apparently, Elon Musk is a Dick fan. In 2016, he said he wanted to build a rocket capable of taking people to Mars and supporting a permanent city on the planet.
In another novel, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Dick describes a future where Earth has been transformed into a commercialized planet run by megacorporations who use drugs to control their customers’ minds.
A world that sounds very much like what we see today with massive pharmaceutical companies who have sovereign status and are pulling in billions of dollars as the Empire requires vaccine mandates for its prisoners citizens to travel and work.
Solar Lottery, 1955.
A Handful of Darkness (short stories), 1955.
The World Jones Made, 1956.
The Man Who Japed, 1956.
Eye in the Sky, 1957.
The Cosmic Puppets, 1957.
The Variable Man (5 short novels), 1957.
Time Out of Joint, 1959.
Dr. Futurity, 1960.
Vulcan’s Hammer, 1960.
The Man in the High Castle, 1962.
The Game-Players of Titan, 1963.
Martian Time-Slip, 1964.
The Simulacra, 1964.
Clans of the Alplhane Moon, 1964.
The Penultimate Truth, 1964.
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, 1965.
Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got A long after the Bomb, 1965.
Now Wait for Last Year, 1966.
The Crack in Space, 1966.
The Unteleported Man, 1966.
Counter-Clock World, 1967.
The Zap Gun, 1967.
The Ganymede Takeover (with Ray Nelson), 1967.
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, 1968.
The Preserving Machine (short stories), 1969.
Galactic Pot-Healer, 1969.
Ubik, 1969.
Our Friends from Frolix 8, 1970.
A Maze of Death, 1971.
We Can Build You, 1972.
The Book of Philip K. Dick (short stories), 1973.
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, 1974.
Confessions of a Crap Artist, 1975.
A Scanner Darkly, forthcoming.
Deus Irae (with Roger Zelazny), forthcoming.
Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
“Invisible threads are the strongest ties.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Many great philosophers and theologians have said that we are all connected with each other and with the world around us. A type of metaphysical network that connects humans with each other, the earth, and even time.
Like the German philosopher and mystic, Novalis wrote; “We are more closely connected to the invisible than to the visible.”
And the occultist and magician, John Dee once said; “The message is that all things are connected. We have animal aspects, anthropological aspects, plant-animal aspects.”
In my own search for these invisible connections, I asked;
“What are these invisible connections that makes us connected to one another and the earth?” And “Is our connectedness part of just being human, or is there some type of physical or biological cause outside of us that we can identify as the source?”
Today, I believe that these invisible connections of Neitzche can be measured and quantified like never before in history.
For example, we know that humans have the ability to produce various invisible frequencies (vibrations/waves) that create a type of electrical force or energy signature that science has been able to identify. In science, they are called brain waves with five frequencies belonging to beta, alpha, theta, delta, and gamma waves.
“There are four brainwave states that range from the high amplitude, low frequency delta to the low amplitude, high frequency beta. These brainwave states range from deep dreamless sleep to high arousal.
The same four brainwave states are common to the human species. Men, women and children of all ages experience the same characteristic brainwaves.
They are consistent across cultures and country boundaries.”
When you understand the science of how the brain and thinking operate and couple that with earth biology, you then understand how our world and civilization were created. They are created by humans in beta brain states who are all engaged in constructive interference with their energy and ideas.
These are the leading philosophers, theoligians, and scientists who fill the pages of our history and text books and have become immortal by default as a result of the quality of their thinking and ideas.
Their brains are firing electrons and creating beta energy wave patters that permeate the space around them that can now be seen using special instruments like EEG (Electroencephalography) machines that capture brain waves and record the electrogram of the electrical activity on the scalp. They are also measured with a method called Electrocorticography (Intracranial EEG).
These machines capture the spontaneous electrical activity and neural oscillations or the brain waves by placing numerous electrodes on the scalp of a person.
The neural oscillations or pattern of the brain waves changes based on if the person is thinking or not thinking and the emotion a person experiences at that point.
Humans who truly think are in beta and high frequency gamma brain states.
This is seen on an EKG as if their brains are on fire.
This phenomenon in the esoteric is known as a person who is truly enlightened or illuminated and the light that emanates from their being is called an “aura.”
In the Christian religion, these beta brain waves are known by the symbol of the “halo.”
“There are four categories of these brainwaves, ranging from the most activity to the least activity. When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves.
These beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are the fastest of the four different brainwaves. The frequency of beta waves ranges from 15 to 40 cycles a second. Beta waves are characteristics of a strongly engaged mind.
A person in active conversation would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work.”
Ideas that I theorize become larger (waves) and realized into civilization (i.e. the World Soul/Noosphere) as more people participate with their own ideas.
I believe that within the Noosphere, there are smaller spheres i.e. Metaverses of knowledge and ideas that are correlated to their categories of thinking whether it be for example – philosophy, science, theology or even sports.
My theory is supported by science. As I discussed in my previous essay, Science Proves We Are Human Batteries Powering the Matrix, according to Science Daily, researchers at Radboud University the Netherlands reported that brain circuits can tune into the frequency of other brain parts relevant at the time like a radio with different stations. They reported that animals (and humans alike) have a mental map of the surrounding environment, consisting of place cells.
These cells correspond with places in the physical space and fire when the animal reaches the place or remembers it. The brain area representing the mental map synchronizes with these frequencies like a radio receiver: it is only tuning into the information that is important at a given time..”
We can say that the leading thinkers and ideas are riding the proverbial wave of constructive ideas that span the test of time.
As they should since this energy is immortal.
According to Scientific American;
“Electrical activity emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves. There are four categories of these brainwaves, ranging from the most activity to the least activity. When the brain is aroused and actively engaged in mental activities, it generates beta waves.
These beta waves are of relatively low amplitude, and are the fastest of the four different brainwaves.
The frequency of beta waves ranges from 15 to 40 cycles a second. Beta waves are characteristics of a strongly engaged mind. A person in active conversation would be in beta. A debater would be in high beta. A person making a speech, or a teacher, or a talk show host would all be in beta when they are engaged in their work.”
This is interesting because when you study human history and more importantly, the history of good ideas and philosophies, you begin to see a pattern with how good philosophies, ideas, and science stand the test of time to become immortal.
All the while, bad philosophies, bad ideas, and junk science, which easily out number the good are eventually rejected as if they are mortal and often DOA (dead on arrival).
These bad ideas I contend become destructive interference when they do not align with the good ideas of constructive interference. As a result, the the good ideas, our energy waves of constructive interference become larger and cancel out the bad ideas using destructive interference.
This concept works very similar to the technology found in noise canceling headphones. Noise canceling headphones use destructive interference to minimize noise. These headphones have a microphone and detect external sounds and produce sound waves that are out of phase with the incoming sound to decrease its intensity.
I contend that like noise canceling headphones, humans are able to discard, cancel, or reject bad ideas to decrease their intensity and influence. These bad ideas eventually are forgotten because the waves that created them become smaller and smaller.
All humans produce invisible waves and forces of different frequencies depending on our health, mindset, and thinking, or lack thereof. Science can now use various instruments and technologies to measure them as mind or brain waves, like the waves of our coronary heart muscle contracting on an EKG.
The definition of interference is when two wavessuperpose to form a resultant wave of greater, lower, or the same amplitude. Interference effects can be observed with all types of waves, such as light, radio, acoustic, surface water waves, gravity waves, or matter waves.
So when two waves combine and form a wave bigger than they were before, we call it constructive interference.
When two waves with the same frequency traveling in the same direction: are at the same place at the same time, the amplitudes of the waves simply add together. The resulting interaction of waves becomes correlated or coherent with each other, which means they are constructive.
When the waves are of different wavelengths, as one being up and the other down at the same time, it results in destructive interference. This occurs when identical waves meet that are completely out of sync because it cancels the signal frequency and the amplitude to zero.
Here are two diagrams showing this science.
Almost everyone has experienced constructive interference via our experiences in public situations and in our relationships where we have felt a connection.
In math, the equation of constructive interference is observed in two positives equaling a positive, while adding a positive sign to a negative always equates to a negative or destructive interference.
We sense that we are completely unconnected to a certain place or with particular people that we come in contact with. This normally results in an inner feeling of not belonging, being an outsider, and not being able to get along with some people whose wavelengths are the opposite to our own.
This can also be compared to when you are enjoying yourself or in a good mood where “your energy is right”, which means you are acting in a constructive way. Then, all of a sudden, there is a fight between people.
It is as if almost immediately, you feel the destructive interference of the negative energy (waves) and your stomach gets that bad feeling where it signals that something is wrong and your heart will start to race placing you in fight or flight mode.
You see, your positive energy, i.e., constructive energy had come into contact with their negative energy, which automatically placed you within their destructive interference field. The resulting equation is now that you are now part of the destructive interference energy waves by default.
This can even happen when you are watching a video of people fighting because the mannerisms and words are conveying the destructive interference through the medium of the internet or TV. That is why it is best to change the channel or look at other videos that display constructive interference.
It is akin to being stuck in a rip current in the ocean. There is no way to avoid being sucked into the rip current, you just need to know how to identify them, how to avoid them and learn how to swim away from the rip current to get to calmer waters.
Hence, understand what bad energy, bad vibes and people are and do everything you can to avoid them and if you get stuck within their destructive energy fields, remove yourself from their company as soon as possible and do not let them affect or influence you.
What you are doing is making your way back to constructive interference through removing yourself from this situation. Then consciously think positive about the experience, and continue as you were without letting the incident alter your positivity permanently.
I believe these may be the invisible threads in the form of energy waves that Neitzsche and other philosophers were speaking of. These waves create connections with other people depending on whether they are positive or negative, which then creates communities and metaverses in each sphere.
You will know them by their fruits (constructive/positive/creators) or their lack thereof (destructive/negative/uncreative).
Constructive interference is what creates most of the world around us and also what I believe helps create what has been called the World Soul by Plato and more recently, the Noosphere of Vladimir Vernadsky and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. . I theorize that human constructive interference creates waves (human energy that is electric) that vibrate horizontally creating invisible crystalized phosphoric dodecahedrons, which contain ideas and information.
When we use our minds in a positive and truly creative fashion, we are using constructive interference which creates the Noosphere.
Energy patterns that exist in time and space outside of humans, history, and above the earth plane. Although they are created by humans via our thoughts, words and actions due to constructive interference, they become eternal.
This is why I believe Plato said all learning is remembering and I contend that all human energy sources i.e. good ideas and creations are renewable. Meaning they can be tested, used and brought back to life no matter the time in history and can be applied to each race and culture on earth.
The earth is powered by two sources of energy: an internal source (the decay of radioactive elements in the geosphere, which generates geothermal heat) and an external source (the solar radiation received from the Sun).
I believe destructive interference is connected to the earth’s biosphere and is magnetic. It governs “destructive energy” which is temporary by default through our gastrointestinal tracts, i.e. our second brains. This relates to our basic human gut instincts and animal like behaviors.
This is the abyss. The place of decay and rot.
A natural process of the earth to weed out the unfit whether it be their very being or their bad ideas.
Nature’s trash can.
Where do these waves, energy and frequencies come from?
Whether it is human energy, sunlight, radio transmitters, X-rays or the internet, electromagnetic radiation is always produced in the same way. It all comes from electrons that gain and lose energy which create various wave patterns depending on the source and the facts are that every bit of matter in the universe emits electromagnetic radiation, including you.
For example, the heat within our body is mainly produced by various chemicals such as phosphorus, which is a form of light and heat source that creates energy that is called infrared radiation. When you are more active, mentally and physically, you create more waves and energy that emit constantly as ambient heat, also known as body heat.
We can use what is called a thermal reader or camera to observe this phenomenon. Even when a person steps on a cold surface such as tile or carpet, they leave a footprint of energy behind that remains for several minutes.
So you’re actually emitting higher energy radiation right now than your remote control or microwave oven.
In 2018, the Scientific American published an article, “The Hippies Were Right: It’s All About Vibrations, Man!” , where they spoke about the frequencies that underlie matter that appear to cause life to spontaneous self-organize.
“All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating,” Hunt writes. “Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. Resonance is a type of motion, characterized by oscillation between two states. And ultimately all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields.”
When different oscillating things are close together for a time, they begin to vibrate in sync. That applies to neurons in brains, fireflies gathering, the Moon and Earth, and much more. This phenomenon is called “spontaneous self-organization.”
“Literally every life form and every speck of dust down to the smallest subatomic particle is influenced by the world through the various forces that act upon it. An electron is influenced by charged particles close enough to have an impact, and from objects that exert a gravitational pull—and the electron behaves accordingly.
To exist, to be in the universe, means that every particle in the universe feels some pull and push from the various forces around it—otherwise it simply doesn’t exist. Thus, the electron perceives, as I have defined this term, and the electron is a subject.
What humans have is a “macro-consciousness.” But that more complex awareness that gives us our rich sense of self, the experience of existence, Hunt argues, is based on “a shared resonance among many micro-conscious constituents.” Basically, all of the relatively simple vibrations and oscillations that occur individually in various physical aspects of the brain, working together, become extremely complex and provide our self-awareness.
“The speed of the resonant waves that are present is the limiting factor that determines the size of each conscious entity,” Hunt writes. “As a shared resonance expands to more and more constituents, the particular conscious entity grows larger and more complex.”
This resonance theory of consciousness tries to provide a unified framework for understanding mind and matter that includes neuroscience, the study of human consciousness or subjective experience, neurobiology, and biophysics. It offers an explanation for the differing degrees of consciousness in various physical systems.
“It is all about vibrations, but it’s also about the type of vibrations and, most importantly, about shared vibrations,” Hunt argues.
Gnostic Warrior Conclusion
Synchronization is a kind of physical communication between humans that leads to spontaneous self-organization.
This explains how educated people whether they are philosophers, theologians, or scientists tend to congregate with like minded people in their respective crafts. While, those members of the human family who do not participate in this highly evolved world of ideas are the beneficiaries who carry out the administrative functions to create and build civilization.
As if they are of one collective mind, but each brain brings different or new ideas to the table that become accepted. becoming immortal, while the rejected ideas seem to die and decay.
These accepted ideas and knowledge create what I believe are Metaverses within the Noosphere.
Little worlds of separate consciousnesses within the “collective world mind.”
That is why we each experience the world differently from each other and separately from other people, animals, and insects. As if our creator had intended for each being to be somewhat different by using their minds and bodies in their own unique ways so one’s evolution is not stopped by anothers devolutionary ways.
These ideas that die and decay would be a type of destructive interference of the mind and human civilization via bad ideas that are rejected by our fellow peers – past, present and future.
These ideas do not make it into the light of other minds and our text and history books, which means they are not part of the Noosphere.
They may start out as big waves at first, but over time they become smaller and smaller.
The path of rejected ideas that are on the waves of destructive interference.
Instead of being constructive surfers on the ocean of immortal life by finding and riding the Traditional Beta and Gamma Waves of those enlightened beings who have surfed the light before, they choose the wrong surf spot with killer waves and sharks.
A miscalculation of the importance of Tradition and the truth that has already been established. A critical and mortal error in thinking.
This leads to the Metasphere of the dark abyss where bad ideas synchronize for eternity decaying into a oceanic hell.
As for me, I choose the immortal wave honoring the Traditions and ideas of those great philosophers and esotericists who have gone before.
In a sense, I’m joining the greatest surfing philosophers of all time who are riding the brainwaves of Gnosis that never end.
Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
The simulation hypothesis claims that we are living in a simulated reality.
A number of prominent figures, including Phillip K. Dick, Elon Musk, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Freeman Dyson, and Stephen Hawking, have expressed their belief that we may be living in a computer simulation.
The word to simulate means to give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive: to imitate, pretend, or counterfeit.
The computer simulation theory centers around humans being able to create computers that are so powerful they can simulate entire universes — maybe even entire universes full of sentient beings (us).
One way to do this would be by creating a computer program that runs on an extremely powerful machine and simulates an entire universe inside it.
In other words: if we can create such a program, then perhaps someone else has already done it.
It’s an idea that has been explored in science fiction for years — with writers such as Philip K. Dick and the hit movie, The Matrix being perhaps the most famous example.
The first person to claim we were living in a simulated reality was the American writer Philip K. Dick.
Dick was also famous for describing that we live in a Black Iron Prison.
An oppressive society where people are controlled by machines. He believed that technological advances had created huge corporations which were run for profit rather than for people’s benefit. This made it difficult for ordinary people to make their voices heard when things went wrong.
In The Matrix: Reloaded (2003) and The Matrix Revolutions (2003), the main character of the film, Neo (Keanu Reeves), discovers that he is actually living in a virtual reality simulation when he meets Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), who introduces him to an alternative reality called “the real world.”
He learns that humanity is enslaved by sentient machines that used their control of human minds through computer technology to take over the world and keep humans docile in a virtual reality world called “the Matrix”.
Neo is a hacker who has been chosen to be a part of a resistance movement against intelligent machines that have enslaved humanity.
In this world, humans are connected to bio-electrical energy sources called “batteries” that keep them alive while their minds are trapped in virtual reality worlds created by machines.
Simulated realities are no longer a subject just for movies and has become a serious topic of discussion among philosophers and scientists.
A number of prominent figures, including Elon Musk, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Freeman Dyson and Stephen Hawking, have expressed their belief that we may be living in a computer simulation.
Stephen Hawking recently told the BBC:
“We are increasingly doing everything through computers. So it seems to me that’s very likely.”
Neil deGrasse Tyson said the odds of our universe being a simulated reality were 50/50. He used the large intelligence gap between chimpanzees and humans despite the fact we share 98 percent DNA, stating that a being many times our intelligence could both exist and potentially run simulations.
During a recent podcast interview with Joe Rogan, Elon Musk was asked if he thought we were living in a computer simulation. “Given the current acceleration of technology and innovation, I think it’s very likely,” Musk responded.
Musk said “If you assume any rate of improvement at all, games will eventually be indistinguishable from reality” before concluding “that it’s most likely we’re in a simulation.”[
Musk then went on to say that there could be millions — or even billions — of levels of reality above us, each with its own simulations. In other words, we could be living in one of the many simulations at this very moment.
“The strongest argument for us being in a simulation probably is the following,” Musk explained. “40 years ago we had Pong – two rectangles and a dot.” He continued:
“Now, 40 years later, we have photorealistic 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously, and it’s getting better every year. And soon will be indistinguishable from reality,” he said.
In 2016, Oxford University philosopher and director of the Future of Humanity Institute, Nick Bostrom published a paper titled “Are You Living In a Computer Simulation?” arguing that we are more likely to be living in a simulation than not — and that we’ll know if this is the case by 2045.
Bostrom suggests that humans may be living in an artificial universe that was created by our descendants as a simulation.
He argues that simulations are an inevitable byproduct of technological advancement and could be used to study things like climate change or nuclear war without the risk to real people or property.
Bostrom also believes that human civilization will eventually reach a point where these simulations are indistinguishable from reality — an event he calls the “simulation singularity.”
He explains that there are four reasons to believe we live in a simulation:
1. “The fraction of human-level civilizations that reach a posthuman stage is very close to zero;”
2.”It is not impossible to run a great many such simulations;”
3.”We’re unlikely to be near the bottom of the curve; for example, when it comes to our current understanding of physics and cosmology, we have already reached quite high levels;”
4.”If we do live in a simulation, it will be far from unique. In fact, there will almost certainly be many simulated ‘trains’ running around in parallel universes right now.”
The reason for this increased interest is that many scientists believe we’re approaching an era when computers will be able to simulate reality so well that they will run simulations indistinguishable from the real world (something called “the technological singularity”).
If this happens, it would make sense that our reality could be just one of many simulated realities — and maybe not even the best one available.
These ideas come from a branch of physics called quantum mechanics, which deals with how subatomic particles behave at very small scales (for example, electrons can spin both clockwise and counterclockwise at once).
Quantum mechanics shows that our world is much stranger than we thought possible — there are many things happening at once that we cannot directly observe.
The Simulation Hypothesis by Rizwan Virk, a renowned MIT computer scientist and Silicon Valley video game designer, is the first serious book to explain one of the most daring and consequential theories of our time.
Virk argues that we are living in a simulated universe — a digital realm created by advanced posthumans. If true, this means we are living in a giant computer simulation, where our entire lives are just algorithms running on some advanced alien supercomputer.
He shows how the simulation hypothesis can be investigated using science, from quantum physics to neuroscience to artificial intelligence.
Virk explains how our universe could be a simulation running on a supercomputer in another universe or even another dimension; how we might detect such a simulation; and how humans could break out of it if it exists.
Gnostic Warrior Conclusion
What if we’re all living in a simulation?
It’s an interesting thought experiment to ask whether or not we live in a simulation.
If it’s possible to simulate a world that’s indistinguishable from reality, then, well, it’s likely we’re already inside one.
The idea is that right now or at some point in the future, our world and the events happening within it are controlled and manipulated by some type of secret cabal, aliens or computers.
As I said above, the word to simulate means to give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive: to imitate, pretend, or counterfeit.
Quite possibly everything we are taught is a script to control our feeble minds from birth to death, and our politicians and the media are just puppets who are given talking points to propagandize our thoughts.
In this simulated world, people who we think are our politicians and media are just well-paid liars who pretend to have our best interests at heart.
Counterfeits of the real thing manipulating our reality through our laws and media.
Many people we see on the street would copy the characteristics, looks and even the morals and ethics of their favorite celebrities, bands, and famous people.
Creating an entire new metaverse with hordes of clones, androids, and soulless people,
Vast swaths of the adult population will be hooked on alcohol and or using drugs (illegal and prescription) altering their personalities, and lives.
All the while, the youth would be immersed online in video games and mobile phone apps that took up all their attention and time.
Some of their parents would drug them to alter their reality and change their behaviors.
Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
That thou shalt set apart unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD’s. – Exodus 13:12
The Scripture tells us about a specific substance in the invisible realm that also creates the visible called the matrix. It is connected to the abyss and governed by the LORD.
Webster’s Dictionary describes it as a type of womb or cavity in which anything is formed, and which gives it shape; a die; a mold, as for the face of a type. The lifeless portion of tissue, either animal or vegetable, that is situated between the cells; the intercellular substance.
The Greek translation relates it to the word, koilia, which means belly or womb. From the word koilos, meaning hollow, a cavity, or the abdomen. The Phoenician Hebrew word used is rechem, which also means womb.
These ancient teachings were conceptualized in our modern world with the advent of the popular movie called “The Matrix.”
In the movie, one of the lead characters named Morpheus explains that everything about ‘normal’ life is replicated within the simulation called The Matrix. The ‘Birthing’ within the Matrix is a global program that mimics the conditions of childbirth.
For example, when a man and woman are having sex, the machine simply captures the sperm seed and uses it to impregnate another woman who gives birth to a baby she falsely thinks is her own. Once the baby is born, the machine takes tit away to be grown in a pod and is plugged into the Matrix and its consciousness is transferred into the simulation.
From Morpheus, Neo learns that he was “the mental projection of your digital self.” The “real” sensory world “is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.”
In ancient Greek mythology, Morpheus was the Greek god of dreams, whose name literally means “he who forms, fashioner or molder.” Morpheus has the ability to change his own shape and manipulate reality, as well as the power to bewitch other people’s minds with dreams and fantasies.
In the Matrix movie, we are introduced to The Oracle, who is an intermediary between God and man. Over the Oracles kitchen door, she asks Neo if he knows what the Latin phrase means, “Temet Nosce.” He says he doesn’t know and she explains to him that it means in English, “Know Thyself.”
People could ask the Oracle questions and they would often get an answer in a riddle format that would be interpreted by the priests of Delphi.
The Latin version of Know Thyself is taken from the more Ancient Greek saying “gnothi seauton” which was one of the Delphic maxims inscribed upon the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and came from Luxor Egypt, according to the Greek writer Pausanias.
The Gnostic concept of the Matrix can also be found in the teachings of the demiurge. Plato, writing in approximately 360 BC, is the first philosopher to bring forth the concept of the Demiurge (Matrix) which was derived from the “Platonic theory of creation out of primordial matter.”
In Timaeus, Plato continues the dialog as the character Timaeus with Socrates, in which he refers to the Demiurge as a benevolent entity who “fashioned and shaped” the material world which remains imperfect.
Plato’s cosmology of the “world-forming God” (Srjiuovpyos, demiurge) is the agent who takes the preexisting materials of chaos, arranges them intelligently according to the models of eternal forms, and produces all the physical things of the world, including human bodies formed or shaped out that which is not being, ie; space, “with regard to the Ideas.”
According to Timaeus, humans live on earth at the center of the cosmos, which he compares to one unique perfect cosmic organism, in whose image we have been created, and whose nature and destiny have been ordained by unseen forces from eternity.
Plato’s Demiurge became the foundation of the natural philosophical concept called Organicism, which views the universe and its parts as an organic living organism based on the Ancient Greek view that the world is orderly and alive.
The concept of Plato’s demiurge and the Matrix is also found in Scripture via the teachings of The LORD. The LORD is the Almighty One, governing all creatures, guiding all events, commanding all powers both heavenly and earthly, and ruling the whole history of humanity.
The LORD was also a supernatural force that worked through matter, animals, and even human bodies to become instruments or tools for God issuing punishments and rewards to people for their good or bad behaviors, often called sins. The “LORD of Hosts” can also make the earth melt, control people’s minds, make war, and bring devastation.
In Freemasonry, the Matrix, AKA the Demiurge is known as the “Great Architect of the Universe or G.A.O.T.U.” and the Masonic motto “ORDO AB CHAO,” meaning Order Out of Chaos.
Writing in the 16th century, the eminent German philosopher, Jacob Boehme explains that here is still a deeper source of things than this inward spiritual World, which is after all a manifested and organized World. Boehme states that which is before beginnings — the unoriginated Mother of all Worlds and of All that is, visible and invisible.
This infinite Mother of all births, this eternal Matrix, he calls the Ungrund, “Abyss,” or the “Great Mystery,” or the “Eternal Stillness.”
A place that is beyond beginnings, beyond time, beyond “nature,” and we can say nothing in the language of reason that is true or adequate. The eternal divine Abyss has its own origin and explanation; it presupposes nothing but itself; there is nothing beyond it, nothing outside it — there is, in fact, no “beyond” and “outside” — it is “neither near nor far off.”
Boehme states that “The good or evil that men do, by acts of will, enters into and forms the soul and so molds its permanent habitation.” He says:
“We should take heed and beget that which is good out of ourselves.
If we make an angel of ourselves we are that; if we make a devil of ourselves, we are that.”
Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
In this episode of the Gnostic Warrior Radio Show and Podcast, I have the pleasure of interviewing scholar and author, James Brantingham. James is the author of a new book called The Wisdom and The Holy Logos of God and several other books. This podcast was also done with my co-host, Miguel Conner of Aeon Byte Radio.
Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.